"Huh?" En En didn't know what to say, "What do you mean?"

What do you mean hold me?

Enen couldn't believe what she heard, what's holding me? Why never heard Gu Nancheng say this to her?

"I told you to hold my hand." Gu Nancheng repeated this sentence.

Only then did Enen understand, but she was still in a daze, because this was the first time Gu Nancheng said such words to her.

Although Enen always liked to hold Gu Nancheng's arm before, the difference from now is that it used to be natural, but now Gu Nancheng's tone is clearly commanding.

But even so, Enen did as he did, directly took Gu Nancheng's hand, and then asked a silly question, "Uh, is this okay?"

Nancheng didn't speak, just walked straight forward, and Enen also dragged forward directly, it was outrageous to open the door for outrageous mother, outrageous to get home this is.

But Jiang Yifan looked at their backs and followed them into the restaurant with a depressed face. To be honest, Jiang Yifan was the only rival in love who would do this. It doesn't matter, as long as he is willing to stay by Enen's side, he is willing to do anything, including becoming a light bulb.

Because he originally thought that Gu Nancheng, as Enen's elder brother, would not dare to be so blatant, but the fact is that Gu Nancheng was far bolder in front of her than he imagined. The person who doesn't want to move his mouth at all dares to say that he is holding my arm at this moment, and even really let Enen hold him, and then the two of them are in front, leaving him behind.

But the members of the Gu family didn't think much about it, because they have been in this family for so many years, they have always known the way the two brothers get along, and they have long been familiar with each other. I thought, besides, it was normal for brothers and sisters to hold hands before, but if they thought too much, they would really have ulterior motives and impure thoughts.

As soon as he arrived at the restaurant, Tang Guoer's eyes sparkled when he saw them, especially when he saw Enen's hand on Gu Nancheng's arm, he was even more ecstatic. What does this mean? Have you opened up a little bit, is that what you mean?

If not, why is Enen holding Nancheng's hand? But if it is true, the expressions of the two people look so weird, they always feel different from ordinary people, especially the expression on Nancheng's face, it is not at all bright, and the whole person is as cold as ever, as if someone owes him It's the same as one million and eight hundred thousand, so it's not pleasing to see anyone.

"Enen, did you come with your brother?" Tang Guoer still asked symbolically.

Enen nodded, "Well, we came here together, and Jiang Yifan is still a step behind us."

Coincidentally, as soon as the words fell, Jiang Yifan, who was walking behind, happened to walk into the restaurant at this time, and greeted Tang Guoer, "Auntie, good noon!"

"Enen, hello to you, everyone, and the same to Enen and Nancheng, haha, haha!" Tang Guoer had never been polite to others, but it was strange to be polite now, and she didn't even know What kind of reaction should I make, even if Tang Guoer loves this child very much, this little boy named Jiang Yifan.

But there is no way, although she loves Jiang Yifan and regards Jiang Yifan as her own child, Tang Guoer's balance is still more inclined to Nancheng when it comes to a couple. In her eyes, she prefers her own Daughter Enen is with Nancheng, as for Jiang Yifan, except for a few caring accidents, she is still on Nancheng's side.

Unless Enen is determined to be with Jiang Yifan, otherwise, she will not agree, Jiang Yifan is a poor child, she is still very happy to be friends with Enen, otherwise she will not invite him to the house as a guest, Even staying for a long time, but when it comes to the emotional part, Tang Guoer decides that one thousand, ten thousand people are unwilling.

In Tang Guoer's heart, the best son-in-law must be Nancheng, unless they have no intentions for each other and just treat each other as brothers and sisters. If she develops with Jiang Yifan or other boys, as long as her and Gu Yebai's character passes the test, the children can do whatever they want. After all, as parents, if the children don't want to, they have nothing to do with it.

But just thinking of these, Tang Guoer felt uncomfortable, and it was not so easy to accept, probably because she didn't treat Nancheng as her own son, but she focused on cultivating Nancheng as her son-in-law. , Yes, that's the case, so these also control some thoughts and obsessions about her.

And Enen doesn't have as many thoughts as Tang Guoer, and her attention is not on Jiang Yifan, including anyone, but on the dining table, in front of a lot of delicious food, in the Gu family, Enen has never had to worry about eating or not. Worry about clothes, just kidding, what kind of family background is the Gu family, how could they lack her food and clothes, but today, it is really extra rich, different from usual.

Enen thought, the Gu family rarely entertained guests, even in his own home, Gu Yebai invited important people to have a family banquet, it is not so rich, so Enen didn't even think about it, under the temptation of delicious food , let go of Gu Nancheng's hand, took the lead, and sat on the dining table, "Wow, Mom, today's food is so rich, is it a special day?"

Nancheng and Jiang Yifan also took their seats one after another. Nancheng has long been used to it. He has always been like this when he comes to this house. The feelings in his heart are only in his heart, not shown , let alone let people see through, Jiang Yifan is different, Jiang Yifan is pure thick-skinned.

Originally, the messy things in his home made him not want to go home, but Tang Guoer had invited her yesterday, so sincere, so considerate for him, it was inevitable that a person who lacked love like him felt a little warmth. Otherwise, although the people in his family don't care about him, they have never been stingy with money, and Jiang Yifan will not be short of money, so he wants to live in Gu's house.

You must know that the current Jiang family, although it cannot be said that it is 100% comparable to the Gu family, is absolutely impossible to be worse than the Gu family. How could he have to stay here with a thick skin? He likes En En not because he wants to spend more time with En En, it's as simple as that, even sometimes, he wants Jiang Yifan to disappear, then the only thing En En can see in front of him is himself.

It turned out that he was so bad deep down in his bones that no matter how good he was, he would never allow him to get close to Enen, so after leaving me for a while on purpose, he saw Jiang Yifan and Enen playing like a bunch of lovers When they were fighting, they would come downstairs without hesitation, snatch Enen from Jiang Yifan's side, and speak directly, asking Enen to hold his arm, and Enen did as well.

I have to say that at this time, they are all in a good mood, but the world is tricking people, and God has to send Jiang Yifan from the sky, which makes Gu Nancheng feel uncomfortable. Now that Enen throws his hand away, the same Fortunately, it's not that he can't understand. At least, as long as Enen is still willing to hold his hand, it will be the best result in the world. At least it can prove that Enen does not reject him.

No matter what kind of identity you use, as long as you don't reject it, it's the best result. Nancheng is not satisfied, but he has to be content, otherwise, things will go against each other, and it will be counterproductive. But fortunately, he has already prepared a countermeasure in his heart, so He must not allow Jiang Yifan to spend too much time alone with him.

"What kind of special day can it be?" Tang Guoer rolled her eyes at Enen, "Don't you know that you and Fanfan are going to have an exam tomorrow, so naturally you have to make the food richer so that you two can have a good time. Make up for it, you can't say that you must get a good grade in the exam, at least you can't hold back, right?"

Hearing Tang Guoer's words, Jiang Yifan felt a warm current rushing through his chest, "Thank you, auntie, you are so kind. Among my elders, including my parents, no one is so kind to me, auntie, You are the one who treats me best, I am really very grateful to you, without you, I don't know how to survive this difficult time."

Jiang Yifan is really sweet-mouthed, and he can always say a few words, which makes Tang Guoer so happy, but every time Jiang Yifan mentions his parents, Tang Guoer can't help but feel distressed, after all Tang Guoer Guo'er had a phone call with Jiang Yifan's mother, but it was this phone call that allowed Tang Guoer to understand who Jiang Yifan's parents were, and also basically understand his family situation.

Coupled with recalling Jiang Yifan's pitiful words, Tang Guo'er felt particularly sinful. She only wanted this child to get warmth from them, even if he didn't get warmth in the family. Otherwise, such an excellent child , If one day he can't think about it, what should he do if he is useless? Tang Guoer doesn't want to see such a thing happen, so he invites Jiang Yifan to come to his house to be a man, and even stay for a long time.

But fortunately, the kid Jiang Yifan is not only sweet-mouthed, but also very sensible. Tang Guoer was embarrassed by Jiang Yifan's praise, and waved his hand and said, "Hey, what are you talking about, you are kind My friend, I will naturally treat you well, and since you have come to this family, I am not that kind of woman, how can I treat you kindly, as long as you don't dislike it, you just need to stay in this family and stay well."

Tang Guoer was telling the truth that he didn't mean anything else. Although Jiang Yifan didn't have deep contact with their family, he already had a deep knowledge and understanding of the family through this in-depth understanding. He smiled. "Everything in the Gu family is good, the people are good, the heart is good, the scenery is good, even the food they eat is just as good, what should I do, Auntie, I don't want to leave, I'm afraid that I will be completely obsessed with this place in the future, and I won't even think about it for a day." go home."

However, being recognized is the happiest thing in Tang Guoer's life, "If you don't want to go home, don't go home, Fanfan, let me tell you, you just need to live in Gu's house, you don't need to worry about anything, of course , the prerequisite is that your parents also have to know about this, so no matter what, you still have to try your best to tell them, you know, otherwise, what should you do if there is something wrong at that time. "

After Jiang Yifan was silent for a few seconds, he nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will. I will definitely not do anything to embarrass my aunt."

Tang Guo'er was so young, but she could understand everything she said, Tang Guoer naturally felt even more distressed, "Auntie didn't mean that, nor did she dislike trouble, it's just because they are my parents after all, and you are still young now. , not an adult, Auntie is afraid that they will be more or less worried."

No, they won't worry about themselves, as long as there is such a little bit of concern, they won't let themselves go. The couple, purely married, for the cause of the two families, have no feelings at all. They even I hate each other, I feel disgusted when I see it, even when I sit together, how can such two people feel sorry for themselves? To be precise, I don't even worry, not at all.

But these words, Jiang Yifan won’t say any more. Before I spoke, I was joking and showed my scars in front of them. Even if those scars were bloody, he didn’t mind opening them, but now it’s different. Because before they were nothing more than doubts.

But after Tang Guoer made the phone call, even if Tang Guoer didn't say anything, he knew the end of the rent. In the end, he just wanted to maintain his little bit of dignity, that's all. As for the others, There is nothing to say, and there is no need to say more.

"I know everything. Auntie doesn't need to explain anything to me. I know it well. I like Auntie very much, I like Enen very much, and I like staying in Gu's house. There are all the things I want here." For example, warmth, such as Enen, but these, Jiang Yifan will naturally not say, "So, auntie, don't always say it to me, if you don't dislike it, because it's not for auntie to say it, but also for me."

"If Auntie doesn't dislike me, please let me live in Gu's family for a while. I like Gu's family. There are people who like Gu's family. It's true, and there is no false word."

People who speak nicely and are so sincere are destined to be overwhelming, such as Tang Guoer and Enen. In short, except for Gu Yebai and Gu Nancheng, it is unnatural that everyone in this family sympathizes with Jiang Yifan. I just wanted to stand by his side, "You can stay here for as long as you want. I'm sorry to say that the Gu family doesn't lack anything, but they lack popularity. If you come here at the right time, they will gain more popularity. I think it's very good."

Jiang Yifan still wanted to compliment him back, but was interrupted by Enen's voice, "Oh, mom, you two are endless, do you want me to eat? Today, the school doesn't have our third-year meal, you don't even know. Your daughter, I am almost starved to death, but you are still chattering here, endlessly, I just want to ask, is it okay, I am hungry, I want to eat."

It was only then that Tang Guoer realized that she was talking too much nonsense, and she and Jiang Yifan didn't talk here, which really delayed the meal time, it's no wonder Enen didn't yell, these children are growing up, they must be starving, She didn't know what was going on in her mind, but she even ignored the fact that her two children were hungry because she felt sorry for Jiang Yifan.

"By the way, I went to talk to Fanfan, and almost forgot about me!" Tang Guoer herself felt embarrassed. If it wasn't for the child's reminder, she would have really ignored it, "Hurry up, eat Come on, eat more to nourish your body, and you will be in a better state for tomorrow's exam."

"Enen, if you want to study tonight, just tell your mom, mom will prepare delicious food for you, but if you don't want to, go to bed early, mom doesn't know much, so I dare not make any decisions for you , in short, it’s fine if you think it’s good, if you think it’s good, I’ll support you, because I believe in you!”

Tang Guoer said such provocative words, Enen was very grateful, but gratitude is gratitude. Of course, it is impossible to eat less food, not to mention such a sumptuous lunch. The Gu family's food is delicious. , Enen didn't feel anything at all, but it was probably the day before the high school entrance examination. In order to replenish their bodies, Enen ate so much that Enen couldn't believe it. This was several times better than usual.

Enen is a proper foodie. If you don’t eat, you don’t eat for nothing. Not only do you want to eat, but you also need to eat inside and out. All dishes need to be eaten with chopsticks, and the result is the same chopsticks, and then rice , Enen was already hiccupped, and there was a lot left in the end.

"Don't eat, don't eat." Enen put down her chopsticks and touched her belly. The originally flat belly became round at this time, "I'm full."

"Don't eat when you're full." Tang Guoer asked her, "What are you going to do this afternoon, study or not?"

Enen didn't know either, "You can ask Gu Nancheng, he has the final say, and it's not what I want to learn, it depends on whether he is willing to teach, if I don't teach me, it will be the same as last night What are you learning, but I believe in Gu Nancheng, if he thinks I'll learn, I'll learn, if he thinks I'll rest, I'll rest, anyway, what he says counts."

As soon as the words fell, Enen saw that Gu Nancheng was also full, put down the bowls and chopsticks, and said, "Let's go shopping in the afternoon."

"Huh?" Enen's eyes widened, "I heard that right, you mean, let's go shopping in the afternoon."

"Yeah." Nancheng replied, "Examinations are the accumulation of usual knowledge, and the most taboo is to cram. At this time, if you have learned enough, the most important thing is not for me to review. Reviewing the day before will only increase the pressure on people. So, relax when you need to relax, do whatever you like, Enen used to like to go shopping, so I will go shopping with her."

"Then I'll go too, I have an exam tomorrow, and I want to relax too!" Jiang Yifan almost raised his hands.

But it was immediately rejected by Nancheng, "I disagree!" (End of this chapter)