"System, can you build an underground world detector that directly penetrates the earth's crust? I highly doubt that these guys are hiding under the ground, and they may have built a new world below."

McGonagall sat on the back of the Griffin and said in his heart.

"I just installed a tracker on her spacecraft." The system replied.

"Isn't your low-level civilization tracker exist to increase the possibility of my being suspected?" McGonagall curled his lips.

"That's a high-level tracker that I bought from other systems at a high price. The latest technology from M78 Nebula was removed from an Ultraman and only served for two hundred years." The system emphasized.

"Is the Ultraman planet so powerful?" McGonagall expressed a little doubt.

"This is the latest coordinate information of that spacecraft." A three-dimensional coordinate map appeared in McGonagall's mind.


McGonagall looked at the blank coordinates.

The system was silent for a while, and said: "Normal mechanical failures are also possible in higher civilizations. As a pseudo mechanical engineer, you should understand it."

"You guy just bought second-hand crooked goods for cheap!" McGonagall rolled his eyes and said in a bad mood.

McGonagall was about to exit, but saw that the coordinate map flickered a few times, and a faint red dot appeared, but it disappeared quickly, but still left a coordinate.

"The spacecraft is now a hundred kilometers north of Luodu City, at a height of 10,000 meters!" the system said excitedly.

"It's a fart tracker that can't be located in real time." Although McGonagall also has a flying restaurant, it is a serious spacecraft, and he doesn't think he can get to someone.

After finishing the topic of tracing, McGonagall still obsessed about the dungeon. After thinking for a while, suddenly a flash of inspiration said: "System, do you think this world is three-dimensional, like a pie? We feel like we are On the first floor, we are actually on the second floor, there is another floor underground, and there may be another floor above.

Ancient people with advanced civilizations cannot put themselves in the dark underground world to suffer, which shows that the so-called underground world may be completely different from the underground world in our thinking.

The sky of Nolan Continent has an upper limit. Could it be the chassis of the previous world?

The subterranean world is inhabited by the servant race of the ancients and the old rulers. What is inhabited that day? "

McGonagall was a little excited, feeling as if he was about to be exposed to the essence of this world, just like when Magellan proved that the world is round.

The system was silent for a long time.

"Maybe it's possible..."

"The underground world controlled by the ancients seems to be orderly, but the Nolan Continent allows various races to fight, it is completely a mode of raising Gu. Where are the so-called gods of the various races? In the sky? Or underground?" McGonagall continued to think. .

"Host, this system still needs to remind you that your main task is just to become the **** of cook in this world... and it does not explore the unsolved mysteries of the world."

"As a system, you have to pursue a little bit. A God of Cooking, who has done the things of God of War, is it very popular to say it?" McGonagall said.

"No, it will only be evaluated as: not doing business properly, low business ability."

"Do you really want to be laughed at for a whole life of a cooking system and kick out group chats at will? Having a powerful host can make you leave a name in the history of the system and be remembered forever!" McGonagall said impassionedly.

"It sounds...it seems like this." The system faltered a bit.

"Do it hard, go to other systems to get some black technology, or get some elixir that can fly immortal on the spot after eating. When we are done with the old dominators, we need bicycles. The world is ours. "Mag encouraged.

"Okay! I'm going now!" The system rushed with interest.

McGonagall raised his eyebrows slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

When returning to Luodu, McGonagall saw Irina blowing up the streets on Romo Street with her two children.

Oh, this statement is a bit incorrect.

Irina put a soundproof cover on the motorcycle, allowing Amy and Annie to fully experience the wildness and feedback of riding a motorcycle, without affecting the residents nearby.

Wearing a black and white helmet and black and white tight-fitting armor, Amy turned into a little knight, carrying Annie through a perfect drifting turn at the corner of the street, and then returning to the entrance of the Saipan Tavern.

Annie put her feet down and supported the car. The two took off their helmets and laughed happily.

"It drove well, I even learned to drift." McGonagall jumped off A Zi's back and said with a smile.

"Father, are you okay?" Amy jumped out of the car and rushed to McGonagall, asking caringly.

"Well, I'm fine, let's go in first." McGonagall picked her up, waved at Zi, and entered the tavern.

Irina put the motorcycle away for Amy, and also brought Annie in.

"What about the badass?" Amy asked, looking at McGonagall.

"I beat you away." McGonagall said with a smile.

"Sure enough, my father is super awesome!" Amy looked at McGonagall in admiration, with little stars in her eyes.

"By the way, I have a small gift for you." McGonagall took out two boxes from his arms and handed the big purple box to Amy, and the white box to Annie.

"What is it?"

Amy opened the box and it was filled with various snacks in local packaging.

"Wow! So many delicious!" Amy's eyes lit up, and she immediately took out a packet of potato chips and ate it.

Annie opened the small box, which was a silver ring.

She picked up the ring and looked at the light, her eyes filled with affection.

"Try it on and see if it fits." McGonagall said with a smile looking at Annie.

Annie nodded obediently and put the silver ring on her index finger, but her fingers were too slender and slender, and the ring was obviously bigger.

Just when Annie was about to try other fingers, the ring suddenly tightened inward and became smaller, just fitting her index finger.

"It's just right." McGonagall's eyes lit up. It is worthy of being a ring of advanced civilization. It can adapt to the size of the person who wears it. "After that, Annie will wear it. It's good."

"I like it very much." Annie said with sign language, raised her hand to the light, and looked at the ring gleaming in the light with a smile on her face.

"What happened to that thing just now?" Putting the two children to sleep, Irina asked McGonagall who had just come out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel after taking a shower.

"From the servant race of Cthulhu, a three-headed flying snake monster with strength above the normal tenth level, I was led out of the city and severely injured, and then called the woman to take him away." McGonagall removed the bath towel. He threw it aside and walked towards the bed.