South China Sea.

A couple of big central figures gathered together. Looking at the information displayed on the screen hanging on the wall in front of him, No.1 chief executive can't help sighing, "I didn't expect that this" Silver Sea immortal "would be so cruel. This move not only directly destroyed Niuyao City, the first metropolis of MIDI, but also continued to destroy those military bases of MIDI. It was like shaking up the whole midi ……”

The second Chief Executive sitting next to him also sighed: "who said it was not. Compared with this one, we just annihilated the joint formation of two aircraft carriers of MIDI in the South China Sea. It's not even a big deal. "

"Ha ha, actually speaking, after such a disturbance, MIDI probably doesn't have the Kung Fu and the courage to challenge us again and accuse us of destroying their aircraft carrier formation in the South China Sea." A military commission big man said with a smile.

The other big men all began to laugh.

"Yes. Originally, we destroyed the joint formation of two aircraft carriers of MIDI. MIDI will not give up. But now Ha ha, MI Di still wants to think about how to calm the anger of that person first, as well as the problem of how to deal with the aftermath

"The power of that man is incredible. This is really one person can destroy the country! Mi Di, who has always been arrogant and overbearing, was beaten to find his teeth all over the place this time... "

"After this, I'm afraid that MIDI's hegemony in the world will be greatly shaken and hit. This may be our chance to rise! "

"Anyway, after this time, it will not be so easy for MIDI to think about the provocation and meddling in our house. Moreover, the existence of that one is bound to shock and frighten the entire Western world, which is extremely beneficial to the international environment and diplomatic conditions that we need to face next. "

"Yes, that's what we can borrow. With the power shown this time as a deterrent, no matter which country will be more cautious and careful in dealing with our problems. "

For the whole of China, there is no doubt that Yin Xiu's making trouble with MIDI has great, even inestimable, benefits. Even if Yin Xiu did not have any contact with the authorities, they did not even instruct him to do anything.

However, the identity and position of Yin Xiushen as a member of China can play an inestimable role and frighten the whole world!

The lessons learned by MIDI are still in front of us. There is a huge palm shaped pit in the original site of Niuyao city. No one, no country, can ignore these.

They don't know if Yin Xiu has any contact with the Chinese authorities.

Even if they know not, they have to worry about whether Yin Xiu's dissatisfaction will be caused by some factors of China's policy, and then infuriate Yin Xiu, which will lead to the experience of MIDI this time.

Even MIDI, the world's only hegemonic power, has no resistance in front of Yin Xiu. Who has the courage to try again?

These are the potential that China can borrow.

Yin Xiu's existence is just like a sword hanging over the heads of other countries in the world. No one can ignore whether this sword will fall or not and cut it on his head.

The big men in huananhai continue to pay close attention to the situation of MIDI. Everything that happened in MIDI was fed back to the South China Sea as soon as possible.

When Yin Xiu gradually destroyed all the industries of the companies and organizations involved in the Anti China wave and Xianzi, and destroyed more than 70% of the military bases in MIDI territory, President speran, who was evacuated from the black palace of Huadu, and other senior officials finally arrived at angel city.

And held a press conference here.

Finally, the black palace will hold a press conference, which immediately let a large number of media in Angel City swarm and quickly gather at the scene of the conference.

However, at the press conference, Splan was extremely cautious and did not make any statement about the destruction of Niuyao city and the destruction of many military bases.

Only some information was released, including the photos of Yin Xiu captured by military satellites, and the rescue of tens of millions of people in Niuyao city.

As for the views of reporters on the incident, especially on Yin Xiu's question, speran and a number of senior officials of the black palace did not respond to the questions, which seemed to be very secretive.

There is no way. At this time, they don't dare to express any attitude towards this. They are now in complete despair of exterminating Yin Xiu.

They can't even launch a nuclear bomb near Yin Xiu. What else can we do to deal with him?

And now yinxiuke continues to destroy their military bases and some other targets in the territory of MIDI. Splan and a group of senior officials of the black Palace are also worried that if they make any further remarks and provoke the terrible Chinese devil again, maybe MIDI will suffer more severe revenge!

The press conference was not long. It was only ten minutes before it was over in a hurry.

Although the reporters at the scene were dissatisfied with the fact that the black palace did not respond to the destruction of Niuyao city and many military bases by the Chinese "immortal", they were not stupid. Naturally, they knew why the black palace did not respond to these things.What's more, at least the black palace has released a lot of information, including clear pictures of the terrible Chinese "immortal" captured by military satellites.

This has satisfied many journalists. You know, although they also got a lot of photos before, they were not able to see the Chinese "immortal" clearly.

At the moment, the facial features can not be clearly identified.

The black palace released these relevant information in order to give the public an account. The reason why he didn't dare to say anything about it was that he was afraid of Yin Xiu.

Obviously, at the moment, MIDI had lowered their arrogant heads and had to submit to Yin Xiu's absolute crushing power!

As for how to deal with the aftermath, and how to face the censure from the people and the Congress, all the officials in sprand and and the black palace were in a headache. It's just that they don't think about it for the time being.

At present, the most important thing they need to do is to find a way to solve the basic resettlement security problem of tens of millions of people in Niuyao city. And then there is the snake monster in Huadu!

These are within their ability to solve.

As for the damned Chinese devil who should go to hell They have no choice. The only thing I can do is to pray silently that he can stop his destructive action in MIDI and leave MIDI

The related news content of the press conference held in angel city with the high-level of black palace was immediately reported by a large number of media.

For a while, there was a heated discussion on MIDI's network. It's not too much to say it's bloody.

Many MIDI people were unable to accept the fact that the black palace was destroyed in Niuyao city and did not respond to the Chinese "immortal.".

Even a lot of people on the Internet denounced speran's government as weak and incompetent, which was not enough to ensure the safety of MIDI people, so it should immediately step down.

At the same time, there are also demands that the MIDI government take a tough stance, resolutely defend the safety of MIDI, and use all means to kill the Chinese devil!

But there was an immediate rebuttal.

Although speran did not respond to these aspects at the press conference, he said at the press conference that he had ordered the use of the ultimate means. Unfortunately, it failed.

Although this sentence does not specifically point out anything, its meaning is already obvious. Some media reporters have also spontaneously interpreted this sentence of speran.

Therefore, some of the more rational MIDI people who saw the news immediately refuted those who attacked and reviled the black palace with the words of Splan.

"A bunch of idiots, don't you see the reports in the angel times and today's MIDI? President Splan said that he had ordered the use of nuclear weapons, but it failed in the end. "

"Although President speran did not specify why he failed, at least one thing can be determined, that is, even if nuclear weapons are used, it will not threaten the terrible Chinese" immortal "!"

"There are also people who say that they should use all means to kill the Chinese" immortal ". Are you all idiots? Don't talk through your brain? If we really have a way to kill that Chinese "immortal", do you think the black palace will not do so? "

"Want to kill that terrible Chinese" immortal "? I think it is more reliable for our government to kill the snake monster in Huadu first. "

"As for the Chinese immortal He didn't kill civilians anyway. Didn't you see that although he destroyed Niuyao City, he moved tens of millions of people from Niuyao city in advance? The buildings and military bases destroyed by him are basically the same. "

"So I don't think there's anything to worry about at least our lives. On the contrary, there are news reports that the snake monster in Huadu is constantly eating people... "

MIDI's network is in a mess, with all kinds of comments. Scolding and defending the government for its incompetence. Who cursed China and the Chinese "immortal" who caused all this Wait, it's full of MIDI's entire network.

Although many western countries sympathize with MIDI's experience, they are no longer willing to say anything at will. They are very cautious.

Obviously, he was also frightened by what Yin Xiu did in MIDI.

However, the media in these countries have reported the contents of the press conference of the black palace. Chinese media also reported the content of the press conference of the black Palace back to China for the first time.

It is precisely because of these reports that there is once again a raging wave and a sensation in China , the fastest update of the webnovel!