Chapter 15: Master tricks

Faced with the accusations from everyone, Lin Yu still looked calm and calm, and explained: "Adding a taste of rhubarb is indeed a potent medicine, but his symptom must be increased. Your prescription should warm the yang and activate the blood. It can be cured only if the lead is blocked."

"Joke, his disease was originally a solar symptom, because he mistakenly took the medicine, the evil fell into the Taiyin, the spleen was injured, the qi stagnated, and the collaterals were congested, resulting in symptoms such as abdominal pain." Song Zheng just took the pulse very carefully and thought it was impossible Wrong.

"You're right."

Lin Yu nodded, and Song Zheng couldn't help feeling a little complacent.

However, Lin Yu continued: "But the pain in the abdomen can be mild or severe. Every time this eldest brother hurts, I am afraid it is very serious, right?"

"It's very serious, it's the same as someone taking a drill in my stomach." The patient nodded hurriedly.

"When I was getting the pulse for my eldest brother, the pulse was calm, but the symptoms did not diminish, and the camp and the guard were at odds. If I guess correctly, my eldest brother has probably already taken this prescription." Lin Yu wrote Song Zheng The pharmacy pushed in front of him.

The patient lowered his head and glanced at the prescription, his eyes lit up, and he quickly said: "Yes, this is the prescription. I have eaten it for more than a week, and it hasn't worked. I heard that Ji Shitang was open today, so I rushed over."

Song Zheng's complexion changed drastically in an instant. It was impossible. In order to be afraid of making mistakes, he took a few extra pulses.

Everyone was in an uproar, and they blamed themselves for misunderstanding Lin Yu just now, "Sorry little brother, we misunderstood you."

"It turns out that some people just wear the name of a young talent, but there is no real talent at all!"

"Yeah, while we don't understand, fool us here. Fortunately, there are people who are better than you here!"

In the face of the ridicule from the crowd, Song Zheng's face was a little bit awkward, green and white.

"You take the medicine according to my prescription, and it will get better in a few days." Lin Yu pushed the prescription he prescribed to the patient.

Then Lin Yu raised his head to comfort Song Zheng and said: "Your diagnosis is not wrong, but Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, hearing and asking. Next time you remember to ask the patient more, you can avoid many detours."

In fact, Song Zheng has real materials. It is not easy to have such medical skills at a young age. Lin Yu also has some admiration for him, but it is a pity that this man is too arrogant.


Song Zheng turned his head away, Lin Yu's comfort sounded more like a mockery to him.

"Lao Song, look at this prescription..." The patient still didn't believe Lin Yu, after all, he looked too young.

"You can follow his house, no problem, three doses can be cured."

Song Minghui, who saw everything in his eyes, sighed, then stood up, waved his hand at Song Zheng, and signaled him to move away from his seat and plan to go to battle himself.

"Grandpa, I haven't finished the match with him yet!" Song Zheng was very disappointed.

"No need to compare. You are not someone's opponent. Starting tomorrow, your homework will be doubled."

After so many people watched, Song Minghui really couldn't bear it. Although his grandson did not make any major mistakes, and every diagnosis was reasonable, he was always a little bit worse than Lin Yu.

In medicine, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a thousand miles with the slightest difference.

Now that Song Minghui was sitting on the doctor in person, Lin Yu couldn't help being more cautious. Except for some certain diseases, he didn't need to cut the pulse, and he had to take the pulse carefully before prescribing the prescription.

Every time Lin Yu and Song Minghui’s recipe are almost identical, even if they are different, they are only slightly different. However, Lin Yu’s is better than that, so overall, Lin Yu has the upper hand. .

The more they fight, the more interested they are. The more they fight, the more they admire each other. Every time they see each other the same prescription they are prescribed, they will smile at each other.

Song Minghui's prejudice against Lin Yu had long since been wiped out, but a little respect was born in his heart.

Soon the patients in the outpatient clinic were almost treated, and the sky was getting darker.

The crowd onlookers witnessed such a wonderful match, and they were also very addicted. After the outpatients were diagnosed and treated, everyone applauded in unison.

In their view, the match ended in a draw.

At this moment, a young couple suddenly squeezed in from outside the door, glanced into the room, and hurriedly asked, "Which is Song Minghui's genius doctor?"

"I am." Song Minghui hurriedly responded.

"Mr. Song, please, save my husband." The woman's voice was crying.

The man on the side looked pale and pained.

"Don't worry, sit down first, talk slowly about any symptoms." Song Minghui quickly let the couple sit down.

"Mr. Song, I suddenly got a strange disease some time ago. My back burned like a fire. It was all sweaty and I felt very irritable. But I started from under the lower abdomen and kept getting cold, just like soaking in cold water. Yeah, frequent and urgent urination, and, moreover..."

When the man said here, he looked at the people around him embarrassedly, and said to Song Lao in a low voice: "And I will have a dream once every three or four days."

"We saw a lot of doctors in our hometown but were not optimistic, so we rushed to Ching Hai for treatment and inquired about it. We learned that Ji Shitang was opening today, so we rushed over, begging you to save my husband." The woman's voice hurriedly And sincerely.

Everyone was surprised when they heard this symptom, half of the body was hot, and half of the body was cold. They had not even heard of this symptom, and they did not expect to have such a strange disease.

"Come on, open your mouth and let me see."

After examining the man’s mouth, Song Minghui began to take the pulse, his face became a little dignified, and after a while, he smiled and looked quite confident. He made a gesture of asking for Lin Yu and motioned him to look at the patient as well. Bowed his head and began to write a prescription.

After he finished writing the prescription, seeing Lin Yu sitting next to him without moving, he couldn't help but laugh, and said, "What's the matter, Xiao He, why don't you diagnose? Our discussion is not over yet, should you? I'll give up, but it's no wonder that this kind of illness is really rare."

The crowd suddenly burst into laughter, but they were not malicious, because Lin Yu's medical skills had completely convinced them just now.

"The young man has superb medical skills, but he is still younger."

"I have never heard of this strange disease. He doesn't know how to watch it, but it's normal."

"Yes, this young man is already very good, so many difficult and complicated diseases can be seen clearly, already very powerful."

"Looking at the entire Chinese medicine community, so young and capable, I'm afraid I will be alone!"

Everyone did not hesitate to praise Lin Yu.

Wei Gongxun couldn't help but straighten his chest aside, and seemed to be proud of knowing Lin Yu.

"No matter how powerful it is, it's not that I lost to my grandfather." Song Zheng clenched his fists on the side with a face full of dissatisfaction.

"That's better than someone who is complacent with a little achievement."

"That is, if some people are not as skilled as others, they will only talk cold words."

"Young people must know how to be humble, and look at other genius doctors."

Everyone stopped buying his account, and ridiculed him.

Song Zheng was said to have a flushed face and a little bit of self-confidence.

Lin Yu hadn't spoken on the side, looking at Song Minghui's child-like smile at this time, he really couldn't bear to talk to him. In fact, he had already diagnosed this disease without getting his pulse.

Through the contest just now, Song Lao also won Lin Yu's respect. Now there are not many doctors who can devote themselves to medicine, not for fame and fortune, and do their best to serve patients.

Ji Shitang's medicinal materials are very good, and the price is very reasonable, even slightly cheaper, enough to show that Song Lao has a kind heart.

Moreover, Song Lao's child-like aggressive personality reminded Lin Yu of his grandfather, and he felt a sense of intimacy inexplicably.

He wanted to admit defeat so that Song Lao could be happy, but he looked at the painful man and the man's eager wife, and he couldn't help feeling tight.

In an attitude of being responsible for the patient, Lin Yu still opened his mouth, "Song Lao, taking the medicine is too slow, I have a faster way."

Song Minghui, who was happily instructing the patient how to decoct the decoction, couldn't help but wondered, "A quicker way? Xiaohe, have you seen the cause of his disease?"

Lin Yu nodded.

"But you haven't got his pulse at all."

"Don't take the pulse, I have seen this symptom before." Lin Yu calmly said. To be precise, his ancestors had seen this symptom.

All the onlookers were in an uproar. Song Minghui's face was also a little surprised. Although he had heard of this disease before, it was the first time I saw him today. How could Lin Yu be so young that he had seen this disease?

"Huh, bragging not to draft!"

Song Zheng hummed coldly, he didn't believe that Lin Yu had seen this symptom, and guessed that he was going to use the magic stick set again, but Lin Yu's next words surprised him greatly.