Chapter 2963: This shows that he is not a **** at all


Xu Zhiyuan and Qu Wei were suddenly refreshed when they heard Lin Yu's words, and a scorching heat filled their eyes.

Especially Xu Zhiyuan, who hurriedly approached Lin Yu, hunched over and asked in anticipation, "President He, you mean that even if these critically ill patients are injected with genetic drugs, you can still treat them?! "

If Lin Yu can cure these patients, then they will have the bargaining chip to negotiate with Western countries again!

So he couldn't help but be excited!

"I can't say for sure, I can only say it's possible!"

Lin Yu corrected earnestly, "By observing the blood and water vomited by Hogham just now, I preliminarily judged that the side effects of this drug are not sudden, but most likely to have a longer duration of action!"

"If the side effects of this drug can be controlled during the duration of action, or even counteracted with drugs, then

Treating the patient, theoretically, can save them! "

"Of course, this is just my general speculation. Whether it can be treated or not can only be judged after I get the photos and further analyze the vomit of Hogham!"

The light in Xu Zhiyuan's eyes grew brighter, he nodded again and again, and said anxiously, "Okay, President He, I'll let them send back the photos they took just now!"

Saying that, Xu Zhiyuan hurriedly took out his mobile phone and broadcast the call.

At the same time, the backstage of the conference hall of the headquarters of the World Medical Association.

Both Woods and Logan looked at Hogham, who was covered in black and purple on the ground, with black blood slowly flowing from the corners of his eyes. Their eyes were full of fear and panic, and they obviously hadn't escaped from the sudden scene just now.

"What exactly is going on?!"

Logan, who was the first to come back to his senses, suddenly grabbed Woods' collar and roared frantically, "It's not a cure.

Is it, how can this happen suddenly? ! "

"How the **** did I know!"

Woods was also furious, pushed Logan away, and said sharply, "Didn't you keep telling me that Manson is a god?!"

"Didn't you say that his drugs will never have side effects?!"

Logan, who was pushed away, was stunned for a moment, then looked savage, and said angrily, "You actually put the blame on Mr. Manson? You are such a naughty bastard!"

"Mr. Manson's medicine will never be a problem!"

"It must be that your people injected Hoggham with some extra nasty drug, which caused this situation!"

"Fuck you!"

Woods was furious, grabbed a file on the table beside him and threw it into Logan's arms, roaring, "This is all Hoggham's medication records these days, keep your dog's eyes open to see clearly, these days we have

I've given him medicine a few times! "

At this time, both Logan and Woods were extremely collapsed, instantly forgetting each other's identities, turning into two mad dogs, roaring and biting.

"Mr. Logan, in the past two days, we did not use any additional drugs except for the two injections of genetic drugs into Hogham!"

Wendy on the side hurriedly agreed, "We're just worried that there will be some unexpected drug reactions..."

When Logan heard Wendy say the same, his expression froze, and then he opened the file and carefully checked Hoggham's medication for the past few days.

Seeing that there was no other medication on the medication record except after the injection of genetic drugs, Logan's face was dark and gray.

"How, you **** believe it now?!"

Woods' eyes were red and he said angrily, "I reminded you a long time ago that the risks of genetic drugs are far greater than we expected!"

"Twelve **** kids

It has been more than 24 hours, and the side effects still appear! "

A thin layer of cold sweat oozes out of Logan's forehead. He looks at the medication record in his hand with astonishment. He still seems to be in disbelief.

"Isn't it possible?!"

Woods said angrily, "If you don't believe me, go check the surveillance!"

"Anyway, he is under close monitoring 24 hours a day. Do you see if I **** gave him any medication?!"

Logan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, raised his head to look at Woods in panic, and said with a cry, "But... but Mr. Manson is the famous 'father of genes' in genetics, how could he go wrong..."

"As long as it's human, it can make mistakes!"

Woods' eyes froze, and he said solemnly, "This also shows that he is not a **** at all!"

"He doesn't deserve to be compared with He Jiarong at all!"

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