set out!

It is no longer a breakthrough or escape.

It's easy to start, have a pleasant journey, travel among the stars and fly into space!

It's not nervousness, fear and worry, but leisure, travel with friends and ease!

Compatriots of the whole nation, go to the future.

The second wave of demon army, die and escape.

Even the most important Xinghai divine ship was thrown here, which proved that they had completely defeated and could no longer pose a small threat to the sword God Lin.

"We defeated the dark clan and its running dogs by ourselves!"

"Yes, we rely on ourselves..."

In this starry desert, they didn't have any help. They killed the enemy and abandoned their armor only by fighting alone and relying on the courage to die.

Such a victory is the most exciting and makes everyone proud.

In the vast starry sky, the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road.

The weakest God in the starry sky dares to fight with all his staff. This is also a gamble for the whole family to seek a way to survive.

Now, with their bloody hands, they have killed a way of life belonging to Lin, the sword God.

In front of this broad road, everyone did not revel at the beginning.

They're in a trance!

They looked at the bloody and bleak battlefield, and many people's minds were still blank.

"We won!"

"We defeated the dark clan! Kill their running dogs!"

"The second wave of demon army is close to being destroyed!"

"Like the sun, we beat the dark family like a lost dog, and Shenxi Tianxi fled in a hurry!"



Until this time, joy, excitement and tears mixed together and poured out from every Lin family.

They embrace, shout and release all the previous repression!

The sword God Lin and the Thai God beidong reveled and celebrated together.

"Win! Win!"

"Dad, mom, we won!"

"Daughter in law, we won!"


The simple two words, shouted by hundreds of millions of people, have the significance of opening up history and are enough to make future generations proud of countless years.

Two battlefields!

Two wins!

Stir millions of stars!

Tears, blood, surging.

The celebration of more than one billion people is also a wonder in the vast starry sky.

"Go, go to the sun!"

"I didn't help before. Now I can finally straighten up and meet my compatriots."

People cleaned the battlefield, took away the "loyal bones" sacrificed for the war, and took away the booty.

These more than 1 billion people, who are extremely "vulnerable" in the starry sky, have finally returned to the safe Xinghai divine ship.

Only the corpse of the demon army will float in the starry sky forever.

If no one answers, you can't go home.

In addition to the booty, there were nearly 700 Xinghai divine ships above the holy land level. After the integration, they flew in the direction of the sun amid the cheers of the crowd!

Those star sea divine ships of the boundless demon army are not under control for the time being, but Lin, the sword God, has a huge rope to drag the star sea divine ship.

A star river giant sword, drag a demon army star Poseidon ship, just do it.

Without considering speed, they can easily transport these spoils to the sun.

The caravan of Lin, the sword God, has been doing all year round, which is the matter of transporting goods.

In addition to the booty on the sun, the number of star Poseidon ships above the holy domain level of sword God Lin may reach more than 1500 after a period of control and repair!

This is a typical example of the sudden wealth of the war and the soaring strength of the clan.

The normal holy land level Xinghai divine ship of the ordinary royal family is only about 400, 1500 holy land level, which is already "four times the sword God Lin"!

The number of star sea warships also proves that in today's era of "three pillars" in the boundless domain, the sword God Lin is no longer a small role, but one of the three real giants!

The light spirit demon family of Yi Daiyan, together with the three royal families supporting her, and the holy land level Xinghai divine ship, are not as much as the current sword God Lin.

Of course, it should be said that it is the 'destiny of the Emperor'!

This new force is linked by Li Tianming. Li Wudi represents the sun aborigines, and Lin Xiaodao represents the sword God Lin.

The holy land level starship is the advantage of the Heavenly Emperor.

As for Tianjun level and below Shenxu level, it is still the level of the royal family in the normal world. With the booty of star hunters and demon swinging army, it is at most twice the royal family in the world.

The top strong are also worse.

Because of this, the destiny Dynasty will never think that after this victory, they are qualified to swallow the other two giants in the boundless realm!

Defensive warfare is much easier than annexing others.

If you want to eat your opponent, you must be several times as strong as the enemy!

The dark clan and its allies have too much appetite and continue to expedition to fight one against two.

Although Yi Daiyan didn't fight this war, as long as she existed, the dark family had to leave more than half of its combat power in the dark star.

This is one against two!

As a result, before almost eating the sun, it was like the sky falling apart!

"When we get to the sun, we must learn from Yi Daiyan, stay completely, and wait for feng'er to become a real strong player in the world. That's the time for us to return to the dark star! Before that, everyone has to 'shut down' in the sun!"

Lin Yu returned to the Taixu.

"In the past few months, the star sea warships below the Shenxu level that we flew out of all parts of the boundary have begun to move towards the sun. When we arrive, it will be a real reunion." Lin Changkong said.

Those Xinghai warships below the Shenxu level are also a great wealth and the foundation of Lin's family.

Although their main force is the latent sun, they still have to continue to do the industries and businesses that once spread all over the boundless boundary.

Before fleeing the dark star, their future was gloomy, and they even planned to withdraw all clans to the sun.

Now, the sun has been powerful in all directions, and the dark family may not be able to deal with ordinary people in the world of small star sources such as Yangfan level and Dongtian level.

"In a word, after this time, our family is stronger!"

"Ancestors, we didn't disappoint you?"

Lin Yu looked at the vast sea of stars ahead and still burst into tears.


Inside the little dark devil.

In a closed secret room.

Tianxi crossed her hands and stared at the golden eyes on her palm. The droplets on the black eyes kept falling on the golden eyes.

Dada dada.

His teeth trembled and he breathed heavily.

On the table in front of Tianxi, there was a messenger stone. He was in this struggling state for a long time before he finally lowered his head and cried out with pain. Then his palm trembled and opened the messenger stone.

"Tell my father that the ancestral monster failed to take Lin Yu. Lin put a billion people on the starry battlefield to make a living. Our people were not confident enough, so we were defeated. Now, there are only a dozen Tianjun star sea divine ships and more than 100000 star gods who escaped..."


It is still far away. Many people must send messages continuously before the news can reach the ears of Shenxi Xingtian.

Now God Xi Xingtian is still coming here with speed.

Perhaps his heart still has the desire to win.

He was surprisingly defeated with the help of the dream baby king.

He really doesn't believe that with the help of the mysterious ancestral monster on his son's side, the father and son can still fall and die in the same ditch?

After reporting the news, Tianxi fell on the table like a falling apart.

He lost all his strength.

The ancestral monster failed to assassinate for the first time. He was really frightened when the billion people rushed out in anger.

The news of his father's defeat on the sun was like a nightmare, which affected his mood and made him fear Lin, the sword God at that moment.

He dared not admit that it was true.

Lin, the sword God, was a dog he wanted to subdue before.

Not to mention him, Chi soul was offered as the supreme emperor in the boundless sword sea.

Now, it's different.

"This change is too big. It seems that the world has made a big joke on our dark family."

Because of this, when Lin Jie advised him to fight with all his strength, God Xi Tianxi retreated.

He's afraid of death!

Therefore, the counterattack of the second demon army was not pure at that time. Some people moved forward and some fled.

Shenxi Tianxi naturally had a great responsibility for such a disastrous defeat.

However, he really had a hunch that if the whole army fought to the death, even if he could kill hundreds of millions of gods, he was afraid that none of his 500000 Star Gods, including himself, could escape.

"Is it worth it? Will my father and the whole family forgive me?"

He didn't know.

All he knew was that the fiery new world, the core of which was composed of Li Tianming, Li Wudi and Lin Xiaodao, as well as Lin Yu and other groups of the older generation, had given him a deep awe of the supreme dark family.

In the past, it was the male lion against the running dog. Of course, the dark family was above.

Now, it's the lion against the tiger. Continue to fight again. Whoever loses will win. That's not necessarily.