The little baby's happiness infected Zhang Xiao, she wrapped her hand around Bao Muya's little hand, and asked with concern: "Is Muya cold?"

Mu Ya raised her head and replied seriously: "Mom, Mu Ya is not cold." After looking at Zhang Xiao, she asked Zhang Xiao again: "Mom, are you cold?" She followed Zhang Xiao's example, She also wanted to wrap Zhang Xiao's hand, but found that her hand was too small. She looked at her hand curiously, then at Zhang Xiao's hand, and her eyes were full of doubts.

Seeing the child's appearance of discovering the New World, Zhang Xiao was a little amused. It's been such a long time, did the little girl realize that her hands are very small today?

She lowered her head and rubbed against Mu Ya's cheeks affectionately, and asked dotingly: "Does Mu Ya think that mother's hands are bigger than yours?"

Mu Ya star-eyed, my mother is so amazing, she can guess what she is thinking.

Now she can speak well, but it is still difficult for her to sum up the words that are too profound. Fortunately, her mother can communicate with her. After hearing her mother say it a few times, she will be able to say it.

"Mom is an adult, and Mu Ya is a child, so Mu Ya's hands are smaller than her mother's. When Mu Ya grows up, her hands will grow up."

"But Daddy's is bigger."

The little girl remembered that Daddy's big hands were stronger and warmer, and she felt the safest when she was hugged by Daddy.

Zhang Xiao smiled, and Yang Xi came over and said, "Zhang Xiao, how do you explain it?"

Zhang Xiao pointed to Zhong Yang, and asked Mu Ya: "What's the difference between Mu Ya and Brother Yang?"

Now the little girl was confused again.

She turned around in Zhang Xiao's arms. After Zhong Yang was called, she also turned her head to look at Mu Ya. The two little guys had big clear and bright eyes. Looking at the scene where the two looked at each other, Zhang Xiao I think it's too cute.

"Brother Yang is taller than Mu Ya."

Mu Ya is very curious, and Zhang Xiao is good at guiding her to think and observe, even though she is only two years old, her observation ability is stronger than some five or six-year-old children.

Zhang Xiao hummed appreciatively, and asked, "What else?"

"Brother Yang is older than Mu Ya."

"Is there any more?"

Mu Ya pursed her lips in deep thought, and it took a long time before she said: "Brother Yang is the elder brother, and Mu Ya is the younger sister." Then her little hand suddenly landed on Zhang Xiao's stomach, and asked childishly: "Mom, when will there be a brother? "Daddy gave money, and borrowed money from my mother to give birth to a brother. I don't know when I will have a brother.

Zhang Xiao's face was reddened by the child's innocent question.

Yang Xi smiled ambiguously.

Guessing that Zhang Xiao and Mu Chen have crossed the gap, I am really happy for Zhang Xiao and Mu Ya's replacement. With a mother like Zhang Xiao who is good at educating children, Mu Ya will be taught well.

"Mu Ya, Brother Yang is a boy, and Mu Ya is a girl. In the same way, Daddy is a man and mother is a woman. A man's hands are bigger than a woman's, so Daddy's hands are bigger than mother's. And Mu Ya's hands are as big." The child innocently touched his belly and asked his brother when it would be there, Zhang Xiao blushed, and answered his daughter's question as if nothing had happened.

All of a sudden, Mu Ya's attention was drawn away.

"Does Mu Ya still want to catch fish?"

Mu Ya nodded, so Zhang Xiao put Mu Ya back on the small stool and asked Mu Ya to continue fishing. Although the weather was cold, the children had fun and didn't feel cold.

Yang Xi touched Mu Ya's head with a smile, and said to Zhang Xiao: "Mu Ya is very curious, our Zhong Yang is a little less curious, too honest, and sometimes he is not as courageous as Mu Ya. It may be that there are hidden dangers in my education method, although our family is engaged in education, we often educate others, but cannot educate our own children."

"Everyone has curiosity. A curious child has a more developed brain. The proper cooperation of parents will greatly help the development of the child's intelligence." Seeing Zhong Yangan's quiet appearance, Zhang Xiao also smiled He wrote: "Zhong Yang is honest, and he is not too timid now. He is very polite and knows how to love and respect friends who are younger than him. If he grows older, he should become a calm person."

Yang Xi's eyebrows and eyes are gentle, "He does things in a leisurely manner, and his great-grandfather also said that when he grows up, he must be a calm person who can take on important responsibilities." She looked at Mu Ya meaningfully, "He likes it very much. Mu Ya."

Zhang Xiao and her looked at each other and smiled, they both felt that Zhong Yang and Mu Ya were childhood sweethearts.

But the child is still young, and the future is too variable, so the mothers are tactful and don't say anything, let everything take its course.

"Ringlingling..." Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang suddenly, Mu Ya turned her head to look, and said, "Is it Daddy?"

Zhang Xiao took out his mobile phone to look at it, and shook his head at his daughter. Mu Ya seemed a little disappointed, and turned her head to continue fishing for her fish.

It was Zhang Haotian's call.

The smile on Zhang Xiao's face remained the same, but the voice of answering the phone seemed faint, asking: "Dad, what's the matter?"

Zhang Haotian was a little annoyed, and asked immediately: "Xiaoer, why don't you go back to the company today?" Er Donghao brought breakfast for Zhang Xiao, but Zhang Xiao didn't go back to the company, Er Donghao's thoughts were in vain , although there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, he threw the insulated lunch box into the trash can in front of Zhang Haotian.

"Dad, please speak directly if you have anything to do." Zhang Xiao suppressed his smile, and his tone became more alienated and cold.

Zhang Haotian could hear the impatience in his daughter's words. In the past, he promised to have a big fight with Zhang Xiao on the phone. Now, as long as he thinks that he has misunderstood Wen Li and ignored Zhang Xiao for twenty-seven years, he can only control himself. He told himself that it was not appropriate to quarrel with his daughter again, otherwise the relationship between father and daughter would return to freezing point.

He asked in a soft voice, "Xiao'er, did you encounter any difficulties? Is that little girl from the Mu family pestering you? Can you listen to Dad's persuasion and move out of Mu's house and move back to our house?" Let's stay, even and Mu Chen are husband and wife, and the wedding hasn't been held yet, it's more suitable for you to live in your mother's house."

"Since we are a legal couple, living together is the most suitable. I don't have time to go back to the company today. The construction site is under the supervision of the foreman. I have explained it. If there is anything you don't understand, you can call me. If there is nothing else, I will first Hang up the phone." At the end, Zhang Xiao reminded his father: "I think Dad still remembers what I said, even if I enter Haotian Group, I won't work in the company."

She's only been busy for a few days, and her father thinks she can handle her?

Zhang Xiao was about to hang up the phone, but Zhang Haotian yelled in a low voice: "Xiao'er, don't hang up the phone yet, can't you wait until Dad finishes talking?"

"Long story short!"

"Xiao'er, Mr. Er brought you breakfast in the morning. He is very disappointed if you don't go back to the company."

"What does it have to do with me?"

Zhang Haotian was swallowed speechless.