The imagined pain did not come.

But Eun didn't feel anything, not at all.

So after a while, she regained her composure, and then slowly opened her eyes.

When she saw Gu Nancheng, she was still holding the sniper rifle, but the boy was just smiling.

The smile is very shallow, but extraordinarily bright.

For Enen, such a smile is enough.

Gu Nancheng was actually laughing, this was more important than anything else.

And everything just now was just Gu Nancheng playing with her, he was actually playing with the children around him.

Because Enen heard the voice of the children, applauding, cheering, and saying to Gu Nancheng, "Brother, you are amazing, you are amazing!"

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, Gu Nancheng was not a child at heart, he just couldn't stand the persuasion and was teaching children how to shoot.

Enen sighed, and walked towards Gu Nancheng again. Gu Nancheng handed the gun to the little boy beside him, but he didn't know what to say to the little boy with his head down. Said to Gu Nancheng, "Thank you brother!"

Then Enen saw that after Gu Nancheng stroked the little boy's hair, he also walked towards her.

Both of them walked towards each other.

Step by step, the distance is getting closer and closer, until they are at each other's side.

Enen raised her small face, looked at Gu Nancheng's flawless face, and said with a smile, "Gu Nancheng, why did you come here to play?"

"I searched everywhere before but couldn't find you. I thought you left me alone. You didn't know. You almost didn't scare me to death. Fortunately, I was patient and found you here."

Gu Nancheng didn't want to come here at first, but just wanted to wait for Enen over there, but he didn't know the reason, probably because he was in a bad mood, or he didn't want to disturb them, so he came to this place by accident, playing with the children, Even here, I found a trace of innocence that I had never seen before.

The immature face of the child will always give him some distress and care inexplicably, and then facing the request of the child, he really has no way to refuse, so he is here with them, teaching them to shoot, and accompanying them Shooting, seeing their innocent smiles without any blemishes, hearing their innocent voices, and their expectant expressions, Gu Nancheng had no reason to refuse.

But at this moment, En En appeared in front of him, seeing the face he wanted to see, it was still so familiar, and it moved his heart so much. Over the years, some things seemed to have never changed. In Nancheng's heart, there was a An indescribable joy, "I play with the children."

Enen saw it, and of course she knew that Gu Nancheng was playing with the children. She even liked Gu Nancheng's concentration and charm. This was the dream lover that Enen wanted, but all of this could only happen in dreams. There is no way to appear in reality, "Well, did you play with me then?"

Enen asked with a smile, Nancheng reached out and touched Enen's head and said, "The company is over."

"So can you spend the rest of your time with me?" Enen asked again.

During the time with Jiang Anqi, although Enen felt a lot of pressure, but because of this matter, Enen wanted Gu Nancheng even more.

It seems that only when this man is by his side can Enen feel at ease and feel safe.

"Then what do you want to do now?" The young man's voice was cold and indifferent, implying that he would accompany Enen to the end whatever he wanted to do. After all, it was the day before the exam, and Gu Nancheng wanted to give Enen enough time to relax, otherwise the pressure If it grows too big, Enen will only backfire.

As for why Gu Nancheng didn't ask about Enen's abnormality, and what Enen and Jiang Anqi said in the bathroom, it was probably because Gu Nancheng didn't want to know about topics that would embarrass him or Enen.

But he just wants to know what Enen is thinking, whether these thoughts have something to do with him, and what Enen wants to do now.

In the front, Nancheng restrained himself and would not ask, but in the latter part, Nancheng wanted to give Enen enough time to think about many things.

"I want to go home." Enen blurted out these four words quickly without thinking.

Enen really wants to go home. There is no falsehood in this sentence. During the time of confrontation with Jiang Anqi, Enen was really exhausted physically and mentally. Moreover, this shopping mall is so big. If Jiang Anqi is not sure, she dare not let it go. , Observing herself in secret, she felt too tired just thinking about it, so she didn't want such a thing to happen.

But the location of the shopping mall is here, so Enen naturally wants to run away.

"Go home?" Gu Nancheng naturally did not expect that Enen would say the word "go home", after all, she had a great time before.

I don't know if Jiang Anqi's appearance affected her mood.

Before Jiang Anqi was away, Enen was much happier. Jiang Anqi took Enen to the bathroom, and the two of them didn't know what they said. They always felt that Enen looked smiling, exactly the same as usual, there was no difference. However, it was a completely different attitude, at least compared to before, that smile seemed a lot more empty.

Enen nodded her head, "Well, go home, Gu Nancheng, I want to go home."

"There are too many people in the mall, I don't want to stay here any longer, and for me, going to the mall is meaningless, so I just want to go home, review with you, and prepare for tomorrow's senior high school entrance examination, so that I can Well, Gu Nancheng, I don't want to relax at all, I even feel that studying is more meaningful now, and what I'm doing at this moment is completely wasting my time."

En En is too abnormal, she had a great time playing before, and now she is shouting to go back. Of course, Nancheng knew that there was something abnormal, but Nancheng didn't mean to expose her. On the contrary, Nancheng was very cooperative. He even said very patiently, "Okay, if you don't want to play anymore and want to go back, then let's go back."

"But study, I still have to say that the most taboo thing is that there are exams, and we are still cramming. Since we have studied enough, even if we go back, we should rest and recharge our batteries. If necessary, you must focus on learning, Enen, you really have learned enough, you have to believe me."

Of course, Enen believes in Gu Nancheng. She said that she doesn't believe in studying, but she just wants to find an opportunity to spend time with Gu Nancheng alone, and has nothing to do with the others. "Then I will study for a while?"

Enen asked tentatively in a low voice. Nancheng's expression made Enen unable to see any change, "You want to learn? Do you have to learn?"

En En nodded her head, "I'm sure and sure!"

As long as she can get along with Gu Nancheng, Enen is happy no matter what, and is willing to do anything.

It's a pity that Enen overlooked the most important point. Now there is another person in Gu's family, a boy named Jiang Yifan, whom Enen used as a shield, but Gu Nancheng remembered clearly, and even thought of what Enen said before, He said angrily, "Then go back and let Jiang Yifan give you tuition."

"He and you are in the same class, and the explanations given by the same grade must be better than my elder brother who is a freshman, and they will be easier for you to accept."

Depend on!

Enen only realized at this time, why did she forget that there is someone like Jiang Yifan at home, of course, Enen, who has always been slow and stupid in terms of feelings, did not expect to come to this level, what Gu Nancheng said, Enen Fang came to his senses, "Gu Nancheng, stop making trouble!"

"I didn't mean to ask Jiang Yifan to give me tutoring!"

It's really enough, and I don't know why Gu Nancheng suddenly said such a sentence, is this a matter of urgency.

Besides, she didn't want Jiang Yifan to give her tutoring, what she wanted was Gu Nancheng, only one Gu Nancheng, but these things, these thoughts, Enen only dared to hide them in her heart instead of saying them out.

Of course, she didn't want Gu Nancheng to know.

"Isn't it? You said it yourself. Jiang Yifan is the same age as you, and the topics he talked about are easier for you to understand."

Gu Nancheng snorted coldly and said that Enen was convinced. Unexpectedly, Gu Nancheng was quite vengeful, and he would not let go of a word he said casually, "I'm just joking, you still hold on to it." Don't let it go, right? Gu Nancheng, do you have to talk about it for the rest of your life, huh?"

This might be Gu Nancheng's real thought, but Enen couldn't imagine it at all. She never expected that Gu Nancheng would really say this all his life, all his life.

Every time there is a quarrel, of course it is not when the quarrel is so severe, Gu Nancheng will always make such an outburst, and Enen's surprise at the beginning, refutation, and acceptance later has become natural.

"I'll just keep talking about it for the rest of my life." Gu Nancheng's voice was calm, as if he just said something casually, but no one knew, and he kept all these things firmly in his heart.

He remembers everything about Enen clearly and plainly, even if it's just some small things, but forgive him, if you remember, you remember, if you can't forget, you can't forget, it's that simple!

Enen's eyes widened in disbelief, "Gu Nancheng, is this really what you said?"

How dare you believe it? This somewhat arrogant tone would come from Gu Nancheng's mouth, but he has to believe that facts are facts.

"You don't care about me." Gu Nancheng spit out these words a little arrogantly, but after saying them, he seemed to regret it. He felt that he shouldn't have said such words, so he couldn't help but lower his face, "Go Bar."

In the blink of an eye, really in the blink of an eye, he returned to his usual indifference, as if nothing would make him feel any emotion.

"Where are you going?" Enen asked subconsciously.

Gu Nancheng gave her a blank look and said, "Go home, didn't you say you want to go home and review, let's go!"

Only then did En En realize that she nodded immediately, "Hui Hui Hui, I will return now, and I will return immediately."

She really wanted to leave this place of right and wrong, otherwise, if she met Jiang Anqi, she would not know what kind of words would come out of Jiang Anqi's mouth.

Jiang Anqi is not there now, but the mall is so small, who knows, besides, Enen has no sense of trust in Jiang Anqi at this moment.

Gu Nancheng walked in front, and Enen followed immediately. The two finally walked out of the shopping mall together, and then got into the car and went straight home.

None of them saw it. In fact, when they left, Jiang Anzhi also noticed the two brothers and sisters, and wanted to come forward, apologize for Jiang Anqi and Enen, and remind Enen to stay away from Jiang Anqi, and Jiang Anqi No matter what you say or do, I hope En En will not believe it.

But when Jiang Anzhi's footsteps have already moved towards the direction of the two of them, Jiang Anzhi's mind still couldn't help but see Jiang Anqi's humiliation, his cynicism for his liking for Enen, and the intimacy between Enen and Jiang Anqi With Wu Jian's appearance, Jiang Anzhi still hesitated, and then finally stopped in his tracks and did not follow.

He said to himself, Jiang Anzhi, it doesn't have to be now, just wait, when you and Enen have time to spend alone in the future, you will have time to talk about it.

Anyway, the future is still very long, you will have time sooner or later.

Jiang Anzhi kept comforting himself like this. In his sight, the figures of Enen and Gu Nancheng became farther and farther away, until they disappeared from sight without a trace. Jiang Anzhi looked peaceful and finally left. shopping mall.

When Enen and Nancheng returned home, it was just in time for dinner, and everyone in the family was there, including Gu Yebai.

Gu Yebai doesn't eat at home every day. Of course, Enen will take the high school entrance examination tomorrow. For Gu Yebai, his daughter's big event is naturally much more important than work. When I came back to accompany En En, when I saw En En getting off the car, the old father rushed up and said with emotion, "My baby, you are finally back, your father and I have been waiting for you at home for a long time Already!"

"Dad, why are you waiting for me at home?" Enen blinked with big eyes.

"It's not that you are going to take the high school entrance examination tomorrow, and your father is worried, so he came back to accompany you." Tang Guoer was the one who spoke, and she even gave En En a flick.

Enen screamed in pain, "It's just the high school entrance examination, it's not a big deal, don't you parents believe in your daughter's strength?"

These words are so arrogant, Tang Guoer and Gu Yebai looked at each other, to be honest, if it were before, the two of them would probably have laughed out loud, laughing at Enen for daring to speak so boldly, but now, With Enen's hard work and her rapid progress in her studies, the two of them dare not say such things anymore, let alone laugh at Enen.

Especially Tang Guoer, she has no qualifications at all, "Yes, yes, Enen is right, she only knows how to take the senior high school entrance examination, so don't be so nervous, and don't put so much pressure on the children, besides, Enen is now, all today It’s not what it used to be, I believe Enen will do it, as for Enen, don’t be impatient, your father also cares about you, how can a father not care about his daughter’s high school entrance examination!” (End of this chapter)