Chapter 2292

The day flies by quickly, the sun is westward, and the night is coming, which means that another day is about to pass.

Yuncheng, the Yun family mansion.

Qinglong walked alone in the mansion, except for the main house in the center, he didn't go, and he was free to wander in other places.

Ever since Mr. Yun went to T city, he still hasn't come back.

The old man was so happy that he didn't want to leave, and the Yun family mansion didn't have him as the real master, so Qinglong, his god-grandchildren and granddaughters who raised him, took care of it.

When Qinglong walked near the main house in the center, he found a place nearby to sit down, and his sight just happened to be able to see the door of the main house in the center.

Although Master Yun and his grandson were not there, the main house in the center was not closed, and the servants working in the main house were still doing what they had to do every day.

There was a hint of envy and longing in Qinglong's eyes.

He wants to live in the central main house.

There is the center of power representing the Yun family mansion.

I remember that when he was first adopted by his grandfather, only his grandfather lived in the main house of the center. Later, for some reason, his grandfather ordered Yunjing and his sisters to live in the main house of the center.

Although the two Yun family sisters received the same education and training as them, Qinglong was still jealous that the two sisters could live with their grandfather.

Grandpa adopted many children, but the only ones who were really raised by grandpa were the Yun family sisters.

In the past, Qinglong and the others always thought that the pair of sisters were twin sisters, they looked exactly the same, and they had stunning looks, and Yunzheng would coax grandpa, so grandpa was very kind to the sisters.

Now Qinglong understood that his grandfather must have known that the two Yun family sisters were his own granddaughters, that's why his grandfather favored the two sisters so much.

A maid came out of the main house in the center holding a small boxy box.

Qinglong looked from a distance and recognized the maid who was next to Yun Jing, called Sister Ju, and in the mansion, Sister Ju basically took care of Yun Jing's daily life.

The medicine that Yun Jing drank every day at home was also brewed by Sister Ju herself. During the process of making the medicine, Sister Ju was inseparable. Except for Grandpa and Zheng'er, no one could get close to the bowl of medicine that Yun Jing drank.

It can be seen that Sister Ju occupies multiple positions in Yun Jing's heart, and she has won Yun Jing's trust a lot.

Qinglong has always wanted to get the medicine that Yunjing must drink every day, and then changed a few medicines, so that Yunjing could not recuperate his body well, and he would not be able to have children for the rest of his life. He suffered from no chance, and Yunjing was not at home at the moment, presumably she The medicine I drank every day must have been taken to T City.

After Sister Ju left the main house with the box in her arms, she walked along the small cement road on the left.

Qinglong stood up, pretending to be strolling casually, and followed Sister Ju.

All the servants who saw Sister Ju along the way would greet Sister Ju with a smile.

No matter which house they work in, they are all centered on the central main house. Sister Ju has won the trust of Yun Jing, and Yun Jing is obviously the old man's default successor, and she has also taken the position of successor. Be the master of this mansion.

Therefore, Sister Ju's status is also rising, who doesn't want to please her?

Sister Ju is approachable and approachable, she will not put on airs just because she works in the main house of the center, she treats everyone the same, but it is impossible for others to inquire about the personal affairs of the Yun family grandpa and grandson from her.

Sister Ju didn't stop until she reached the door of the mansion, where a man was waiting for her. She handed the square box she was holding to the man, but she didn't know what she said, and the man nodded repeatedly.

What's in that box?

Qinglong was very curious.

Of course he knew that man.

Sister Ju confessed to the man, and after the man turned around holding the cardboard box and got into a car parked outside, Sister Ju went back.

Qinglong avoided meeting Sister Ju head-on, and when Sister Ju left, Qinglong returned to his room and quietly contacted Jasmine.

When Jasmine answered his call, without waiting for Jasmine to speak, he lowered his voice and said, "Jasmine, Sister Ju handed over a boxy cardboard box to Chen Ning. Find a way to stop Chen Ning and take the cardboard box from him."

Jasmine said indifferently: "It's definitely not expensive things packed in a cardboard box. Brother Thirteen, when will you come to see me? I'm having a pregnancy reaction, and I'm vomiting to death, and I have no appetite. Come and accompany me OK?"

It was only when she was pregnant that Jasmine knew that pregnancy and childbirth were not easy.

At first, when she was first pregnant, she was very happy, but now she has a pregnancy reaction and is too uncomfortable to vomit. Instead, she hopes that the pregnancy will end soon and the child will be born as soon as possible.

It's a pity that it takes ten months to conceive a child. Apart from taking it slowly, she has no shortcut to make the child grow up and be born early.

"We are now in a sensitive and dangerous period. Even if Grandpa and Yun Jing are not here, they must have someone watching my every move. I can't just go to you. Didn't you hire someone to take care of you, you It's hard to vomit, and I can't replace you."

Qinglong didn't have much expectations for the child in Jasmine's belly. He didn't want this child at all, but Jasmine refused to kill the child, and he needed Jasmine's unwavering commitment to him. Since Jasmine wanted to have a baby, let's have it.

Anyway, it wasn't conceived in his womb, so he didn't need to bear anything, everything was done by Jasmine herself.

"Sister Ju belongs to Yun Jing, the things she brought out from the main house may belong to Yun Jing, Jasmine, you should find a way to help me get that box from Chen Ning and see what's inside , if it is of no use to us, let's return the box to Chen Ning."

Qinglong still wanted to get that box wholeheartedly.

Jasmine was very upset, she was pregnant with Qinglong's child now, and her pregnancy reaction was severe, Qinglong didn't care about her, she still remembered the box, she was actually not as good as a cardboard box.

"Brother Thirteen, I feel very uncomfortable now, how can I have the mood to help you?"

Jasmine said angrily.

Qinglong's eyes sank, but he quickly comforted Jasmine softly: "You can arrange it for me, and you don't have to do it yourself. Now that you are pregnant with my flesh and blood, I don't want you to do dangerous things. Later I'll go to see you, but I can't stay with you overnight, so as not to be discovered by others. In the evening, I will go to see Chuxiong again."

When Jasmine heard that Qinglong said she was willing to come and see her, her mood improved, and she said, "Okay, I'll help you arrange someone to intercept that cardboard box."

"Jasmine, thank you, I will go to see you now."

Jasmine smiled: "Okay, I'll ask someone to buy more food, and we'll have dinner together at noon. If I can't smell the oily smoke, I'd like to cook for you myself."