Chapter 2475: As long as there is a breath, they will be calmed down one day

Lin Yu noticed that the flying bullet happened to hit him, and was immediately surprised, but at this time he was inevitable, so he could only grit his teeth and plan to resist the shot.


The bullet hit Lin Yu instantly, and the huge impact directly knocked Lin Yu down to the ground, who was out of balance!


"Brother Ho!"

He Zizhen and the members of the Dark Thorn Brigade were shocked to see this scene.

While He Zizhen spoke, he rushed over from the bunker desperately, rushed to Lin Yu, and protected Lin Yu with his body to prevent Lin Yu from being injured by the continued bullets. At the same time, he asked loudly, "Jia Rong, how are you?!"

"Uncle He, I'm fine!"

Lin Yu himself was a little surprised. He hurriedly wiped the side of the waist that was hit by the bullet, and found that it was just a little skin trauma. He couldn't help but feel fortunate.

He Zizhen immediately let out a long sigh of relief, and immediately turned his head and shouted at the crowd, "Retreat! Retreat!"

Although the Yangchen at this time could not hide their shadows 100%, it was enough to cover their retreat. What's more, he didn't dare to let Lin Yu take risks anymore!

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

"Be fast!"

Liuyi, Zhang Xuwei and others also yelled and greeted the group of comrades in their arms to retreat quickly.

While speaking, Liu Yi and Zhang Xuwei rushed over to help Lin Yu lift up, and rushed towards the gap in the church stone pile with He Zizhen.

In order to prevent being hit, they all used a serpentine walking position to prevent bullets flying from behind at any time.

With the cover of sand and dust, it was indeed much safer. They ran out more than ten meters, and there was no gunshot from the residential buildings in the distance.

Seeing that there was a gap of more than ten meters away from the stone pile, everyone looked overjoyed for a while and couldn't wait to rush in.

Because they were so excited and so excited, they even gave up using the snake-like running position for a while, and ran straight to the gap.

"Pay attention to the position! Pay attention to the position!"

He Zizhen's expression changed when he saw this, and he yelled at them anxiously.

But it was too late, only to hear a few gunshots from behind them.

Whoosh whoosh!

Bullets roared in, as before, most of them hit the ground and piles of rocks, but one of the bullets accurately hit the back waist of a member of the Dark Sting Brigade, directly piercing the flesh and submerged into the ground.

The dark thorn brigade member trembled, and then fell to the ground.

"Old Lu!"

Zhang Xuwei's expression suddenly changed when he saw this, and he rushed up.

The person running in front of Lao Lu noticed the movement behind, and immediately turned his head and rushed over, and together with Zhang Xuwei lifted Lao Lu on the ground and ran towards the gap in the rock pile.

Fortunately, the distance from the gap was not far at this time, they sprinted a few steps and jumped into the gap.

At the same time, Lin Yu, Liu Yi, He Zizhen and others who ran at the end also rushed to the gap and jumped directly into the church.

Puff puff!

A few dull sounds of bullets falling into the rock pile followed them at the same time, but they were no longer able to hurt them anymore.

Zhang Xuwei and a group of comrades hurriedly lifted the injured Lao Lu to the side of a fairly flat stone platform.

"Old Lu!"

He Zizhen's expression changed, and he rushed to the front, seeing the blood-stained clothes of Lao Lu's waist and abdomen, his heart was like a knife, and his grief was deep into the bone.

"Brother He, aren't you a genius doctor, please help Lao Lu!"

Liu Yi shouted at Lin Yu anxiously.

Lin Yu stepped forward and looked at the football-sized blood hole in Lao Lu's abdomen and the spilled intestines and internal organs. His heart suddenly hurt, and he shook his head helplessly. It’s hopeless..."

The expressions on everyone's faces dimmed for a while. Although they also knew that Old Lu was not saved, they were still a little unacceptable and sad when they heard Lin Yu personally say it.

"Captain, I...I can't accompany you to complete the task..."

Lao Lu panted violently, clutching He Zizhen's hand, and said in a low voice, "I can't continue to fight for the country... I... only... only hope you..."

Before he finished speaking, his throat choked, and he couldn't make a sound anymore, his body twitched a few times, his head tilted, there was no sound, and he died out of breath.

"Old Lu!"

"Old Lu!"

The members of the Dark Stabbing Brigade screamed in mourning, only to feel devastated.

"Don't worry, I know what you are going to say, we will complete the task smoothly and take back what belongs to us!"

He Zizhen shook Lao Lu's hand vigorously, then his face was cold, and he said coldly, "Six One! Investigate and identify the organization or force of the sniper in the opposite residential building, and mark it as a deadly enemy of the Dark Stabbing Brigade! As long as the Dark Thorn Brigade survives, one day they will be calmed down!"