Chapter 1097: Wanted in town (repair)

Lin Yu is well aware of the essence of the reward mechanism, knowing that there has always been insufficient benefit, and there is absolutely no efficiency that cannot be mentioned!

Ten... one hundred thousand? !

When Cheng Shen heard Lin Yu's words, his expression was instantly shaken, and he was quite a bit shocked by Lin Yu's big hand. You know, there are hundreds of people in their game, and Lin Yu's reward mechanism fell through. But it's tens of millions!

Cheng Shen swallowed, and even a few of his men beside him swallowed, feeling a little excited for a while.

It's not because they are greedy for money, but they are also humans, and they also need to support their families. One hundred thousand yuan is more than their income for a year of hard work!

But to Lin Yu, this sum of money is like a drop in the bucket!

"Mr. Ho, are you sure? One hundred thousand per person?!"

Cheng Can asked in disbelief. He knew that Mr. He was always generous, but he didn't expect Lin Yu to throw such a big hand in order to catch individuals this time.


Lin Yu said in a very firm tone, "This person I am going to capture killed a very respected teacher of mine, so I can't let him escape. Please tell me more and please do me a favor, brother I must remember our kindness!"

Huang Xinru taught him a lot on the way he grew up, so he is indeed his teacher!

As soon as he heard Lin Yu's words, Cheng Shen immediately looked straight, and hurriedly said, "Mr. He, don't worry, I must explain to the people below. We are all night tonight, and we will definitely catch this kid!"

"Let the brothers at the airport, highway intersections, and suburbs check first, in case this kid has escaped from the city!"

Lin Yu said in a deep voice, even though he concluded that Mu Guard would never leave the city in such a short period of time, he still had to be a precaution, and as long as the people outside moved, he could circle Mu Guard in the city!

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu sent some information about Mu Wei to Cheng Sen, and Cheng Sen immediately ordered his subordinates to notify everyone in the bureau to resume work immediately.

Lin Yu, on the other hand, called Han Bing and asked Han Bing to send someone to bring back Rong Heshu’s body and the corpses of the black-clothed men or survivors of the mysterious doctors. At the same time, trouble Han Bing to order and let the military plane. The members of the office also helped find the whereabouts of Mu Wei.

However, there are few members of the Military Aircraft Department, which is incomparable with the police's web-based search. This is why Lin Yu has spent a lot of money to let Cheng Sen to mobilize the people to help search!

And after Mu Wei ran all the way from the botanical garden to find a parking lot, it took a long time before he stole a car and drove the car to the outskirts. He was very happy and knew that he was completely It's safe, thinking that He Jiarong still wants to kill him? It's just a dream!

However, he just drove to the outskirts of the city center and suddenly heard a sharp sirens. Then he saw two police cars with red and blue flashing lights galloping past his car and drove forward quickly. .

He trembled with fright, quickly lowered his head, hit the steering wheel, and turned into the road on the left, but at this time there was another loud sirens, and another police car flashing red and blue lights galloped behind him. Rushed over.

Europa didn't say anything, and immediately turned the steering wheel to the right and turned into another road. This time, no police car whizzed past, and it was replaced by a roadblock!

I saw that the intersection in front had been blocked by several police cars. Several policemen stood on the side of the road and greeted the passing vehicles to pull over and stop for inspection.

"What the **** is this?!"

Mu Wei swallowed, his face pale and muttered, "What's wrong with this? Suddenly so many policemen!"

Mu Wei then drove the car around the road a few times, and found that almost all of the surrounding streets were set up on the road, and a police car would quickly pass by him every ten seconds.

Mu Wei was so scared that his face turned green. This **** battle is too big. What must be done to get so many policemen out at the same time!

"Damn it, this troublesome **** was caught by Lao Tzu, and he must be killed!"

Mu Wei cursed bitterly. He didn't expect that he would be so unlucky. He was anxious to run away, but he ran into this!

As everyone knows, he is the **** who caused trouble.

If he knew that Lin Yu had used such a big battle to catch him, he would have been shocked beyond words!

He drove slowly while thinking about how to rush out.

At this moment, when a police car passed by his car, it suddenly slowed down and walked side by side with him. At the same time, the glass of the police car’s cab was exposed. A policeman in uniform waved at him and motioned to him. The window was rolled down.

Mu Wei frowned. Although he was a little nervous, he still tried his best to pretend to be calm and rolled down the car window and smiled, "Sir, what's the matter?!"

"You have gone so many times here, what are you doing?!"

The policeman in the police car asked him, then waved, "Bring over and let me see your ID card and driver's license!"

While speaking, the policeman kept squinting his eyes and tried his best to look at him. Because the light was too dark, the policeman couldn't see his appearance for a while, but the outline of him was completely eliminated, and he felt that Mu Wei looked a little like the suspect in the photo.

When Mu Wei heard this, his heart suddenly twitched, his eyes rolled slightly, and then without a word, he slammed the accelerator and slammed on it, swiftly fleeing forward!

"Hey, don't run!"

The police screamed, and then followed up with the accelerator pedal. At the same time, they kept reporting his location and the license plate and characteristics of the car driven by the guard through the walkie-talkie.

Mu Wei knew that he couldn't get rid of the trouble. He simply rushed outside regardless. After seeing the roadblock in front of him from a long distance, he didn't even mean to brake at all. He slammed on the gas pedal and sprinted towards him. Two cars hitting each other in the middle of the road crashed into it.


The huge impact immediately smashed the two cars away, and Mu Wei's car rushed out instantly.

Mu Wei looked overjoyed. He didn't expect to rush out so easily. He stepped on the accelerator again, speeding up and rushing towards the suburbs.

But after driving for two kilometers, he found another roadblock in front of him.

As before, he still didn't stop at the slightest, and directly stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the two cars that were next to each other again.

But before he hit the two cars this time, three black SWAT armored vehicles suddenly sprang out from three sides and rushed towards him. Without any slowing down, they ran into them violently without waiting for him to make Any response, his whole car was slammed and crushed, and people were immediately squeezed inside.

After Mu Wei raised his head, his mouth and nose bleeded, and a large opening was cut on his forehead by the broken glass. He kept bleeding out, only feeling his head dizzy and murmured with a dull expression, "Grass... …Fuck it, this...Which **** was this tortoise caught! It killed Lao Tzu..."