Chapter 1369: End of Tianwu Conference

Chapter 1369 Tianwu Conference ends

There are only the last few days left. Lin Xuan and the others should also go and take down the SSS-level force. This SSS-level force will be taken down, and they will add their own lead. At the gate of divine enlightenment, the seven of them will definitely advance. Up!

Moreover, the wind chime team has nine people sharing their points, and there are only seven of them, their total score is higher, the number of points is less, they are more! Therefore, even if this SSS level is given to them, in fact, under normal circumstances, each of Lin Xuan and them will be promoted steadily! Just to say, it is safer to win! Moreover, if you don't need free experience, why should you give it to them?

On the other side, the wind chime team is coming to Lin Xuan and the others at the fastest speed!

Duan Lingxiao and Xiao Yun, the two "informers", are actually not panicking. After all, in their opinion, there are only four people left in the team. They are all desperate, and they can't die. Instead, they are qualified for the gate of God's Enlightenment Didn't you get it? But they can't show that they don't panic, or they will show up!

One day later, when they arrived, Lin Xuan and the others had already taken down the SSS-level force and had already yo-yo!


When they saw that the SSS-level force had marked Murong Yu's mark on their mobile phones, the two of them were dumbfounded.

No way?

How could they have solved the SSS-level forces with only four people?


Unless you are promoted to the too virtual realm!

is it possible?


Because the quality of the monsters they fought was higher than that of their own, it really easy to break through the great realm of the Supreme Void Realm?

"Now we are over!"

Su Zhiming sighed and said.

"Wind chimes, what do you say now?"

Xiao Yun looked at the wind chimes and asked.

Although Lin Xuan was dead, his confidant was gone, and he was very comfortable, but they should not be able to enter this door of enlightenment!

No, that's not right!

Not necessarily!


If Lin Xuan’s team has only four people left, they will only occupy the top four, and the other six places should be promoted to six from the nine of them. They will be evenly divided by the time, who has the highest score before. , Whoever advances!

Duan Lingxiao, Fengling, Chi Tianqing, Chu He, and Feng Qinghao will definitely advance, and the one with the highest score should be Xiao Yun!

That's right!

There are six of them who want to advance. Although they are on the first team, the scores of the other players in the first two rounds are not as high as them, so...

Thinking of this, Xiao Yun felt comfortable as a whole. Duan Lingxiao didn't panic from beginning to end, but said that he pretended to want to see if Xiao Yun could solve Lin Xuan!

Because even if there were seven of Lin Xuan and the others, his Duan Lingxiao's score was also top-notch in this team, and only Fengling and Chuhe were above him! No matter how bad he is, he is also tenth, but he is not at ease!

"There is no way, there is no chance to surpass them!"

Wind chimes said.

"So, the remaining three places should be selected from us normally!"

Wind chimes said.

She must have been promoted, Chu He's score is higher than Duan Lingxiao, lower than her, Chu He should also be promoted!

Then there is the last place left.

This last place should normally belong to Duan Lingxiao, but...

Others, there are more than two hundred people, and they also have masters. Although it is unlikely that their scores will be higher than theirs, it is not considered by Wind Chimes. They are a team, yes, but she also tries her best. Now, all this is cruel!

"Then do we still fight?"

"Fight! Keep fighting!"


Two days later, they were basically on their way to the top of the Arctic!

Some people from the three major forces who can see their forces occupy and divide, and some families can take a glance in the past, but not too many times! Some people already know it!

One team after another has arrived!

Many people actually gave up on the way!

They saw that the two teams of Lin Xuan and Fengling had even done SSS-level forces, what else did they insist on?

This SSS-level power has a score of 200,000, even if it is divided evenly by ten people, it is 20,000 points per person...

More to the back, they just take this as an opportunity to level up!

Those powerhouses and families have really waited in this place for half a month. Some may have left halfway and went to the next city to rest for a few days, but they must be there today.

The wind chimes came at midnight. After they came back, their mobile phones were collected and they could only wait here. Duan Lingxiao and Xiao Yun sat on the edge, waiting for Lin Xuan, no, Lin Xuan already Dead, waiting for Murong Yu's arrival!

Lin Xuan, what are they doing right now?

That's right! sleeping!

They probably gave an example of a location about 100 kilometers from the top of the North Pole, and then Lin Xuan created a small house that sheltered from the wind. A few people hid inside and went to rest. They knew that they were already promoted! I won! All that's left is to see who the wind chimes team is, seeing them as if they had seen a ghost when they were still alive.

Half a month of fighting, running around, they really didn't close their eyes for half a month, at most they just rested for an hour or two!

Even at the Heavenly Sovereign Realm, they were really tired.

Why not go directly to the top of the Arctic to rest?

I can’t go there to rest. I’m asking for all kinds of greetings. It’s better to rest here, and Lin Xuan can still smell their fragrance with the six girls, and I don’t know how to hold them when I fall asleep. Whose very comfortable anyway.

Just set a certain time, at six o'clock to the top of the North Pole, they wake up at five o'clock, Lin Xuan and Murong Yu's space will be directly there!

"They haven't come back yet?"

It was five o'clock in the morning, Duan Lingxiao and Xiao Yun were sitting there smoking cigarettes.

"Couldn't they, are they too late?"

"You won't make such a mistake!"

Duan Lingxiao shook his head and said.

"What if?"

In fact, there is another way for them to come back. That is to take advantage of the present, find them, stop them, and prevent them from reaching the top of the Arctic before 6 o'clock. That is also regarded as being eliminated directly, but there is no way, it can't be done!

Xiao Yun didn't panic, there were only four people left, and his team of nine players was promoted to six, and he would definitely be promoted! No, it is not inevitable! He also advanced to the tenth place...

In case something goes wrong...but it should be unlikely! What team can compare to them?

On the other side, Lin Xuan was kicked away in his sleep!

Lin Xuan rubbed his eyes with a scented hand, then sat up dumbfounded and looked at Ling Ying sitting there.

"Why are you kicking me?"

Lin Xuan asked dumbfounded.

"Where did you stretch your hand just now?"

Lin Xuan: "..."

"Damn! I can't stretch it out because of my old wife."

"I'm talking about Murong Yu!"

Lin Xuan: "Uh—"

(End of this chapter)