Chapter 2231

another side.

The Yun Family Mansion.

There was a man standing on the roof of the small western-style building in the southeast direction. He put his hands on the railing and looked into the distance.

He has a handsome face, but is a little thin.

This person was Qinglong who was arranged by Yun Lao to escort Jasmine back.

After coming back for such a long time, Qinglong is very honest, anyway, it is like this on the surface.

Jasmine was under house arrest in her room, under the watchful eye of the servants who usually waited on her. In the Yun family mansion, those servants are two-faced, when their masters have made no mistakes, they are servants, serving their daily life and doing their best.

When the owner makes a mistake, they become the eyeliner who monitors the owner, always watching the owner's every move.

Footsteps sounded behind him.

Qinglong didn't look back, this is his small home, and he is on the top of the building, the only people who will come are those in his house.

"Thirteen young masters."

Qinglong asked indifferently: "Is there something wrong?"

"Is Thirteenth Young Master going to see Miss Jasmine today? What should I prepare for Thirteenth Young Master?" the servant asked respectfully.

Qinglong's eyes turned cold, and he said: "You don't need to prepare anything, and I won't go to see her again. She made such a big mistake, and she deserves to be punished." Besides, the Jasmine who is being punished now is not the real Jasmine. .

After acting in that play, he had successfully concealed it from his grandfather and the others, and Qinglong gradually didn't want to continue acting.

The real Jasmine is still helping him form a clique outside.

Jasmine persuaded him, taking advantage of the absence of both the Yun family sisters and grandfather, to take advantage of the opportunity.


The servant received the answer, and responded respectfully again, then retreated silently.

"Ring ring ring..." Qinglong's cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and looked, it was his new mobile phone, which he used to contact the real Jasmine, and no one knew his mobile phone number except Jasmine.

Qinglong turned around and stared at the door of the roof, guarding against someone eavesdropping there, he even walked over to have a look to make sure the servant had already gone downstairs before he answered Jasmine's call.

"Brother Thirteen, I made an appointment with Chuxiong for you. The meeting place is next to a garbage dump in the suburbs. It is very smelly and few people go there. It is absolutely safe. The meeting time is at 8 o'clock in the evening, so you come back from the suburbs , it’s not too late.”

Qinglong asked her lightly: "Will that man named Chuxiong come?"

Chu Xiong left the deserted island ahead of time and entered the headquarters of the Flame Gate, but Ning Jinxuan didn't arrange for him to do anything. He is still staying in the headquarters and waiting for arrangements.

Chu Xiong didn't hold grudges or hatred. He knew very well that he was Ning Jinxuan's rival in love. He probably didn't have a place for him beside the Ning brothers. Beside the door master.

Fortunately, the boss in charge of the security department, Silver Wolf, appreciates him very much. On the premise that he has not made formal arrangements, he occasionally assigns him small tasks, just to hone him.

Chu Xiong did not intend to betray, but Jasmine and Qinglong found out that he liked Yun Jing. After they knew that Chu Xiong was Ning Jinxuan's rival in love, they wanted to win Chu Xiong over. Contacted Chuxiong.

They asked Chuxiong for an interview on the grounds that they had a common enemy. Chuxiong didn't know who the person who invited him was. He was not a timid person, so he agreed to Jasmine's appointment to see who would win him over.

After hearing Qinglong's question, Jasmine sneered, "He loves Yunjing very much, but Yunjing is with Ning Jinxuan. We have the ability to fulfill what he wants in his heart. How could he not come? Brother Thirteen, you Don't worry, he will definitely come, and he will definitely stand by our side and help us."

Qinglong still reminded Jasmine: "Jasmine, don't be careless about this matter. The Flame Gate punishes betrayers very severely. Usually, those who enter the gate rarely dare to betray. Even if Ning Jinxuan doesn't have to take over as the gate master The position is still in the name of the young master, and the man named Chu Xiong is Ning Jinxuan's subordinate, if he joins forces with us, it will be tantamount to betraying the Flame Gate, and he will not escape punishment."

"I'm worried that he is pretending to cooperate with us, and maybe he will bite us back at a critical moment." Qinglong wanted to win over Chuxiong, but when Chuxiong agreed to meet with him to discuss cooperation, he was suspicious again.

"Brother Thirteen, we can test him first."

Jasmine also knew that it would be very difficult to instigate the people of the Flame Gate, but they had all come to this point, and there was no way out, so they had to grit their teeth and go on.

If they don't persevere, there will only be a dead end.

Jasmine was the one who almost killed Yunzheng.

If Yun Jing knew that the one being punished was a fake, would he let it go?

Grandpa is seriously biased, and Yunjing and sisters are granddaughters of grandpa, even if they were raised by grandpa, how could grandpa favor them in front of his granddaughter?

"Brother Thirteen, we can't shrink back."

Jasmine said softly.

After a moment of silence, Qinglong said: "Jasmine, I know. Alright, you have made the arrangements, and I will see him at night."

"Remember to wear a mask, and don't let him know our real identity before we draw him over."

"You don't need to remind me of this, I know it."

Jasmine gave a few more instructions, then changed the subject, and asked Qinglong coquettishly: "Brother Thirteen, when will we meet secretly, I miss you very much, I miss you very much."

Thinking of her boldness in that aspect, Qinglong felt a little itchy, he said: "After meeting Chuxiong tonight, you wait for me in my car."

Jasmine responded with a smile: "Okay."

"Brother Thirteen, I have some good news to tell you tonight." Jasmine held the phone in one hand, and the other hand fell to her lower abdomen involuntarily. She had Brother Thirteen's flesh and blood in her stomach.

After helping Brother Thirteen so much, Jasmine felt that she was worth it.

Now she is pregnant with Thirteenth Brother's child. When Thirteenth Brother becomes powerful and has a child as a twist, coupled with her hard work, Thirteenth Brother will definitely be responsible for her to the end, even if Thirteenth Brother is still reluctant That bitch Yunzheng, that bitch can only be Brother Thirteen's lover.

No, lover, she would not agree to it.

She wants to make Yunzheng as good as she can be. At that time, see if Brother Thirteen still loves her?

Jasmine's eyes shot out with a vicious light.

The jealousy towards Yunzheng is unabated.

If it wasn't for Yunzheng, she wouldn't have to live such a shady life now.

"Can't we say any good news now?" Qinglong asked casually.

Jasmine smiled coquettishly, "I want to tell you face to face."

Qinglong smiled, "It's up to you, anyway, I can find out at night."

"By the way, Brother Thirteen, Yunzheng's recent situation is pretty good. She and Ning Chengxuan have broken the ice. Although Ning Chengxuan is still cold and cold now, he has real feelings for her." Jasmine deliberately put Yun Tell Qinglong about Zheng's recent situation, so that Qinglong can give up.