She could feel that Shen Qianshan still did not recover. It was not the person she trusted most, nor the one she wanted to see.

"Don't think about it. I won't let you go."

It's hard for Shen Qianshan to imagine that if he didn't arrive in time today, he would never see Gu Jia again in his whole life.

"Let me go."

Gu Jia now has only one leg to move, and he is very hard to walk. He can't move Shen Qianshan any more.

Gu Gu wants to leave, but Shen Qianshan wants to leave her anyway. No matter what Gu Jia is thinking now, Shen Qianshan will not let Gu Jia go easily.

Gu Huai'an was not in the listening Pavilion at this time. He thought that Gusu Liang and Chu TianKuo would take good care of him, but he didn't expect that he would run out by himself.

The two of them finally determined a few feasible ways, and it was time to have dinner, so they hurried to set out to make lunch.

Gu Suliang and Chu TianKuo didn't see Gu Gu go downstairs at all. They thought Gu Jia was alone in the room at the moment. When they wanted to deliver food to Gu Gu Gu at noon, they found that there was no one in the room. Gusu Liang was so scared that he almost beat all the bowls in his hand, so he quickly withdrew and waved to Chu TianKuo.

"Oh, no, Gu's gone."

After Chu TianKuo heard this, the whole person was stunned. The two of them had been staying in the hall since the beginning of the morning. They didn't even notice when Gu Jia left. She was not flexible. How could she leave in front of them?

"Could it be that we were so absorbed in the discussion that we didn't notice that Gu Gu had left?"

After confirming the possibility, Gu Suliang was stunned. He just looked at those things and didn't pay attention to the door. This is true. But where can Gu Jia go alone? Her legs are not convenient now. She can't walk far, right?

"No, let's clean it up quickly and find it now, or something will happen again."


In the mansion of nine princes, the atmosphere of two people seemed to drop to the freezing point.

"If you don't eat, I can't be angry."

When Shen Qianshan spoke, he was much more relaxed than before, but Gu Jia still felt so harsh in his ears, because Shen Qianshan still had no feelings for what he said.

However, Shen Qianshan has done his best to give all his patience to Gu Jia. He doesn't know how to deal with the relationship between the two people, but he has a voice in his heart that he can't be so heartless to the people in front of him.

He didn't have the cool attitude in his imagination, but Gu Jia could still feel that Shen Qianshan was not the Shen Qianshan before. He had been suppressing himself, and he didn't really think of anything.

"I'm not hungry. You can eat it yourself."

Gu Jia faintly replied, and continued to sit on the edge of the bed with his legs in his arms. It looked like a very cold look. In fact, Gu Jia didn't know what kind of situation Shen Qianshan had recovered after taking the old man's medicine? She did not dare to approach, but always on the edge of the temptation.

"You can't eat without being hungry? Don't challenge my patience

As soon as this sentence was said, his meaning of Gu's fortune was completely eliminated. Shen Qianshan was indeed the cold man, which was different from the one he had known before.

He is still so impatient, for himself, his heart is more responsibility than emotion, this is the most let Gu Jia feel sad.

"Whether I eat or not has nothing to do with Wang Ye's bottom line. Wang Ye just needs to tell Gu Jia whether he can let him go?"

Gu Gu's attitude seems to have angered Shen Qianshan in front of him. His expression on his face suddenly became very bad. He pressed his temple and put his hand on Gu Gu's chin. "I won't say it many times. I'll eat honestly!"

Gu Gu has never had such treatment. Looking at Shen Qianshan's indifferent eyes, he desperately wants to go too far and avoid his imprisonment. However, Gu Gu, who has been ill for several days, has no food and has no strength to fight against him.

Gu Jia has not eaten seriously these days. He has not even taken two drinks of water. His lips are a little pale and his face is unnaturally pale.

Seeing this situation, Shen Qianshan did not have the patience. He pinched her chin and wanted to pour rice porridge directly into it.

But after all, it was porridge, with all kinds of fine ingredients and rice grains in it. After one mouthful of it, Gu Gu Gu showed a very uncomfortable look, obviously choking.

"Cough, cough Cough... "

Gu Jia began to cough violently. His throat was jammed, and he could not speak at all. He was hard to breathe. With the strength from nowhere, he quickly broke away from Shen Qianshan and pushed aside the bowl in front of him. He coughed fiercely with his hands.Choked by rice porridge, Gu Gu Gu felt that she was wandering on the edge of death again. She really didn't want to try this situation any more. In addition, Shen Qianshan just used a lot of strength, so Gu Jia even shed tears.

Maybe it's not just suffering, it's more grievance.

Seeing Gu Jia's miserable expression, Shen Qianshan calmed down and realized what a stupid thing he had done. In his memory, he never touched Gu Jia. He even swore that he would not let Gu Jia shed a tear from now on, but he did not do it.

Shen Qianshan quickly went to Gu Jia's side and patted her on the back, hoping to ease her situation. However, the people in front of him seemed very afraid. Even when he was close, she began to tremble.

I don't know how long it took for Gu Jia to calm down with tears on his face.

"I'm sorry I was in a bit of a hurry just now

Shen Qianshan is sorry, but he doesn't know what else he can say. He knows that he has made a mistake, but he can't control his action just now. There is always a very violent emotion controlling himself.

This is what Shen Qianshan finally realized. It seems that what the doctor said is true. There are people who want to control themselves and achieve certain goals.

But just now that kind of behavior, I have no way to explain to the people in front of him. Do you want to tell Gu Jia that he is such a big man that he can't control his own behavior?

He could feel his consciousness slowly waking up, but there was another force controlling his body.

Do you really forget something in a certain period of time, so that people used it?

Shen Qianshan felt that he was slowly regaining consciousness. He thought everything would progress in a better direction. However, he didn't expect that since this forced Gu Jia to have porridge, their situation would get worse and worse.

Gu Jia's attitude has become more silent. Since he was able to say a word or two with the person in front of him and let him leave, now, Gu Jia doesn't even want to say another word.

Now Gu Gu is staring at the front, as if there is no Shen Qianshan in front of him.

Shen Qianshan can't control his actions at all. If it wasn't for this, these things would not have happened at all. However, all of them were caught off guard.

In the palace, Shen Zhongbai, facing Gu Huai'an in front of him, always mentions something about Gu Jia, intentionally or unintentionally. He really wants to know what happened that day.

His subordinates have already seen that the throwing knife that stabbed on the assassin is as deep as the one. Does Shen Qianshan have such a great ability to send out two throwing knives with the same strength with the same hand, or do they face in two directions?

He didn't want to get rid of Shen Qianshan, but simply wanted to know something about the situation. After all, if one of the throwing knives was not sent by Shen Qianshan, it means that there was at least one person of the same level as Shen Qianshan in the Imperial Palace at that time.

"This is the Throwing Knife on the assassin's body and the one that hurt Gu Gu at that time. Someone has already checked it carefully. Do you have any questions?"

If we only talk about the people who are similar to Shen Qianshan, they are Gu Huai'an and Gu Suliang around him. However, after thinking about them, they don't seem to be people who will make fun of their strong lives.

But I have tried it, and it's almost impossible for that to happen at the same time.

"Emperor, I don't know much about this kind of thing."

Gu Huai'an understood the meaning of Shen Zhongbai's words. He didn't want to excuse Shen Qianshan at all, but he wanted to get some words about these two concealed weapons from his own mouth, hoping to know whether there was any difference between the two concealed weapons. Unfortunately, he didn't study them.

However, Shen Zhongbai's words still gave him a wake-up call.

At that time, he was standing behind Gu Jia and beside Shen Qianshan, so he didn't notice this. In theory, Shen Qianshan couldn't have sent out these two concealed weapons at the same time. If the scene was not too chaotic at that time, he would have had a look.

They all made preconceived mistakes. Although Shen Qianshan didn't behave like he usually did during this period of time, and he was also very indifferent to Gu Jia, he still did not do anything that substantially hurt Gu Jia.

At that time, if it was not for the dagger that pierced Gu Jia's calf, Gu Jia would not suddenly lose his gravity, and the dagger that stabbed the assassin would not have hurt him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!