"Sir, you are indeed wise." Su Yuyan secretly admired this thin and upright old doctor. She took a prescription out of her pocket and handed it to the old doctor: "How about this prescription?"

Dr. Song reached out and took the prescription handed over by the girl, took a serious look, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he slowly exclaimed, "Miss, who can prescribe this prescription is really amazing."

"how do I say this?"

"That's right. Putting these few miracle medicines together can not only remove the red deposits on the young lady's face, but also make the skin on your face several times whiter than before!" Dr. Song has been a doctor for more than 40 years. This is the first time I have seen such a strange prescription. His fingers could not help shaking slightly with excitement, and he had to admire in his heart, the vastness and profoundness of Chinese medicine!

"Since that's the case, then please follow the recipe above and help me prepare a few medicines?" Su Yuyan's voice was cold, with a hint of warmth in her tone.

Dr. Song smiled kindly, with a hint of embarrassment on his face: "Young Madam, I'm afraid this is a bit difficult... Because the medicinal materials in this recipe are too precious. Like wild ginseng, deer antler, plum soul, wild ganoderma... these Although it is expensive, it can be found, but ambergris has long since become extinct, and I am afraid that the entire Yuncheng will not be able to find much—”

"You mean that the prescription above lacks one medicine - ambergris?" Su Yuyan said bluntly.

Dr. Song nodded: "The young lady is so smart."

"Thank you, you are so kind"

Su Yuyan heard from his master when he traveled south and north, that "ambergris" is the spice with the longest lasting fragrance, and no other spice in the world can compare with it. statement.

Legend has it that it came from the depths of the blue sea. It used to be a tribute to the emperor. Because it is extremely rare, it has been a precious traditional Chinese medicine and a high-grade spice since ancient times.

For example, in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is recorded that ambergris can "invigorate the blood, benefit the essence, help the Yang Dao, and clear the blood". This kind of ambergris is a rare occurrence in a century, not to mention that now the social industry is developed and the pollution is serious, it is almost impossible to find.

Su Yuyan looked at Dr. Song and said lightly, "Don't worry, I'll take care of the rest, you just need to help me prepare other medicines."

"No problem, young lady, you only need to find ambergris, and leave the rest to me." It was the first time that Dr. Song had seen such a precious prescription after practicing medicine for decades.

Not to mention that this person in front of her is the wife of the president of Yuncheng South University, even if she is an ordinary girl, if she can get such a pair of ancestral recipes, he will help her prepare the medicine.

Su Yuyan nodded calmly, gently handed the recipe to Dr. Song, and then got up to leave. Drive away from Yuncheng University Affiliated Chinese Medicine Hospital?

The speed of the car is very fast, and the scenery on both sides of the street is passing quickly——

Su Yuyan sat in the driver's seat, picked up her mobile phone and glanced at the time. It was 10:30 am. She had planned to buy some milk and fruit to visit Aunt Lan in the First Hospital, but suddenly heard a ding dong, and suddenly sent a WeChat message on her mobile phone. .

While driving, she opened it and glanced at it. It was a WeChat message from Nan Jinshen—wife, what are you doing?

——I am driving, I will go to the hospital to see Aunt Lan immediately

Su Yuyan just finished typing a few words and sent it over. Suddenly, when passing the intersection, a black Mercedes-Benz car drove fiercely, raising the sand and dust all the way.

Su Yuyan was startled and cursed in her heart, "I'm sick, how did you drive, and then slammed the steering wheel, rushing the whole car out of the driveway and crashing directly into the bushes on the side of the street.