After hearing Wolf Warrior's words, everyone in the living room stopped talking, and some people who were originally showing disdain and confidence also looked dignified and became nervous.

"And the current situation is still the amount that the inquiring people can see. Our people dare not get too close, and there must be errors in the reported amount."

Looking around, Zhan Lang's words were heavy and powerful, reaching the ears of everyone in the hall.

"It's dark now, and it's impossible for our outposts to see very far away. Based on the number reported earlier, this time there are at least tens of thousands of corpses. Brothers, after the establishment of the base, we have experienced many difficulties, big and small. This is a wave of corpses. This is the largest wave of corpses that our base has ever encountered, but please don’t panic. During this year, our base has increased a lot of practitioners, and the strength of the base has increased compared to a year ago. qualitative improvement."

Zhan Lang raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist, constantly encouraging the confidence of everyone in the hall.

"The addition of these practitioners is quite resistant to high-level zombies. The most important thing now is to find out whether there are any fourth-level zombies in this wave of corpses."

In previous zombie hordes, low-level and ordinary zombies are not to be feared. Even ordinary people can be dealt with with guns. Even if the number of zombies is large, at most it is a waste of bullets. A medium-sized ammunition depot was just discovered when the Wolf Warriors base went out to search a few months ago, and now the base has ample ammunition.

Furthermore, the first-level zombies are relatively easy to deal with, not to mention cultivators, even ordinary people can deal with them if they cooperate well. Many ordinary people formed hunting teams to hunt for first-level zombies to obtain white crystals.

The most important thing is the level 2 and level 3 zombies. The level 2 zombies are easier to say, and ordinary practitioners can still handle them, but the level 3 zombies are not so easy to deal with.

Zombies who can reach the third level have a certain amount of intelligence. On the premise of possessing strong abilities, coupled with intelligence, the third-level zombies will be difficult to deal with. It is difficult for ordinary cultivators to kill a third-level zombie independently, and it is only possible to deal with a powerful third-level zombie with the help of many practitioners.

As for the fourth-level zombies, even a wolf warrior who has reached the seventh-level cultivator has no idea whether he can defeat them.

When the wolf base was invaded by zombies a year ago, a fourth-level zombie appeared in the zombie tide team, and the owner of that fourth-level zombie was no less intelligent than human beings. And that wave of corpses was initiated by that fourth-level zombie. The fourth-level zombie was super powerful, and the wolf itself was not his opponent. At that time, it was only with the joint efforts of the wolf and many practitioners that it was difficult to seriously injure it. After the fourth-level zombie escaped, the tide of corpses had to retreat. But even so, the fourth-level zombies still broke through the city wall of the base, and many ordinary zombies entered the city, infecting many people, leading to a three-month cleanup before the base was calmed down.

In the hall of the villa, Zhan Lang discussed with dozens of practitioners how to resist the tide of corpses. Only those who were level 5 and level 6 could enter the villa, and the rest of the low-level practitioners were not eligible to enter the villa.


After the three of Lin Feng went downstairs to pick them up, they found that the whole base was in a mess, and many people took up weapons, whether it was guns or cold weapons, there were all kinds of weapons.

"Everyone is protecting the base spontaneously."

Dong Wu explained from the side.

It turns out that the base is a safe haven for people. Only when the base is safe can people's lives be stable. If the base is threatened, every member of the base has an obligation to protect the security of the base. This has been recognized by people since the last days.

I thought that people in the last days would be cruel, but I didn't expect to reach an agreement for the common interests of mankind and the common homeland.

But not everyone thinks so. Many timid, cowardly, dark, and narrow-minded people will not appear at this time for their own personal interests, and they will even fish in troubled waters at this time, hoping to obtain some personal benefits.

Under the guidance of Dong Wu, Lin Feng and his party left the living area with the crowd, passed through the slums, and came to a city wall of the base.

At this time, the edge of the city wall was densely packed with people, almost all of whom had weapons in their hands. In addition to young people, there are even some elderly people and some women among them. Seeing Lin Feng nodding secretly, he expressed his admiration for these people in his heart.

Lin Feng found that some people in the crowd had armbands on their arms. After seeing the pattern of the armbands, Lin Feng knew they were the guardians of the Wolf Warrior Base without guessing.

These guards are basically armed with submachine guns, and their equipment is almost the same. There are also a few people with binoculars hanging around their necks and walkie-talkies in their hands. It seems that they should be the leader of the guards.

As the crowd climbed up the city wall, Lin Feng found that the city wall was very wide, more than ten meters wide. People flocked to the city wall, and they didn't feel too crowded for a while.

The base has four walls, and the people are mainly concentrated on the two walls in the direction of the tide of corpses. Keep looking into the distance, waiting for the arrival of the zombies.

Looking at the people on the city wall, Lin Feng secretly shook his head. It is admirable to protect one's own homeland, but when it comes to combat power, it is difficult for Lin Feng to think about the combat power of those older people with sticks or kitchen knives.

Although he has never experienced a wave of corpses, Lin Feng still knows something about the ancient battles in Lin Feng's original world. Isn't it similar to the current scene?

Taking out the rifle in the doomsday watch, Lin Feng also handed a gun to Dou Yuxin. When returning from missions during the day, Lin Feng went to the equipment store at the base to buy some guns for emergencies. Unexpectedly, within a day, it would come in handy.

Dou Yuxin is a girl, she can't shoot at all. But when Lin Feng handed her the gun, Dou Yuxin resolutely took it.

Before the zombies arrived, Lin Feng asked Dong Wu to explain to Dou Yuxin how to use the gun. As for guns, Dong Wu was obviously better than Lin Feng.


After more than twenty minutes, I don't know who shouted. The originally bustling city wall suddenly became quiet.

Lin Feng looked around and found that everyone was alert and nervous. It's no wonder that it's common sense that anyone would be nervous about matters related to their lives.

Dong Wu on the side clenched the gun in his hand, even if he was familiar with guns, the tense sweat on Dong Wu's face at this moment.

"Come on, enter the first battle in the last days! Only through continuous fighting can you become stronger!"

Standing on the wide city wall of the Wolf Warrior Base, feeling the gusts of autumn wind, Lin Feng thought to himself.