Mu Chen saw through the car rear mirror that his daughter was already asleep, so he said presumptuously: "How can I live alone? Anyway, we didn't avoid it, let nature take its course, Xiao'er, it seems that you haven't made any movement this month. Could it be that there are Mu Ya's younger siblings in the womb? If we come out two at once, twins or something, Mu Ya must be very happy, having both a younger brother and a younger sister. "

Zhang Xiao laughed, "Dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel."

However, it seems that her old friend has indeed remained silent this month.

Could it be that she was really pregnant?

It's been a while since the first time between her and Mu Chen. If her old friend doesn't come again, she really wants to confirm her pregnancy.

"Xiao'er, I've decided. Let's have a pair of twins. One son and two daughters are the best. The daughter is my father's lover in his previous life. I can have two lovers." A certain young man mentioned the man-making plan, Excited, because he likes the process of making people.

Zhang Xiao annoyed him: "Do you want to find a lover? Let nature take its course when you have boys and girls, you can't have whatever you want."

"I have a lover."

Mu Chen slowed down the speed of the car, and answered solemnly.

Zhang Xiao was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Me?"

"Wife, why don't you doubt it, hit it with one blow, alas, it's not a good thing if a wife is too smart. My wife is you, my lover is you, and my girlfriend is also you. You have to wear several hats."

"Remember to help me raise my salary."

"Isn't the salary paid off? I can only give you a bonus."

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "I really shouldn't have accepted your salary card at the beginning, so that you can get a raise at any time."

Mu Chen giggled.

Along the way, the couple talked a lot.

After returning to Mu's house, Zhang Xiao carried Mu Ya back to the room, while Mu Chen ransacked the room.

Putting Mu Ya on the bed, Zhang Xiao asked the man who rummaged through boxes and boxes: "Mu Chen, what are you looking for?"

Mu Chen replied: "It's very important."

He took out a small box from the drawer of the dressing table, then went to the study to fetch several small boxes, opened the safe, and took out several small boxes from the safe.

Seeing that all he brought out were small boxes, Zhang Xiao came over to help him curiously, and took those small boxes to the sofa and placed them on the coffee table. She asked, "What are these boxes containing?"

The boxes are all rectangular in shape, not big, and probably can only hold a small book the size of a household registration book, but the boxes are locked. Zhang Xiao looked at the locks. Regardless of the small and exquisite lock heads, anyone who knows the goods knows that this kind of lock is very Difficult to open.

Mu Chen was still holding a bunch of keys in his hand, those keys were very small, one could tell from a glance that they were specially used to open a few small boxes. He walked over and sat down in front of the sofa, and Zhang Xiao sat down beside him curiously, watching him use the small key to open the boxes one by one.

After opening all the boxes, Mu Chen pushed those boxes towards Zhang Xiao.

"Xiao'er, everything I own is here."

"What?" Zhang Xiao picked up a box, and found that all the bankbooks were in the box. She couldn't help laughing, and asked Mu Chen: "Is this all your private money?" ?”

"These are all available for use at any time, that is, the funds for activities, so they are placed in a drawer for easy taking out." Mu Chen explained that his room is also very safe, and there are a lot of servants and bodyguards at home. The law and order is good, he doesn't have to worry about the passbook being unsafe in the drawer of the dresser.

Zhang Xiao picked up those passbooks and opened them to read. The more she looked at them, the more ugly her face became. Finally, she glared at Mu Chen.

Mu Chen's black eyes flickered, he didn't understand why she was staring at him, he had put all the property under his own name in front of her.

His money is hers, and his people are hers.

He handed over himself, his daughter and property to Zhang Xiao.

"You put such an important thing in the drawer casually!" Zhang Xiao was angry at him for being so careless.

It was only then that Mu Chen understood why she was staring at him, and he said casually: "Didn't I just say that these are working funds, I put them here for the convenience of taking them out, and they need to be opened after they are put in the safe. One more lock is too much trouble."

Zhang Xiao: ...

It was the first time she knew that her man was so lazy that it would be troublesome to open an extra lock.

"The boxes in this box are all bank cards, and the number of each card varies, but the password is the same, and the password is..."

"Write it out and don't say it out, lest the walls have ears to listen." Zhang Xiao immediately interrupted him, much more cautious than him. The amount in each of his passbooks and cards is astonishing. He looks indifferent, so she can't be careless.

Mu Chen smiled, and whispered into her ear: "I changed the password to your birthday, we can all remember your birthday, but if I use my birthday as the password, I'm afraid I won't be able to remember it .”

Zhang Xiao tasted the sweetness again.

What he meant was that he always remembered her birthday, but he might not be able to remember his own.

Consider her more important than himself.

"There are some real estate certificates. In addition to the villa we live in now, I also bought a few sets of houses in the school district, so that Mu Ya can go to school in the future." Mu Chen explained to Zhang Xiao one by one the items contained in the boxes. what is it. The ones that were taken out of the safe were the 2 billion dowry that Ning Zhiyuan gave Ning Tong back then, and the betrothal gift that the Mu family gave Ning Tong back then, including deposits, real estate, shops, gold, silver and jewelry, etc.

"These are all for Mu Ya. I used to take care of them, but now I'll hand them over to you to help her take care of them."

Zhang Xiao carefully looked at all the properties that Mu Chen handed over to her, and marveled at how rich Mu Chen was.

The Mu family's reputation as the richest man in this city really lives up to its reputation. Mu Chen didn't completely inherit all the properties of the Mu family. He has so much wealth under his name. From this, it can be seen that the Mu family has strong financial resources. He has owned a lot of property in private, even if the Mu family goes bankrupt, he has the capital to make a comeback.

"Mu Chen, do you really want to entrust all of this to me? Are you not afraid that I will take away all your property and leave you with nothing?" Zhang Xiao was moved by Mu Chen's trust in her, but couldn't help it. Just jokingly teased Mu Chen.

Mu Chen said solemnly: "When you want to take away all my property, you must take me away as well. I can help you earn more money."

Zhang Xiao burst out laughing.


Mu Chen grabbed her hands and said affectionately: "I solemnly tell you that I, my daughter Mu Ya, and all property under my father and daughter's names have been handed over to you. From now on, My money is your money, your money is your money, and my people are yours.”

Zhang Xiao plunged into his arms emotionally, and thanked him sincerely: "Mu Chen, thank you for your love, thank you for your trust!"