As the whirlpool in the sky becomes more and more obvious, faint ripples can be seen in the sky. Gradually, it converges into a running river in the air, vaguely flowing into the twisted vortex in the sky

This scene naturally attracted countless exclamations again.

Even the Pope and the eight cardinals in the temple went out to the door of the temple and looked up at the whirlpool in the sky and at the long "belt" which gradually appeared in the air like a river.

The statue of God in the temple seems to have completed its mission. In addition to its surface, there is still a little light of light, and there is no difference.

That's why the Pope and the eight Cardinals came out of the temple.

They all want to witness with their own eyes the opening of the gate of heaven and the arrival of the gods in heaven

At this time, all the visions in the city of God had already caused a great disturbance, which was paid close attention by the political leaders of all countries, especially those countries in the European continent.

Many people feel a little uneasy about the vision of the city.

It is obvious that what is happening now can no longer connect this huge prayer ceremony of the holy house with the ordinary religious activities.

As long as not stupid people can already think that this is not an ordinary religious activity.

At this time, the political leaders of all countries began to weigh and think about what strange things would happen in Shencheng, and what changes, even changes, would be brought to their countries, to the people, to the whole world

For a while, the heads of government of all countries held an urgent high-level meeting to discuss the coping strategies for the events in the holy city. Whether it is necessary to take some necessary preventive measures.

Relatively speaking, the European countries are undoubtedly much more nervous, and even many people connect what happened in the city with the legendary gods.

After all, it's a holy city!

Once ruled the entire European faith for a very long time in the holy city!

This time, the vision of the holy city is due to the prayer ceremony of millions of believers carried out by the divine court It is natural and inevitable to associate those visions and prayer rituals with the gods preached by the temple.

Such association will make some believers feel elated and excited, but more people are worried.

In particular, the more rational senior political figures of various countries. After all, the damage caused by MIDI under the divine power of the Oriental "God" can still be seen clearly.

The huge "Lake" left by the destruction of Niuyao city has become an indelible "miracle". In recent years, countless tourists from all over the world have visited this "miracle"

In front of the gods, even MIDI, the "former" world's only hegemonic power with the world's most advanced weapons and scientific and technological strength, was completely crushed and smashed, and even lost its world status of "one super".

With this lesson in mind, no country is not afraid to have the supreme divine power, which is not the appearance of gods that modern science and technology can contend with!

In particular, the city of God is in Europe, right next to them. It is impossible that the political leaders of European countries will not be free of such speculation and worry.

For the vast majority of people living in the modern world, they do not want the existence of a God who can defy all the laws and moral shackles of the world and be superior to them.

The vision of God city makes these people inevitably have such worries

Relatively speaking, the tension in the eastern countries far away from the European continent, and even the United States and mainland countries such as MIDI and maple leaf, is not so intense.

Although out of prudence, countries have held urgent high-level meetings, but the keynote of the meeting is still to treat with caution, be prepared and take precautions.

It is not as tense and uneasy as the European countries.

In the city of God, the Pope and the eight Cardinals looked at the whirlpool of space in the sky more and more intense. The long river of faith was completely visible to the naked eye. Their hearts were filled with a surging excitement and fanaticism, and their eyes showed incomparable eagerness and expectation.

I don't know how long the twisted space gradually weakened.

In the center of the whirlpool, there gradually appeared a little colorful light. It seemed that there was a small hole in the space, and those colorful brilliant lights were blooming from that hole.

As the river of faith in the sky continuously "flows into" the vortex, the tiny hole is also expanding and expanding. The gorgeous and colorful light shines out, rendering the surrounding sky into a realm like a magical kingdom, full of a kind of dream, mystery and mystery

Millions of believers kneeling on the ground looked up at the scene in the sky, their faces became more pious, and their eyes were filled with a frenzy.

If we say that before these believers only belonged to "devout" believers, now, no doubt, most of them have become "crazy believers"!They were shocked by what they saw. What's more, they all think that this is the miracle of the gods in heaven who heard their devout prayer!

This naturally makes them more devout and even fanatical about the gods they believe in.

As time goes by, the colorful holes in the whirlpool in the sky are constantly expanding.

Those believers kneeling on the ground gradually become more and more fanatical, and their spirit seems incomparably excited, just like taking excessive stimulants. Even when they look at the colorful whirlpool holes, they can not help but take a kind of Psychedelic color.

At this moment, their eyes have only left the sky on the vortex, the vortex in that constantly expanding gorgeous incomparable hole.

In their hearts, there are only gods they believe in, and there is no room for anything else

The whole holy city was enveloped by a kind of extremely fanatical atmosphere, as if separated from the outside world into two different worlds. Outside the city of God, there is an ordinary world, but inside the city, there is a supreme kingdom of faith!


When the colorful hole in the vortex in the sky expands to the size of a door, the whole twisted vortex suddenly vibrates violently.

Then, the twisted vortex was gradually smoothed down, while the colorful hole about the size of the door in the center seemed to be strengthened and became more and more stable, and gradually showed a dense mysterious texture and various strange symbols

As the tremor calmed down, there was no twisted space vortex in the sky. What remained was a door about three meters high, full of colorful and incomparable splendor.

There are countless mysterious textures, patterns, symbols and so on around the portal

Under the gaze of millions of fanatical believers, residents and clergy in the holy city, the splendor of the gate suddenly showed a slight fluctuation.

A moment later, a figure appeared in the beauty of the door , the fastest update of the webnovel!