It seems that Mu Ya, a little beauty, doesn't need her yet. Fortunately, her original arrangement was not for Zhang Xiao to take part in the parent-child show.

Mu Ya insisted on walking to the edge of the runway, then squatted down and looked down the stage, as if she was looking for a baby.

Zhang Xiao looked at Lu Yongchun apologetically, Lu Yongchun smiled and comforted her, it's okay, just let Zhang Xiao take Mu Ya for a walk, she can see if Mu Ya has the potential to show off, and later she can recruit Mu Ya for her own use .

But with a daddy like Mu Chen and a bad-faced uncle like Ning Zhiyuan, Lu Yongchun wanted to train Mu Ya as his model, it was a daydream, just do it, don't take it seriously.

"Continue with the rest." Lu Yongchun ordered, there is no need to cooperate with Zhang Xiao's mother and daughter, Miss Mu Ya is still hunting for treasure, if she cooperates with them, the people behind will not have to leave.

So the music was still playing, the lights were still flashing, and the other models were still walking, only Zhang Xiao stood beside Mu Ya, looking at the little girl helplessly and dotingly, and finally Finding that there were no treasures to be found, and seeing those big brothers and big sisters walking, Miss Mu Ya finally realized her conscience, and followed those big brothers and big sisters.

Walking, the little guy fell on the stage, Zhang Xiao quickly picked her up.

Mu Ya just pursed her lips, but she didn't really cry. When Zhang Xiao picked her up, she put her arms around Zhang Xiao's neck and called out a little wronged: "Mom."

"Is Mu Ya in pain?"

Zhang Xiao asked softly, and after Mu Ya shook her head, she said again: "It's okay, Mu Ya is a very strong child."

Mu Ya's flat mouth returned to normal.

After coming down, Zhang Xiao first helped Mu Ya change back to her original clothes, and then carried Mu Ya to the front desk to Lu Yong Chun, smiling apologetically: "Wing Chun, Mu Ya is still young, and I'm not a professional, I'm going to show you a joke. You look at Mu Ya first, I will go for a walk according to your original plan to show you."

Lu Yongchun hugged Mu Ya and said with a smile: "It's just to try the effect, there is no defense. Mu Ya is curious." She kissed Mu Ya's small face again, teasing Mu Ya: "What treasure did Mu Ya just discover? ?”

Mu Ya pointed to those lamps, and replied in a childish voice: "It looks good."

Lu Yongchun intentionally twisted her words, "Is Aunt Lu pretty?"

Mu Ya immediately looked at Zhang Xiao and shook her head, "My mother is pretty."

Several people laughed.

Taking advantage of Mu Ya being amused by Lu Yongchun, Zhang Xiao went backstage again.

Mu Ya soon realized that her mother was gone, she immediately struggled to get out of Wing Chun's arms and slid down to the ground, and walked straight to the backstage. This little thing was too smart, knowing that her mother must be there.

Lu Yongchun quickly hugged her back, and after another coaxing meal, he barely coaxed this little follower who wanted to cling to Zhang Xiao for twenty-four hours.

Without Mu Ya being involved, Zhang Xiao walked well this time. She is graceful, with a standard model figure, and she exudes the charm of a mature woman in her gestures. The clothes on her body show a different look with every step she takes. amorous feelings.

Although she was still not as good as a professional model, Lu Yongchun was amazed. He felt that his vision was really good, and Zhang Xiao was definitely a talent to make. It was a pity that she couldn't have a model like Zhang Xiao for a long time.

Asking Zhang Xiao to help her walk has made Mu Chen embarrassed for several days.

After the rehearsal was over, Lu Yongchun took Zhang Xiao to choose Father Lu's office nearby. Father Lu was not in the company, not even his secretary, so he probably went out with Father Lu to discuss business.

Greeting Zhang Xiao to sit down, Lu Yongchun poured two glasses of warm water, one for Zhang Xiao and the other for Mu Ya.

Mu Ya dumped Lu Yongchun a long time ago, and now she was sitting next to Zhang Xiao, seeing Lu Yongchun put one of the glasses of water in front of her, she said to Zhang Xiao: "Mom, Mu Ya is thirsty."

Zhang Xiao picked her up and sat on his lap, then took a glass of warm water and brought it to her mouth, asking her to drink it slowly. Maybe she was really thirsty, Mu Ya drank a glass of water in one go, Zhang Xiao asked her if she wanted more, she shook her head.

"Wing Chun, do you think I am competent for the task you entrusted to me?" Zhang Xiao looked at Wing Chun opposite, and asked with a smile, "There are still deficiencies, you point them out, and I will try my best to correct them."

"There must be some deficiencies. After all, you are not a professional model. You are naturally beautiful, noble and elegant. Your graceful demeanor can make up for your deficiencies. There are still two days before the press conference. In these two days, you Come to me to practice, and on the day of the press conference, I think you can already reach a certain level."

"I should have come to practice earlier."

Zhang Xiao was still a little apologetic, for fear that he would screw up Wing Chun's press conference.

Lu Yongchun smiled and said: "You are very busy now, and I know that. You are a dazzling pearl at your family's dinner party. My mother came back and praised you to me several times, saying that you are generous and decent in dealing with people, much better than me." At the end, She said with a bit of reproach: "It turns out that you are the real designer of Qilin Villa, and you have hidden it so deeply."

Zhang Xiao smiled, "Too much for Lu. I just want to live a quiet life."

She retreated bravely back then, but she was actually helpless.

Her father was so angry with her that time, if she didn't back down, her father would use his power to destroy her.

When she first showed her talents, she immediately disappeared, leaving behind a legend, which could help her keep her reputation.

"Wing Chun, you must have been busy all day and night recently." Zhang Xiao still remembered Ning Zhiyuan's request, and she began to shift the topic to Lu Yongchun without any trace.

Lu Yongchun didn't have as much thoughtfulness as Zhang Xiao. When Zhang Xiao asked her this way, she answered honestly: "It's true that I'm so busy that I don't even have time to drink saliva. If I'm busy for a few more days, I can breathe a sigh of relief, but it's very difficult." We will soon be preparing for the spring clothing launch next year."

The new styles that Lu's launched this time are for autumn and winter, mainly for winter, because it's autumn now, and it's already winter when all the clothes are on the market, so it's mainly for winter.

Every press conference has to be planned in advance, and Lu Yongchun is used to preparing for the next work right after this one is over.

"Well, it's no wonder that you don't even have time to see my brother. My brother is also an ignorant person. He knows that you are too busy and doesn't show consideration for you, but he comes here every day to harass you. I have to talk about it later. Him." On the surface, Zhang Xiao helped Lu Yongchun, but in fact he was helping Ning Zhiyuan, hoping that Lu Yongchun could meet Ning Zhiyuan, so that that guy would not look like a thunderbolt all day long and attack people everywhere. Presumably, the employees of Ning's Group have been beaten to the core by the black-faced president.

When Ning Zhiyuan was mentioned, Lu Yongchun's smile became a bit contrived, and he complained to Zhang Xiao: "Although Zhiyuan is your cousin, Zhang Xiao, I am also your good friend, you can't always favor him. , think about it for me too. That guy Ning Zhiyuan is an elm-headed guy, sometimes he gets mad at him half to death, I think, I still have to hang on to him, I can't lose myself too quickly, lest I be eaten to death by him in the future of."

(PS: I'm going to school today, so I don't have any free code words, so I only update four chapters.)