eax; Kabbalah tree of life, also known as the inverted tree. It is something mentioned in the memory of the outer gods about the final judgment of the ancient gods on human beings, and it is also the same thing that this world and the original world of legislation can communicate with.

"Kabbala" is the mystical philosophy of Judaism, and it is said that its most primitive origin comes from Egyptian culture. According to legend, the concept of "Kabbala" was fully expressed in this law by the compiler of the Jewish law of Moses. The tree of life is the core of the "Kabbala" thought, and it is regarded as the blueprint for the creation of the universe by God, or the structural diagram of the divine body. It is not just a pattern that exists on paper, but a real existence, a three-dimensional universe, that is, the universe in which we exist.

The idea of ​​Kabbalah is to use the "tree of life" that grows in heaven to symbolize the whole universe. Its meaning is very difficult to understand. If you really want to say it, the tree of life means the vast universe, the human body as a small universe, and the attainment of the realm of God. spiritual traversal.

The Tree of Discernment of Good and Evil is not the same tree as the Tree of Life. The process of human beings’ degeneration from the realm of perfection is called the Tree of Discernment of Good and Evil. Everything in the world and even the laws of the universe have no distinction between good and evil until after the fall of human beings. Only with the concept of "self" can there be the so-called distinction between good and evil. When human beings are awakened and want to return to the realm of perfection, the way of reverse promotion is the tree of life. Before eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of life and lived forever. After eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they were expelled from the Garden of Eden by God and lost their eternal life. uu1;

The tree of life, which reversely promotes human spirituality, is guarded by demons and angels at the entrance and exit, which means that to enter the tree of life and return to eternal life, you must first overcome the temptation of demons, and at the end you must make a final breakthrough. Only the power of the gods can succeed. Many people know that Christianity originated from Judaism, but few people know that Judaism itself can be divided into two sects. Most Jews believe in it, which is generally called Judaism. The Orthodox Churches are all similar, and they all believe that Jehovah is a personal God. However, a small number of Jews believe in an impersonal God. Usually, this belief is called Jewish mysticism. The two sects are the same.

From the point of view of Jewish mysticism, the Garden of Eden is just a realm, and does not really exist. "In the beginning there was the Tao, and the Tao was with God, and this Tao was with God in the beginning." In fact, the Tao is the impersonal God, and the original human Adam is the realm of heaven and man. The fall of Adam and Eve is actually the story described in the Agama Sutra. The light man descended to earth, and became a record of human beings because of his greed for fruits. Jewish mysticism has the concept of the so-called whole soul. All the spirits come from the division of the whole soul. In fact, Moses passed on a kind of divine law to witness God instantly. However, due to the time when he taught the law, the people of the Hebrew nation At that time, they worshiped more than a hundred kinds of gods. Moses only used the method of replacing all thoughts with one thought, turning all the different gods into one god, and creating a sect similar to the Pure Land Buddhism, which was believed by most people. As for the real divine law, it can only be passed on to a small number of people with higher understanding.

The current concept of the Kabbalah tree of life was created by the Jewish mystic Rabbi "Rabbi" in the Middle Ages. He combined past knowledge in the form of numbers and letters as the basis for answering religious and philosophical questions. Later, the Jews further divided the origin of things into 10 numbers interlocking through 22 paths. Each number corresponds to a Hebrew letter, and the specific classification chart is represented by the tree of life. Known by the Book of Radiance in the thirteenth century, this statement had developed into a Christian-like form of philosophical theory by the sixteenth century. There are many religions and sects around the world that embrace different concepts of the tree of life. The Arsenians even take the tree of life as their core of belief, but the Arsenian tree of life is closer to the field of Indian metaphysics. Its true meaning is to symbolize the process of human redemption. The line represents the "form of existence" and the circle represents the form of perception. The former is the "sub-path of wisdom" and the latter is the "main path of wisdom". process. uu2;

Regarding the view of the Kabbalah tree of life, it is generally believed that the ten spheres in the tree of life represent the ten faces of God, the left represents male, the right represents female, and the middle is the zone of harmony between the two. For believers, those ten spheres also represent the energy centers that humans can achieve. This is the concept of "God" developed by ancient religions. Using coal and flame as an analogy, people cannot distinguish the existence of black charcoal in the dark, but once the black charcoal burns and emits light, people can discover its existence, but flame is only one of the properties expressed by black charcoal. species, by no means represent all of Heitan. Ancient thinkers believed that "God" also exists in this way, so they designed ten stages of God's attributes, called "Kabbala", and the structure of the outflow path connecting these ten attributes is called "Kabbala life". Tree".

Lin Feng has seen the tree of life in his memory, it is in the end of the world, and Lin Feng, Lin Xiaobao, and Dong Wu have all seen this tree of life before they came to the world of death. The so-called sky is supported in the world without sky, and the red light source on it warms people's hearts, and also guards the passage of this world.

The underground world, where Lin Feng and the others were before they came, is the huge tree of life at the entrance of the underground world, the huge tree supporting Agula's heart. uu3;

The monster in front of him has fallen down, and his body is no longer allowed to exist in a good shape, so when Lin Feng attacked his head, the monster's body could no longer support it, and it completely turned into a rotten liquid that flowed red. In the spring tide, the remaining skeleton was still intact on the city wall of the base.

The matter seemed to be resolved, but more questions arose in Lin Feng's heart. Why did the ancient gods make the final judgment on humans? Didn't they say that the ancient gods came from humans? From another perspective, why the outer gods are looking for the tree of life Will it appear in the underground world of the mainland world? Doesn't Agula know its existence?

In other words, Agula was killed by Naia in order to protect the tree of life, and both Naia and Agula betrayed other outer gods with their own purposes

It seems that they still need to return to the mainland world. Now it is not a question of returning home, but a question of whether human beings can survive. If the ancient gods judge human beings, then the original world will not be spared. What Lin Feng has to do is not To save the people in the last days, but to save the human beings in the original world. To be continued. Huge breast beauty Li Xueting sexy see-through outfit private room photo, highly recommended Please follow the WeChat public account to watch online beauty beauty search einvjia123 press and hold for 3 seconds to copy