Tiramasu roared, waved his paws and rushed to Ron. Shaya Jiao drank and went up with her sword.


After several rounds of fighting with tiramazu with a long sword, Shaya was slapped by tiramazu.


Ron's wand of the scourge turned more quickly. The vast tide and strange power of death swept his whole body, and his eyes turned dark green.

"Spear of death!"

Like the arrow that leaves the string, the bone spear of the white forest surrounds the power of death and flies to tiramazu.

"Boom Boom Boom... "

"Frost Dragon Skeleton king, come out! Let the world see your strength... "

Ron a big drink, the sky suddenly appeared a huge vortex, frost dragon in the sky showed a huge figure, skeleton king also slowly rose from the ground.

The skeleton king summoned his guard, and the frost dragon also spewed out the cold dragon breath like fire.

Countless attacks rained on tiramazu, and there was smoke and dust around him

After the first world war with utaris, Ron's strength and fighting consciousness rose by an unknown level, and he was not inferior to the powerful God level beast.


tiramasu is suffering from eating pain, and its body flows out a lot of green blood. This horrible God level beast, from teeth to every part of the body, is a super virus that makes people smell color change.

"The ball of plague!"

"Por Porphyrin Don't...... "

Tiramasu began to fight back. He was a powerful fierce beast. He saw a dark blue plague ball draw an arc in the air and spray it on several ice dragons. The ice dragon screamed and his body melted as fast as spring snow.

"How powerful!"

Ron was stunned. At last, he knew how difficult it was to hunt the first God level beast. If Ron did not inherit the power of the Lich King, he could not fight against it.

In a short time, the king of skeletons was also reduced to ashes under the attack of tiramazu. These powerful king skeletons were like bone shelves in front of tiramazu. They were scattered by the touch of each other.

After dealing with these annoying undead creatures, tiramasu locked his target on Ron, the summoner, roared and attacked him fiercely.

"Lord lich, be careful..."

She said it later and then quickly. She saw a group of illusions quickly accepted like an arrow. At last, cronia, the shadow murderer, took a look at the emptiness. Two sharp hands fell behind tiramazu's head and dragged

It has to be said that cronia's timing is very good. After the battle, she quickly hid. Until now, she has launched a fatal attack. Her weapon has been hardened with a powerful venom, but it seems that it has no effect on the guy who has been full of poison resistance.

"Roar --"

tiramasu had another pain, and with a flick of her head, she threw cronia far away

Again and again, tiramazu was furious. He didn't care about Shaya and cronia. He came to fight Ron.

Tiramasu spreads his wings at a fast speed. His face is full of anger, just like an angry human face. With his devil like body, it looks so strange. Soon, he comes to Ron, and his claws flash with cold light

"White bone shield!"

Ron summoned the white bone shield to stop him. Unfortunately, the white bone shield was like paper paste in front of tiramazu, a god level beast. But Ron, like a broken kite, flew out and fell to the ground heavily.

"Disgust --"

Ron climbs up difficultly, opens his mouth and spits out a mouthful of blood. Although the necromancer has strong attack power, his defense is still too weak. Without the protection of the necromancer, even a weaker opponent can take his life.

Ron finally put down his contempt. At this time, he finally understood that even though he had obtained the inheritance of the Lich King, it was impossible to walk across the throne. A powerful God level beast is so difficult to deal with. What's more, the heroes who hunt God level beasts?

Tiramazu didn't stop. He rushed to Ron like a wolf with a smell of blood. At this moment, Ron was in a very dangerous situation.

"To die!"

At this time, Xia ya, who had just been whipped away by tiramazu, ran out of the room. She stopped Ron desperately and waved a long sword to tiramazu

"When -" ground one.

An unexpected thing happened. I saw that xiaya's sword and tiramazu's claws collided and broke into two pieces. Xiaya's sword is a holy weapon from the city of the living corpse. I didn't expect that tiramazu's body was as hard as steel, and even the sword was cut off.

Xia Ya is photographed flying again

"Xia ya..."

Ron yelled, his heart clenched. He knew the power of tiramazu's claws. He could even scratch the hard white bone shield. Shaya's injury You can imagineTiramasu's goal is always Ron. He abandoned Shaya and rushed to Ron again. In the subconscious of the beast, he knew that Ron was the most dangerous enemy

"You guy..."

Ron was also aroused by anger, he grabbed the scourge wand, stood up again, his eyes burning war has shown his determination!

"Ron, you go!"

Just when Ron was ready to fight hard, Shaya's voice came in her ear. Shaya was like a mad tiger. She rushed over barehanded. She jumped up on the head of tiramazu, raised her fist, and punched tiramazu in the eyes

"Roar Roar... "

Tiramasu cried out, and then he could not care for Ron any more. He beat his head desperately to shake off the unexpected guest on his head.

"Ron, leave me alone..."

Shaya screamed, holding on to the tentacles on tiramazu's head to keep herself from falling.


Shaya's tall figure, steel like will and desperate action completely shocked Ron. He stood there like a clay puppet.

"I don't want to be your wife, I want to be your guard Knight!"

Once upon a time, Shaya's sonorous and powerful words were still ringing in Ron's ear, and his eyes began to moisten slowly.

But can he leave?


Ron knew that if he left, Shaya's end would be death. The angry tiramasu would tear her to pieces in an instant, so he could not leave.

Ron's eyes fell on tiramazu's neck, and there was a white muscle on the hard bronze skin.

"That's where That's its weakness... "

Ron took a deep breath. He slowly raised the staff of the scourge and began to sing in a low voice

"Spear of death!"

Soon, a White Spear appeared in Ron's hand, full of the power of death. The spear made a beautiful arc in the air and stabbed tiramazu.

As he approached tiramazu, the spear of death turned strangely, and then hit the white muscle of tiramazu's chin.

"Ouch --"

at last, this horrible God level beast uttered a shrill scream. At this time, it finally shook off Xia ya, pushed its legs, flapped its wings, and fled like a flight

"This guy You ran away? "

Ron was stunned by surprise. He was sure that tiramasu must have been severely hurt by the blow just now, because the spear of death had pierced its throat, but he didn't expect that the beast would escape

"Hurry up Don't let it go! "

Gloria came out of nowhere, her eyes were red and her face was happy. "Tiramazu has been seriously injured. If we get that guy's sperm core It's developed! "

The essence core of a beast is always a treasure. The crystal core of a god level beast is more worthy. In the master plane, the essence core of any God level beast is priceless.

"Catch up"

Ron pondered for a while, then quickly caught up, Xia Ya summoned the nightmare beast, took Ron and cronia to ride on it.

There are three people on the back of nightmare beast, which can't bear it. The speed slows down obviously. However, tiramasu's escape direction is covered with green blood. He can still catch up with him. It can be imagined that this guy's injury is not slight.

This tiramasu is not as powerful as utaris, but it must be better than Noah. Ron believes that even if utaris is hit like this, he may not survive. What's more, this God level beast?

About a quarter of an hour later, a huge cave appeared in front of the three people's eyes, and the bloodstain disappeared along the cave.

"This is its nest..."

Cronia breathed a sigh of relief. "It's certain that there is only one tiramasu in this hundred miles. Although LAMASU is a social creature, their king, the God level beast, doesn't like living in groups..."

Ron, Shaya and cronia got off their horses and walked slowly into tiramazu's cave.

As soon as they entered the cave, they only felt a cold breath coming to their faces, and the whole place seemed to have dropped several times suddenly.

"It's cold Do you feel cold? " Said cronia.

"The cave must be colder than outside..." Ron frowned. "But it's not ordinary cold. It's like It's like it's snowing... "

When Ron said this, Shaya and cronia felt this way, as if it was winter all of a sudden.

"Let's go in and have a look. Be careful!"

Ron whispered.

If not, the more you walk into the cave, the colder you will feel. The cold air is coming from your face, as if you are going to get into your body. Ron looks up and sees that there is a layer of frost on the wall of the cave.

Ron winked at Shaya and cronia, saying they should be careful."Look, tiramasu!"

At this time, cronia screamed. Ron looked down at the place she pointed out. Sure enough, on a relatively flat land not far away, he found the dead tiramazu, who was still lying low, but the green blood around him had already condensed into ice.

Tiramasu is dead, and this powerful God level beast can't withstand the fatal blow given by Ron. But Ron knows that it's not easy for him to win. If Shaya didn't drag the guy, he might have been killed by the beast.

When they saw that the God level beast was dead, they were relieved and completely relieved.

At this time, Xia Ya suddenly glanced at her, "look What is that? "

When Ron saw it, he saw that there was a black one handed sword on the ice capped post behind tiramazu's body, which was shining brightly.

"This is Artifact? "

Cronia's eyes are so fierce that it can be seen from the light of the sword that it is a artifact.

This long sword has a simple and unsophisticated shape. It is engraved with mysterious patterns. In the position where the sword body is connected to the hilt, it is inlaid with a huge red gem, just like a devil's eye. The chill in the cave is just emanating from this devil's sword.

When cronia came near and her eyes fell on the sword, her face suddenly changed.

"This is Cursed sword! "

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