Soon, Su Wanqing finally waited until the day when moliancheng promised to take her away and arrange to immigrate abroad. If I had not been busy with the formalities, I would not have delayed it for so long.

Su Wanqing chose to go to Canada because Canada is the only country without extradition regulations. Once Mu Qingqing does something in Jiangcheng, at least she is absolutely safe in Canada. It is precisely because of this that the relevant procedures and immigration conditions are quite harsh. Even moliancheng, which has only one half of the sky, can only follow the procedures. In addition to the preparation of documents, the time is still as long.

Moreover, Mo Liancheng promised to help Su Wanqing handle everything and give her a check enough for the rest of her life. All the evidence is in the hands of Mu Qingqing, and Su Wanqing can be sent to prison every minute. Although she does not want to admit that she is the loser in this struggle, the facts are in front of her.

It is better to stay in Jiangcheng and live a comfortable life in a country where no one knows him. Even if Su Wanqing can't do anything less for her, she can't do anything.

Su Wanqing a light, even a simple change of laundry have no time to take, then from the hotel room in a hurry to check out. According to the appointed time, Su Wanqing will officially get on the plane at 11:48 this morning to bid farewell to this dangerous place. There is less than three hours left.

From the hotel to the meeting of Zhong Lin, Su Wanqing even wants to say goodbye to moliancheng if she can. From then on, her life will be different. With this in mind, you can't help feeling a little nervous when you are excited.

Su Wanqing has always been worried about staying in the hotel these days, but fortunately, Mu Qingqing has not made any movement, which seems to have been put down by Molian city.

After checking out, Su Wanqing stopped a taxi on the street and went to the direction of Mohist group.

In the past few days, the weather has taken a sharp turn. It seems that it is not normal for the temperature to drop sharply. Su Wanqing opens a gap in the window and lets the cool wind blow on her cheek to sober herself up. Su Wanqing, who has been staying in the hotel for several days and hardly gets out of the gate, feels a lack of spiritual oxygen.

In the heart of anxiety can be urgent has become more and more uneasy, such as live in an over excited deer, random collision, causing people worry.

"Hiss Miss, would you please close the window? It's cold and tight The driver is a nagging uncle who is over 50 years old. After urging Su Wanqing to close the window, he starts to talk about the young people who don't pay attention to their bodies and wear little clothes in the cold weather.

Su Wanqing was a little agitated, but she didn't want to expose her identity. So she reached out and patted the driver's back, "uncle, would you please turn on the radio and listen to music?"

"Oh, by the way, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot that the noon news is coming soon! Hey, hey... " Uncle laughs and twists his hand at will, and the old taxi radio station makes a sound. Although there is always a hissing and cheering sound from time to time, you can still clearly hear what the radio is broadcasting. It's a drama.

Su Wanqing pressed her temple and closed her eyes to the back of her chair. However, this voice was better than uncle's incessant chatter.

The next turn to the right 700 meters is the main gate of the Mohist group, but it is probably because of the weekend, so this road is particularly blocked. Su Wanqing looked at the time on the watch, but she was not very anxious.

The nostalgic style of opera finally ended, and gradually lost its tone, followed by the noon news broadcast. In the past, Su Wanqing didn't like to listen to this kind of program when she was driving. She basically had nothing to do with the entertainment industry. The events reported were nothing more than social news.

The host's voice is sonorous and forceful, and the pure broadcast cavity gives rise to a burst of goose bumps on the back of the audience.

"According to our news, recently, some residents reported to the police that they could often smell the odor in the corridor, and suspected that the next door was a drug manufacturing dens. At 3:15 a.m. last night, after deployment, the police broke into the door.

However, the body of a 26 year old man from Jiangcheng was found in the apartment. His face had begun to rot, and there were multiple stab wounds in the arm, abdomen and thigh. The murder weapon was not found in the apartment.

After forensic examination, the death time of the man was more than 72 hours before he was found yesterday. He was identified as Lin, the boss of a famous entertainment company in Jiangcheng. Further information is that the police are still checking

Here's another news, a university today... "

Su Wanqing sat up straight and her heart beat several times faster. Even in the chaotic environment, she still heard clearly. The news in the radio station is not exactly about Lin Zhijie. Although the host did not name the victim directly, it was obviously Lin Zhijie.

"Oh, I'm afraid it's offending someone. I'm sorry to die so young. Tut tut..." The driver started the car with a sigh and a shake of his head.Another sign is the slow turn of the Mohr's lamp. Su Wanqing turned to her side, but she just saw the gate of Mo's house from the window. Three or four police cars were parked at the gate. Several policemen were walking into the building with gloomy faces.

"Miss, it's here!" The driver stopped the car on the side of the road opposite the Mohist group. It was the third time that Su Wanqing was reminded to get off the bus. But Su Wanqing's mind had already gone out of the sky. Where else could he hear what people around him said.

Fear and restlessness diffuse in the heart, like lingering smoke, which makes people lose their will and blur their eyes.

The door of the back seat was pulled open. Su Wanqing was scared out of her wits. Her face was pale for a moment. She exclaimed and took a breath.

"Hello, miss, do you want to get off the bus or not? Don't delay my business!" The driver got out of the car helplessly and opened the door.

The police on the opposite side of the car seemed to see something moving here and cast a questioning look. Su Wanqing's eyes crossed with it and quickly moved away.

She took hundreds of dollars out of her pocket and put it into the driver's pocket. She said in a cold, flustered voice, "drive, I'm going somewhere else!"