"I woke up a little earlier, and am waiting for you in the car park now. I already took away the Car Key beforehand, and the things you got the waiter to bring back from the locker yesterday, I had them dry wash it and then send it back to the company.

I also asked the waiter to take the dirty laundry from the laundry basket to the office.

The clothes in the box are new. If you get up, put on your clothes and come to find me at the entrance of the hotel. Today is a working day, so if you don't go to work, your salary will be deducted.

"I've already settled all the expenses for the hotel. This time, I'll treat you as my treat."

At the very bottom, it was signed "Ye Ying". It was unknown if it was because he was taking pleasure in's misfortune, but at the very end, this fellow was experiencing enlightenment through his conscience and even drew a cute smiling face.

"This painting is really lacking …"

After looking down on Ye Ying's drawing skills, Nie Fei looked at the few boxes in front of him.

He suddenly opened the box and couldn't help but clench his teeth. It was no different from what he remembered, a pink suit, white shirt, and a pair of white men's shoes.

This woman must have done it on purpose. He searched the living room again but didn't find any other clothes.

Thinking about this, he hurriedly picked up the phone in the living room, wanting to call the customer service team to send over a set of clothes. However, when he picked up the phone, there was no sound at all, as if someone had cut off all external contact.

Nie Fei checked the phone line and found that there was no problem with the cable. It seemed that the problem was with the host. This time, Nie Fei was really speechless. Without a doubt, this was the work of that woman.

Yesterday, the time of the party ending was rather late, so wearing a Beach Trousers was fine. But now, in broad daylight, wearing a bathrobe and walking around randomly in the hotel's corridor would attract too much attention.

Ye Ying had predicted that he would still want face, so he specially asked to wait at the entrance of the hotel. He couldn't possibly run out in a bathrobe to work in a car.

As for his phone and wallet, they were all gone. He didn't have to worry about getting charged by the hotel, but he had to pay for whatever he wanted. Now, he was a real "poor man".

Nie Fei clenched his teeth, as though he was rushing to the execution ground. He took out all of his clothes and put them on one by one. From the look of his twisted face, it was obvious how tangled he was.

When he put on all the clothes, his body felt a little stiff. The clothes were really too close-fitting, and he felt that if he moved slightly more, it would drag down to some joints. He didn't need to show off the clothes.

Wearing this sultry pink suit, he walked out of the room. The corridor was empty, which just so happened to be what Nie Fei wanted. He, who was originally acting like a thief, immediately straightened his body. This feeling was a lot better.

He pressed the button for the elevator and checked the corridor inside vigilantly, hoping that no one would come out. When the elevator arrived, it was still empty.

He withdrew his vigilant gaze and revealed a proud smile. Then, he turned around and walked towards the elevator.

When he saw the guide in the elevator, the smile on his face froze. How could he have forgotten this? This elevator was different from his usual company's elevator; there were hotel staff members inside.

He ignored the gazes of the people in the elevator and said in a low voice, "First floor."

The guide inside the elevator very responsibly pressed down on the first floor, but his line of sight didn't linger on Nie Fei for long. However, the impression he left on her was very deep.

It would be strange if he didn't have an impression of a handsome face and a pink suit.

Nie Fei tried his best to keep his expression serious. If his smile was too dazzling, he was worried that some unknown person would come over and start a conversation.

When the elevator reached the first floor, he walked out with firm steps. Ye Ying's car was already parked in front of the hotel, but the woman was not inside the car. She was just standing there chatting with a man.

This woman really knew how to cause trouble. Where did this man come from? To be able to meet him in this hotel, he probably wasn't a good person.

However, the two of them stood there chatting and laughing. From the looks of it, they seemed to be on good terms with each other. Could it be that they bumped into some old acquaintance?

With a serious expression on his face, Nie Fei walked towards Ye Ying as if he was rushing to a battlefield. He still had to greet him since he didn't have any money on him right now, so he didn't want to walk back to Ye Ying in this outfit.

Nie Fei pretended to be puzzled as he asked, "Ying'er, this is?"

Seeing Nie Fei appearing and interrupting their conversation, the other man slightly frowned.

Ye Ying still carried that sun-like smile on his face, "You're finally out. I've been standing here waiting for a long time."

After saying that, she even affectionately hugged onto one of Nie Fei's arm to show that their relationship wasn't ordinary.

"This is our company's business partner, negotiator Manager Zheng. He's young and capable."

"Chief Ye is joking, I am just doing my best. It's nice to meet you, my name is Zheng Decheng."

"Nie Fei."

It was just two simple words. After Nie Fei finished speaking, he calmly looked at the other party and did not have any intention of continuing.

The atmosphere became extremely awkward, as though Zheng DeCheng wanted to speak more with Ye Ying, but the man beside him who had a stern expression and calm eyes gave him a lot of pressure.

The other party's eyes were fixed on him, making him feel as if a mouse that was stealing oil was being stared at by a cat that was hiding in the dark. He did not know when it would be caught and played with.

"Chief Ye, you are busy, I still have to go back to the company to take care of things, so I won't disturb you."

Zheng Decheng originally wanted to get close to Ye Ying when he saw that he was alone here, but who knew that was actually with his boyfriend. He took a glance at the Lamborghini who only had two seats for him, and quickly found an excuse to slip away.

"Alright, see you again when we get a chance." Ye Ying did not ask them to stay. After all, they were just business partners, and their relationship was not very good. He had only met her when they signed the contract.

She, who was waiting for Nie Fei at the entrance, was instantly recognized. She couldn't refuse him, so she could only stand there and chat awkwardly with him. Nie Fei's sudden appearance could be said to have saved her.

"Wow, if there's a chance, let's meet again. They really are acquaintances."

He didn't know if it was just Ye Ying's imagination, but he had a nagging feeling that Nie Fei was saying these words with a hint of bitterness.

"You look pretty good in this outfit." Ye Ying did not respond to Nie Fei's words. Instead, he changed the topic.