On the way back in the car, Si Tian flipped through the photos she had just taken for Ji Ningyi.

The little boy looked interesting and cute in Ultraman’s clothes. She selected a few good photos for collection and deleted the rest.

Ji Ningyi had already changed back to his original clothes and sat obediently beside her.

At first, there was still a little distance between the two of them, but Ji Ningyi slowly moved towards her, and finally sat beside Si Tian. He ​​stretched out his hand hesitantly and gently touched her sleeves.

Sensing the kid’s actions, Si Tian chuckled and held Ji Ningyi’s hand directly.

The child’s hand was soft and fleshy and it was comfortable to hold, so she rubbed it with her fingertips.

Ji Ningyi lowered his head slightly, the tips of his ears were a little red, protruding from his soft black hair, but he obediently let her hold his hand and remained motionless.

“I asked Auntie to put Mom’s crutches in the small room on the second floor.” Ji Ningyi said.

Si Tian asked, “Why did the crutches stay in my room?”

She has no memory of the original owner, but Ji Ningyi and the original owner have lived under the same roof for so many years, so they should know more than her.

Ji Ningyi said: “It’s because Mom broke her leg, so she needs to use crutches.”

Si Tian did not expect this to happen, but she did not feel any discomfort in her body: “Does Ningyi still remember exactly when Mom fell and was injured?”

Ji Ningyi said: “It’s the second day after Zhile’s third birthday.”

After speaking, Ji Ningyi looked at her nervously: “Does Mom’s leg still hurt?”

Si Tian shook her head: “It doesn’t hurt anymore. Ningyi, don’t worry about Mom so much, I’m an adult.”

Ji Ningyi said seriously: “Mom is a girl, I am a boy, and I want to protect Mom.”

Si Tian softened into a ball again and rubbed his face: “You have protected me very well.”

She had lived for twenty-three years in her previous life and no man had seriously told her that he wanted to protect her. But she did not expect that after wearing the book, it was a six-year-old child who said it and the child said it so seriously.

Si Tian bought a lot of things and she carried them in both hands. The things were not heavy, but there was quite a variety of them.

Ji Ningyi said, “Mom, I’ll help you carry it.”

Seeing the child’s positive attitude, Si Tian also gave him some, so that she had a free hand.

Si Tian held Ji Ningyi’s palm with her free hand, under the warm but not hot sun, the corners of her lips curled up: “In this way, I have a hand to hold Ningyi.”

Ji Ningyi pursed his lips into a smile and held her hand tightly.

The two held hands, and when they walked to the door of the villa, they heard the familiar voice of a little boy coming from inside.

“Grandma Fang, I want to eat potato chips. I’m hungry.”

Si Tian raised her eyebrows slightly, Ji Zhile took a sip of milk for breakfast and did not eat anything. He was running pretty fast at that time, now he’s hungry?

She took Ningyi’s hand and shook her head towards Ningyi. Ningyi immediately knew what she was going to do and followed her to the door.

Ji Zhile acted like a baby: “I didn’t eat breakfast this morning, so I’m so hungry now.”

“You can’t skip breakfast. You’ll get stomach problems when you grow up. Is your mother not letting you eat it?” Another middle-aged woman’s voice sounded. It should be Grandma Fang that Ji Zhile was talking to.

When Si Tian heard this, her expression was a little cold.

She thought that they were all born to the same mother and they grew up in the same environment. But why is Ji Zhile so ugly? So, there are still people who are sowing discord.

The child did not eat breakfast and he was directly led to become a mother not to let him eat.

Ji Zhile: “Yeah.”

“My darling, Grandma was sorry to see you. What kind of potato chips does Zhile want to eat? Grandma will bring it to you.”

“I want tomato flavor!”

Si Tian pushed open the door at this moment, her eyes swept over the two people in the living room. The moment Ji Zhile saw her, he immediately shrank behind the middle-aged woman.

When the middle-aged woman saw Si Tian, ​​her complexion changed slightly: “Madam, you are back.”

Si Tian ignored her and looked straight at Ji Zhile: “Do you want potato chips?”

Ji Zhile hid behind Grandma Fang, thinking that he had a backer. His Grandma Fang liked him and would give him a lot of snacks. He clenched his fists and said courageously, “I want to eat!”

Grandma Fang also opened her mouth to persuade her: “Madam, Zhile’s stomach is hungry. Children are hungry and have to grow up with a lot of problems. It doesn’t matter if they eat some snacks to pad their stomachs.”

Ji Zhile nodded sharply, yes! He just wants a snack!

Si Tian still ignored Grandma Fang, but asked Ji Zhile: “Why are you hungry?”

Ji Zhile bit her cheek, thought about it with a clever head, and knew that he was a little bit wrong.

Si Tian has already spoken for him and said: “Because you didn’t eat breakfast and the reason why you didn’t eat it is because you ran away by yourself.”

Ji Zhile clenched her hands even tighter, hid behind Granny Fang, lowered his head slightly, and avoided looking at Si Tian.

Grandma Fang’s complexion could not be maintained anymore. She did not know why Si Tian, ​​who was cowardly and did not care about her two children before, suddenly became aggressive and even ignored her several times.

She thinks that she has worked in Ji’s family for three years, brought up two children, and is an elder. She can be Si Tian’s mother at her age. How can young people bring their children and not feed them? Even if she was wrong just now, that’s also because Si Tian treats the two children too badly.

“Madam, the child already knew it was wrong to be naughty once. Zhile is also a sensible child. He will definitely not do such a thing in the future.”

Ji Zhile nodded repeatedly.

Si Tian finally cast her gaze on Grandma Fang, her expression was very cold: “Grandma Fang, it’s kind of sympathetic for Zhile to call you Grandma. I’m Zhile’s real mother, could it be that you are also his real grandmother?”

Grandma Fang’s expression changed drastically: “Madam, I just care about Zhile.”

Si Tian said: “Thank you for your concern for Zhile. But I am Zhile’s mother and my educational philosophy conflicts with yours.”

“Grandma Fang, it’s not suitable for you to go out to work when you’re old. You’d better go home and take your grandson to live with you.”

Si Tian took Ningyi’s hand and walked to Ji Zhile’s side. She looked down at Ji Zhile and said, “Come back to the room with me.”

Ji Zhile lowered his head, hesitated for a while, and still moved to keep up with Si Tian.

His stomach is growling with hunger and he really wants to eat potato chips. Did Mom snatch him from Grandma Fang just now?

If his mother is willing to give him a packet of tomato-flavored potato chips, he can barely eat what she gives.

Si Tian asked Ji Ningyi to go back to his room first. She felt that she needed to talk to Ji Zhile alone.

Ji Zhile is only three and a half years old. A child can’t understand anything and whoever is used to him is good to him and he will rely on whoever he is. If measured by this standard, Si Tian probably will never be able to pass.

Ji Zhile stood in front of her, a handful of slightly curly hair froze in disobedience.

“What do you want from me?” Ji Zhile said with a childish voice.

He was still thinking that if his mother gave him potato chips, he would not want the tomato-flavored ones. He heard from other children in the kindergarten that the new Coke tasted good and he wanted to try it too.

“I heard what Grandma Fang told you just now.” Si Tian said, “You also think I didn’t let you have breakfast?”

Ji Zhile’s mouth pouted slightly, although he knew that he was a little bit wrong, but he refused to admit it.

Si Tian said: “I asked you to have breakfast, but you refused. Since you refused, you have to bear the consequences of not eating breakfast.”

“Don’t even think about potato chips, I won’t give you anything. Let’s eat together at lunchtime.”

Ji Zhile’s eyes widened. He could not believe that his mother not only refused to give him potato chips but also did not let him eat anything.

“I hate you, I want to find Grandma Fang!”

Si Tian sneered: “You can’t find her, she is going home.”

Ji Zhile clenched his hands into small fists: “I don’t want it!”

Si Tian continued the devil’s voice: “No matter how much you hate me, you can only look for me in the future.”

Ji Zhile shouted: “I want to find my father, but I don’t want you.”

Si Tian crossed her arms and watched Ji Zhile break the defense. Ji Zhile did not get a response from anyone and his voice gradually lowered, with a bit of crying.

Mom did it on purpose to drive Grandma Fang away, imagining that she would starve him to death like Snow White’s stepmother.

Ji Zhile felt that he was a worthless cabbage. He hated his mother and would hate it for the rest of his life!

“Calm down.” Si Tian asked, “Go back to your room when you calm down, you won’t be able to eat anything before lunch.”

Ji Zhile walked out of the room slowly, he felt that he was going to cry again, but he wiped it off bravely.

“Zhile, what’s wrong with you?” Ji Ningyi’s voice sounded above his head.

Ji Zhile raised his head and looked at his brother, tears were about to fall again: “Woo… Brother, that woman won’t give me food. She wants to starve me to death and she wants to drive Grandma Fang away.”

Ji Ningyi said: “Zhile, Mom will drive away Grandma Fang because she is not good. It’s not that Mom won’t give you breakfast, she’s lying.”

“Mom doesn’t want to starve you when she doesn’t give you snacks. It’s because you don’t want to eat breakfast yourself and everyone has to pay for what they do.”

Ji Zhile said in a low voice, “But she didn’t pay the price for locking me in the black closet.”

Ji Ningyi frowned slightly, looking a little distressed, and then said: “Because she is our mother. It is not easy for our mother to give birth to us, so she can do some things wrong.”

But when Ji Ningyi saw Ji Zhile’s red eyes, he could not bear it, and said in a low voice, “Come with me, I’ll give you a piece of candy. You have to eat breakfast from now on, you know?”

Ji Zhile wiped away tears, nodded, and followed behind his brother.

It’s just that as soon as he entered his brother’s room, he saw the clothes his brother put on the bed, which were Ultraman Tiga’s clothes!

Ji Zhile recognized it at a glance. This is his idol. There is only one child in the kindergarten who has it and he has received many, many welcomes.

As soon as Ji Ningyi found out the candy, he handed it to Ji Zhile. Ji Zhile held it in his mouth, staring at Ultraman’s clothes with sparkling eyes.

So cool and handsome! He likes it so much!

But he remembered that his brother did not have this dress.

“Brother bought new clothes.” Ji Zhile’s voice was a bit vague with candy in his mouth.

As soon as Ji Ningyi heard it clearly, he smiled softly: “Mom bought it for me.”

Ji Zhile opened his eyes wide.

Mom bought new clothes for my brother.

His mother refused to let him eat snacks, but also chased away Grandma Fang and spanked him.

Ji Zhile did not know why, the sugar did not seem so sweet anymore.

“Zhile, don’t quarrel with Mom in the future, and don’t call Mom that woman.” Ji Ningyi said.

Ji Zhile suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed Ji Ningyi away: “I’m going back.”

Brother lies, mother doesn’t like him.

It turned out that Mom didn’t like him and my brother, but now my mother doesn’t like him alone.

It’s okay, Ji Zhile, you don’t like her either, you hate her!


Translator’s Comment:

What a big dramatist bear child! I think you are very suitable for the entertainment industry, Zhile. *thumbs-up* d( ̄◇ ̄)