The city of Pompeii in the night adds some mysterious flavor in the quiet, as if a giant beast is lying there, motionless, only dotted with stars.

Perhaps I stayed in batlos prison for too long. Every time the red silk army occupied a city, it would build a huge prison and throw all those dissidents into it. Pompeii is no exception, but the prison here is much more than that in the dark city.

The underground prison in Pompeii city is heavily guarded, with three steps and one post, five steps and one sentry. These soldiers are fully armed. There are all races, including humans, orcs and even elves. But they all have one thing in common. They are all wearing red silk army armbands, and there are many more powerful patrolmen than ordinary soldiers. There is a mosquito close here I can't even fly out.

That night, a tall figure stood at the gate of the prison.

"Open the door!"

Said the tall figure in a hoarse voice.

"Yes! Lord AP! "

The red silk Army soldiers saluted respectfully. In a moment, the heavy prison door opened slowly with the sound of Ji Gua's rotation.

AP nodded, then walked in with his head held high, and the heavy door closed slowly again.

The prison of Pompeii is divided into three layers, "you finally say it!" Kay smiled. "Klein Is that the necromancer who defeated me? The power he used It doesn't seem to be his own strength... "

"Ha ha, whatever you say! There is no doubt about the power of Lord Klein! " A Pu is very angry anti smile, he realized that he was a little off balance, quickly calm down.

At this time, AP reached out his finger and said with a sneer, "Kay, what you said has always wanted to protect Is it the mother and daughter who are locked up? Am I wrong? "


When he heard that Kay was shaking, he was furious. "What do you want to do, asshole? If you dare to touch their hair, I will kill you, even the red silk Army I'll kill you all if I see one! "

Kay stood up with a shudder, and the chains shook to a shudder. The remaining strength stirred her muscles, and her fists were gradually clenched.

AP's killing hit the bottom of his heart, and Kay was furious.

"It's a little too early for you to say these words. Go out and talk about them if you have the ability."

Looking at Kay's eyes full of killing opportunities, AP was also a little scared. He calmed down and said, "I'm leaving tomorrow morning I'll send their heads to you! I hope you will like this gift Ha ha ha "

" bastard, stop for me! "

"Bang -" with a bang, the iron door closed, and AP turned and walked out, leaving Kay roaring angrily

After stepping out of the dungeon, ah Pu breathed out a long breath of sullen air. He calmed down and walked to the largest building in Pompeii, the palace of the new kingdom of Ethiopia , the fastest update of the webnovel!