
In the last cry, the gods around Li Tianming suddenly dissipated.

Obviously, he has successfully cleared all living beings and gods!

"How much time will it take this time?"

Li Tianming is eager to know!

Suishenzhao also wants to know.

He was foolish enough to recover his divine appearance last time. This time, he never thought of it, and he couldn't react.

It is reasonable to say that the divine appearance of all living beings must be much more difficult than reviving the divine appearance.

On the side of the Tao of creation and transformation, the record of the gods of all living beings is a quarter of an hour, far more than a hundred breath!

Because of this, when Sui shenzhao came out of the God phase of all living beings, the whole person was confused. Li Tianming had turned back to look at the Zhongtian Wandao God monument. He still stood in situ, his lips trembling, but he couldn't say a word.

He expected that Li Tianming would rise again when he met the God of all living beings who tested his talent again.

But he never thought that it was so fast.

This is not breaking the record of wandaogu, this is breaking the world view of suishenzhao!

Suishenzhao's world view is a fairly advanced world view in this orderly starry sky.

"Back to first!"

The whole Wandao Valley is still dead now. Li Tianming turned back and saw the name of him and Sui shenzhao at a glance, returning to the first place of the Tao of creation and chemistry.

This is normal, because so far, only they have passed the third level.

The logic of ranking is that the number of customs clearance is the first consideration.

"When the result of everyone's third level comes out, if we can still hold the first, it will be the real first!"

Whether they can regain the first place depends on the clearance time of the third level!

The number behind them is different from that before.

"Subtracting the two equals fifteen?"

Li Tianming's eyes lit up.

All living beings and gods, fifteen breath!

This means that he spends only half the time on the divine aspect of all living beings.

"The record of wandaogu's creation and transformation seems to be a quarter of an hour?"

Fifteen and a quarter!

That's a big difference.

Li Tianming had a hunch that the next moment, wandaogu would explode.

During this whole period of time, the silence of Wandao valley was incredible and speechless.

Including flint himself!

Sure enough!

At this time, at least millions of eyes shifted from the back of the Zhongtian Wandao God monument to Li Tianming!

The overwhelming pressure of order rushed to Li Tianming!

Even if he has an orderly remnant universe and can absorb the power of order, the psychological pressure of a teenager, who is strong in the whole order starry sky alone, is quite great.

"Fifteen interest!"

"Gods of all living beings!"

This time, no one will misunderstand that it is the miracle created by the flint God.

Because, Flint God is still stupid!

Buzzing, buzzing!

Hundreds of thousands of disciples, millions of saints, as well as the venerable and even the holy ancestor, looked at Li Tianming with burning eyes.

The tremor, disbelief and trance in their eyes told Li Tianming that he had reached the level of "conquering Wandao Valley" in this regard today!

Originally, the 30 interest and breakthrough came from Li Tianming. Millions of people in Wandao valley have changed their outlook on him.

Now, on the basis of improvement, we can achieve an incredible shock effect and completely block the mouths of some wandaogu disciples and saints who still talk about cheap blood beast guards!

"It doesn't seem to be true..."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, even if more people said it, I wouldn't believe it at all."

"Raise the record from a quarter of an hour to fifteen? Shorten it to one sixtieth!"

"In other words, he is 60 times faster than the fastest person in the history of the Tao of creation! He is 30 times faster than the record of the universal Tao!"

That's an exaggeration.

If it were not exaggerated to this extent, thousands of wandaogu venerable would not be shocked and stunned.

"Does he have a special secret to understand God?"

"Even so, there is no doubt about his talent for understanding! Is this the variation caused by cheap blood?"

"It's impossible! Flint is already the highest talent for understanding..."

First there was silence.

Then came the deafening voice of public opinion.

The eyes of all practitioners of Wandao valley are all on Li Tianming!

No exception.

Visible sensation!

"Li Tianming!" Only then did the flint God react, and his eyes were almost red.

He took Li Tianming's shoulders, gritted his teeth and said, "fifteen breaths! You have cleared all living beings and gods!"

"I know." Li Tianming was calm, because he estimated that this time the emperor's divine will increased significantly, and it is possible to try to refine the fifth grand plan of the universe!

This means that he has a chance to break two times in prehistoric roads.

Do not rely on order ruins, do not rely on ten thousand sources!

"Do you know the concept of such miracles? Do you see the people in wandaogu, confused now?" The flint God couldn't cry or laugh.

Li Tianming saw it.

But he wanted to say, "if you can't let your elders make a difference to me, what's the use?"

The view of the elders of suishenzhao is the key to Li Tianming.

Just as Li Tianming said this, a dignified voice came from the place where hundreds of saints gathered in the distance.

"Take a picture, bring him here."

It is the ancestor of burning star!


Many people talked and talked loudly. People probably sensed something and looked at Li Tianming with great envy.

"This son really turned over today!"

Sui shenzhao was very excited when he heard his father's cry. He said to Li Tianming, "come with me! Create such a miracle, I don't believe it. Don't you rise? Fools can see that you are the strongest monster born in millions of years!"

Sui shenzhao is a proud man in his heart.

It can only show that he has enough contact with Li Tianming.

Although Sui shenzhao was very optimistic, Li Tianming was calm, because he knew that it was really hard to grasp the thoughts of those big people.

"Anyway, I'll show my particularity and uniqueness in public first. Even if the three Taoyu families can't see it, the nearly two million strong people in Quanwan Daogu can see it."

Li Tianming thought like this. He left the ancient prehistoric road first, followed Sui shenzhao, and headed for the position of hundreds of saints.

Because the holy ancestor of burning star is in charge of this prehistoric ancient road, among the hundreds of holy ancestors, there are more holy ancestors from the suishen family and the God recognition camp, about half of them. Now they all gather around the holy ancestor of burning star, which shows the status of the holy ancestor of burning star!

Surrounded by a group of saints who are more powerful than Tiankui's, the burning star saint, wearing a spark robe, stands in the center like a dragon standing in a hundred animals. His majesty, bearing and aura are supreme and majestic, just like the emperor among the saints!

Therefore, Li Tianming estimated that the combat power of the burning star holy ancestor is estimated to be at least the top ten in the sky.