"Invasion?" Rex looked at the stunned jailer. Some doubts, "Is anyone in prison?"

"Yes, it should have entered the underground now, and the location of the intruder has not yet been determined." The jailer nodded and his forehead was full of cold sweat.

Basti prison has been established for a hundred years, and there has been almost no difference. It is regarded as the most unbreakable prison on the mainland. In just a few days, successive jailbreaking incidents and intrusions have been made, which is simply unbelievable.

Of course, the most incredible jailbreaker is now standing in front of him. I heard that because he was the first prisoner in the history of Bastig prison, he was appointed as the deputy governor by the city.

This wonderful reward has brought great pressure to the jailers in Basti prison. The prisoners who had been obedient and obedient have recently tried to escape from jail, in order to achieve the goal of becoming a deputy warden.

Now, not only the prisoners who are inside are eager to try to escape, but even outsiders have invaded.

There are many prisoners in Basti prison, many of whom are prisoners with high strength and status. If this is a premeditated prison, things may develop to an uncontrollable level.

"Just do it according to your plan. When you need me to take it, come back to me." Rex said that he was a **** still a few days away from the various rules and issues of the Bastig prison. Not very clear, and I don’t want to be indiscriminately commanded.

"Yes!" The jailer responded and turned to prepare to leave. In response to the invasion, the Bastig prison did have a mature program, and it was often practiced.

"Right, no one has just sent anything?" Rex suddenly asked.

"There are no visitors today." The jailer shook his head.

"Okay, go." Rex raised his hand and the jailer left, leaving him alone in the office.

"Is the wheat boss busy forgetting? Say it is five o'clock, how has it not been delivered yet?" Rex said to himself, the Mai Mi restaurant is close to the prison, but now that there is an intruder, he has no To leave the position, you must first seize the mysterious intruder.

"There is someone who dares to invade the Bastig prison. It is not too small to know who the strong is."


"The egg is three passages. What a **** place here, how do you keep people in a small house?" Connie stood at the three-way intersection of life again, looking at the gloomy three passages, revealing The tangled color, she saw a lot of small houses along the way, there are all races in the inside, but one looks very fierce, she did not dare to ask for directions, all the way quietly Mimi came over.

"No, if I go on like this, I will get lost. I have to find someone to ask for directions." Connie thought in her heart and chose the middle passage to move forward.

The dark passages will be littered every ten meters, and there is a smell of damp and mold mixed with feces in the air. The buzzing sound is like thunder.

Connie carried the incubator in her hand and carefully walked forward, then looked at the guys who were locked behind the iron railings.

"Hello, may you know how I can be the deputy warden?" Connie stopped outside a railing, and inside was a bull-headed orc, and she stopped and whispered.


Responding to her is a thunderous shout.

"Little girl, are you coming to the deputy warden?" At this time, a sound of yin measurement came from the prison next door.

"Yeah, do you know where he is? I haven't found him for a long time, and I haven't found him." Connie walked to the jail next door, a dark-skinned, thin-looking old man who was attached to the railing and was smiling. Look at her.

"What do you want to find the deputy warden? He is not what ordinary people can see." The goblin squinted at Connie, but the little girl had a special mask on her head and could not see what race she was. But what is certain is that she should not be a jailer.

"I came to give him a meal. He set a takeaway in our restaurant." Connie replied honestly and looked at the ground. "Now can you tell me where he is? I have to give it to him as soon as possible." It’s the hand, otherwise the soup is cold.”

"Of course I can tell you where he is, but this palace is too complicated. I am afraid that you can't remember it. If you let me out, I will take you to him." The goblin said with a smile. The prominent eyeballs turned around in the eyelids.

"Put you out?" Connie looked at the railing between them, with a big lock on the door next to it.

"Yes, let me out, I will take you to the deputy warden, so that you can complete your work." The goblin smiled brilliantly.

"Say, are you a goblin?" Connie asked suddenly.

The goblin snorted and nodded: "Yes...Yes."

"Farewell." Connie turned and left.

"Hey! Little girl, don't go, I can really take you to the deputy warden!" The goblin grabbed the railing and was in a hurry.

"Father licked me, don't trade with the goblin, you are the most deceptive." Connie said back without saying that although she was clever, her father still had to listen.

After a mess, Connie felt that she had gone underground again.

Originally, she was already looking for those who were mysterious and moving around to ask the way. The result came along, but none of them met again.


"Did you find someone?"

“On the ground floor, prisoners said that they saw a person with a particularly large head passing by, but that layer had been searched by carpet and no suspicious people were found.”

"Block the exits of each floor, then focus on searching between the next and fifth floors, and find people to signal immediately!"


The jailer rushed through the passage of the prison. The intruder was extremely embarrassed and managed to avoid all the organs and patrols. So far no one has seen him. He can only hear from the prisoners who are detained. Sporadic description.



"The intruder is on the fourth floor!"

"First sequence event! Request support!!!"

At this moment, the harsh alarm sounded through the Basti prison, and the strongman in charge of the outer guardian and the strong man in the depths of the prison ran toward the fourth floor. Some people invaded the fourth floor of the underground. It is a shame for the Stie prison!

"What is this? How can it be called?" At a crossroads, Connie licked a big snail with her feet, her face full of curiosity.

"What people! Raise your hand!"

At this moment, the four channels simultaneously sent dense footsteps, and the glare of the glare illumined Connie's body. A group of magicians and knights rushed out of the passage, and some nervously shouted.

"I... I am just a takeaway..." Looking at the crowd that suddenly appeared, Connie lifted her hand warmer innocently, weakly. . m.