Gu Lun threw a peanut into his mouth: "I said, I went to Xie's house and found that I had it!" He shrugged: "how are you doing in the Xie family? Did the Xie family embarrass you?"

Xu Xian glanced at Xie Linyuan and found that Xie Linyuan didn't care about their discussion. She looked up and thought.

Although some people embarrassed themselves, they resolved it perfectly. She shook her head: "it's all right. What can I do? I'm a fairy. Who can be difficult for me."

"Yes, fairy without baby." Mu Zhao sneered. Chi Rui Leng hum: "yes, return the fairy!"

The gap between the front and back is 18000 miles. Xu Xian thinks he shouldn't sit on the card table! She was discriminated against!

Xu Xian found that these people had reached strategic unity after going out on their own.

The first day of the lunar new year was spent slowly in Mahjong played by several people.

In the evening, several people didn't plan to cook by themselves, but went out to eat and drink together. Gu Lun called Shan Mingfei and Shan Minghan and went to the famous Benbang restaurant he recommended.

Gu Lun ordered dishes and ordered tea for several people.

"I've been here once. It tastes good. Try it!" Gu Lun recommended: "although the place is not big, but the taste is good. I'll tell you, it's this!"

He put up his thumb and smiled with envy: "I can't agree with your taste." Gu Lun was not satisfied: "what's wrong with my taste? My taste can't be wrong."

Several people ate and drank. Bai Eucalyptus got up and went to the bathroom. The private room of this hotel is not big, and there is no bathroom in the private room. Bai Eucalyptus came out of the private room.

Originally, Xu Xian was not there, but more than ten minutes later, white Eucalyptus hasn't come back. Xu Xian was worried: "why hasn't Eucalyptus come back?"

"I'll see." Gu Lun's position was closest to the door. He got up and left, but a few seconds later he heard Gu Lun's roar: "let go of you!"

Although Gu Lun was reckless, he was definitely not the kind of person who would take the initiative to cause trouble. Xu Xian looked at each other, immediately put down his chopsticks and rushed out of the private room together. When he opened the door, he saw Gu Lun holding Bai eucalyptus and glared at the person in front of him.

"Who are you?" Xu Xian took a step forward, and she had a bad idea in her heart.

Six years ago, Bai Yueya found a man to shut down Bai eucalyptus, who had been autistic for five years. She also felt guilty for five years. Although these people were sent to prison, they had been released from prison. Like the old king.

King left, but his subordinates——

These people can't be those people! Xu Xian has been worried these days. She is afraid that Bai Eucalyptus will meet those people. Bai eucalyptus has finally had her current life. She is afraid that these people will appear again and break this beauty.

"Who are we?" The first one was a young looking man with a cigar in his mouth and a black windbreaker. His hair seemed to be smeared with half a kilo of hair wax. It was full of oil and almost dazzling in the light.

"Speak, mute?" He smoked a cigar and sprayed the smoke on Gu Lun's face. Gu Lun couldn't move with Bai Eucalyptus in his hand. He looked at each other fiercely: "pay attention to me."

"Respect, no one here dares to let me respect." The little oil head sneered. He looked at the people behind Gu Lun and his eyes lit up.

Apart from others, Xu Xianmu Zhao is a great beauty, and Chi Rui is a legendary actress. Needless to say, his acting skills and appearance are definitely first-class. As for other men, they are no longer within the scope of his eyes.

He stepped forward: "isn't this Chi Rui? My God, I didn't expect the big star to come here for dinner." He came forward frivolously and wanted to hold Chi Rui's hand: "I'm your fan. I don't know if you can..."

Before Chi Rui heard anything, Shan Minghan stepped forward and stopped him: "no, take your claws away."

"What kind of thing do you dare to talk to me like this? I tell you..." The little oil head stretched out his hand and nodded Shan Minghan's shoulder: "I covered all of me!"

Xu Xian came forward and looked at Bai Eucalyptus. Bai Eucalyptus's left face was swollen like a steamed bread, and there was a little blood in his nose. Xu Xian was very distressed: "who is he?"

"Good question. Who am I?" The little oil head heard Xu Xian's question. He turned and looked at Xu Xian. Then he said to the little gangsters who followed him: "tell her who I am?"

"You are our big brother and the boss of this piece." Several gangsters answered in unison.

Xu Xian only felt that he seemed to be ill. She looked at Bai Eucalyptus. Bai Eucalyptus whispered, "he was my classmate in high school. He didn't deal with me at school."

Xu Xian breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that she was just a classmate. For a moment, she felt that the strength she had just lost had come back and the combat effectiveness she had lost had also come back. She turned her head: "little oil head, why do you hit my brother?"

"Why? I don't like him. I don't like him!" The little oil head sneered: "I looked down on him before. I just learned better. What's the use of learning well when a man is so counselled?"

The little oil head sneered. He shouted, "come on, let's see this man named Bai Eucalyptus. He used to be my classmate, but I always think it's an insult to have such a classmate!" He pointed to his chest: "I tell you, he's very timid. I hit him before, and he didn't even dare to fight back. I told him he wasn't allowed to tell the teacher, but he really didn't dare to go to the teacher."

The little brother brought by the little oil head laughed, and the little oil head laughed with him.

Their actions attracted the attention of many people, and the small oil head was even more proud. He was like giving a speech, talking while walking: "you say, who wants such a man with only face and no courage?"

Bai Eucalyptus lowered her head and Xu Xian was angry. She stepped forward and pulled the small oil head. The small oil head saw that Xu Xian didn't struggle: "beauty, do you also think what I said is right?"

"There's nothing wrong, you big head." Xu Xian slapped him.

She was in a hurry. Why was Bai Eucalyptus so timid in high school? It was not because of anything else, but because their mother wanted to use Bai Eucalyptus to regain Bai Zhenye's heart at that time.

She always told Bai Eucalyptus to be obedient, study hard, don't fight and don't make trouble, so Bai Zhenye would like it. Bai Eucalyptus hides his nature for his mother's expectation. He lives carefully every day and doesn't want to disappoint his mother.

At that time, Xu Xian didn't pay too much attention to white Eucalyptus because of Bai Yueya.

"What do you know, you little bastard, you bastard? What do you know?" Xu Xianqi is fierce.