Three years ago, when the news that Li Zheng became a Nobel Prize candidate spread to China, the whole country was boiling.

Professor Conrad of the University of Zurich said in public that the organ regeneration and storage project jointly established by the Li Zheng laboratory and the Huaqing Ninth Laboratory will change the history of human medical treatment. At the same time, he also believes that the emergence of erlotinib has opened up a new way for humans to fight cancer.

Professor Conrad is a professor at the University of Zurich and the deputy dean of the Caroline Hospital. He is one of the closest people to the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Therefore, he did this in the early stage of the Nobel Prize. A statement is considered a hint.

A Chinese biologist in his early twenties, the two projects under his name are considered to have the potential to impact the Nobel Prize. This kind of news is very shocking all over the world.

Especially when the world’s largest organ storage center signed a technical cooperation treaty with Huaqing Ninth Laboratory, announcing that organ storage has entered a new era. The two words Li Zheng even appeared in the textbooks of American medical students, although it was only New York University Medical Science. The short line of words in the organ chapter in the textbook recommended by the academy is also of great significance to China, which has been technically crushed by the United States for a century and a half.

At that time, Hua Guo CTV even made a series of interviews to report on Li Zheng's life.

"Professor, why didn't you show up." After Li Zheng's name appeared in American textbooks, Zhao Depei rejected all the opposition and directly awarded Li Zheng the title of professor at Huaqing University. If it weren't for Li Zheng to be too young, this lifelong There is something inappropriate about him, otherwise the lifetime honorary professor would not be out of negotiation.

Sun Bin can’t figure it out. CTV’s series of interviews. This is a very high honor for China. However, their professor Li is lacking in interest, and he doesn’t even show his face. He has heard that there have been gossips. The young biologist has a big air.

Li Zheng put down the transparent glass test tube in his hand, "If the fire is cooking oil, the prosperity will fail", a wry smile appeared on his face. The Chinese are too serious about international awards. If he really won the Nobel Prize this year, it would be okay, if he didn't get... …

Li Zheng rubbed his temples. He should be grateful that he is living in this era. If it were in the later generations of the Internet-developed era, he could even imagine that after he had not won the prize, the wave of Bogu's reputation and reputation would be mocked.

At that time, Sun Bin did not know the meaning of Li Zheng's words, but muttered in a low voice: "You don't show up, they made a good interview as a documentary." It was the kind of serious, like a promotional film for tourist attractions in later generations. The style of painting looks... it looks like the protagonist of the interview is no longer alive.

Li Zheng was dumb. He hadn't seen the interview before. He heard that he went to Yantian County to take a shot.

Later, when the Nobel Prize was announced, Li Zheng was not on the list of winners. For a while, domestic praise died down, and everyone's attitude toward Li Zheng became more subtle.

Now that Erlotinib is listed in the United States, it seems that Li Zheng has once again returned to the situation three years ago.

"I will definitely participate in the coordination work in the negotiation. But Mr. Tian, ​​I will lead the genome project and leave it to a real genetics expert. I also have a project on hand, and I can't be too busy now." Li Zheng said with a smile.

Three years of accumulation are enough for Li Zheng to truly take root in the top biological circles in China and even in the world. Now even if he loses the Nobel Prize again, he will not reappear the situation three years ago.


"Yes, a small project." Li Zheng's mouth raised slightly, but he didn't talk much about the content of the project itself.

Old Tian gave the young man a deep look, small project? He had a hunch that after three years, this young man would bring them a huge surprise.

The conversation between Li Zheng and Tian Lao was in private, so it shouldn't be spread out. However, a few days later, the rumor that Li Zheng was going to host the Hua Guo Human Genome Project in the Chinese biology circle was spreading.

"Li Zheng? He does have a certain degree of research in pharmacy, but the Human Genome Project is more of genetics. How can he preside over it!"

"That is, in order to promote my country's Human Genome Project, Professor Guo has done a lot."

"Li Zheng's academic level is indeed good, and his team's participation in HUGO will play a certain role in promoting the integration of my country's genome project with the world's research. Erlotinib is listed in the United States and the European Community. Maybe he is this year Really won the Nobel Prize."

"Maybe? Maybe it's the same as three years ago. The Chinese TV station rushed to Switzerland eagerly, thinking that it could send good news back in the first place. The result, ha ha ha.

Everyone looked at each other and then chuckled.

There is a trace of helplessness and unwillingness on Guo Kezhen's face. Few people in China can match him in terms of genetic achievements. Genetics is not more valuable than pharmacy, and has greater commercial value. Geneticists are among the poorer in the entire biological system.

According to Liang Zhe's words, this is a cost-effective subject. Because of this, Guo Kezhen cherishes every opportunity even more.

In order to make China's Human Genome Project start as soon as possible, he has made a lot of efforts in the past three years. Hearing this news now, it is false to say that it is not lost, but he has to admit that when it comes to international influence, he and Li Zheng are not on the same level at all.

"Professor Guo? Professor Guo?" Someone pestered Guo Keping's arm. "The next lesson is yours. Are you not going over now?" Guo Kezhen is a professor of biology at Yan University and studied under Hua Guo Ren Jiasheng, the founder of genetics.

"Oh, okay, I'll go over immediately." Guo Kezhen immediately woke up from his own world after hearing the words, picked up the textbook and went to class.

When he walked into the classroom, he found that something was wrong in the classroom today. All the students at Yan University are top students from China. Therefore, classroom discipline has always been good, but no matter how good, these college students are in their early twenties. , I love the liveliness the most. It takes three to five minutes to quiet down after the class bell rings.

But today, the classroom is too quiet, and even the breathing has slowed down a lot.

There was a trace of doubt on Guo Kezhen's face, but because it was already class time, he didn't think much about it, and opened the book to start today's class.

Li Zheng sat in the last row of the classroom, with a notebook spread out on the table, listening carefully, and when he heard the essence, he would write it down and try to figure it out.

It was not a whim when he came back to listen to Guo Keping's class. Two weeks ago, he received an invitation from Jinjiang University to give a lecture. Jinjiang University is a well-known literature and history institution in the south. Li Zheng was also very surprised that a literature and history university would invite him to lectures.

President Jinjiang has a good relationship with Zhao Depei, and he spoke upright after he lost the Li Zheng Nobel Prize three years ago. Li Zheng accepted his love, so he readily agreed to this invitation.

However, for a group of literature and history students, he naturally can't talk about esoteric professional knowledge, so he wants to listen to the lecture as a student, so as to know the depth of the lecture.

He was embarrassed in Huaqing, but he hesitated and came to the Yanda next door.

This happened to meet Guo Keping's class.

This biology student, who didn't know the Nobel Prize candidate, held his breath secretly when he saw Li Zheng sitting next to them.

Reserved, reserved, to maintain the image of Yan University student, the boy next to Li Zheng had obviously just returned from sports in the gym and was sweaty all over his body. He thought it was nothing. The smell of sweat represented masculinity, but Seeing Professor Li sitting down beside him, he couldn't wait to skip class and go back to take a shower.

"And this person's genes carry the secret of heredity. One day, when the child is still in the mother's belly, we will be able to see his entire genetic chain. Is the genetic chain perfect? ​​Is there inheritance? It’s a genetic disease, wait, wait, this can prevent the birth of a child with a congenital genetic disease and avoid a family disaster."

From the genetics in the textbook to the application of genetics in reality, Guo Kezhen has always shown a frantic look on his serious face.

"Also, don't you guys and girls like being beautiful? The future gene editor, just like they learn computer programming, can edit the human body's genes and make everyone look good."

The girls in the Peking University classroom let out a low exclamation, and Li Zheng showed a slight smile on his face, and wrote in his notes. When giving lectures, he should combine the application of knowledge with what students usually care about.

"Professor, can we see gene editing being widely promoted when we are alive?" a round-faced girl raised her hand and asked with a smile.

"In this regard, foreigners' research is ahead of us, and the promotion of this technology faces the same ethical problems as cloning. However, I believe that once the application of this technology in agriculture and animal husbandry matures, And if there are strict regulations, it will be gradually promoted."

Every geneticist has a dream of gene editing, and the basis of gene editing is to understand genes. Just as the basis of software programming is to know code.

"The genes of each race are different. The gene projects of various countries are called the Human Genome Project, but they are not kind enough to study the genes of the people of other countries. Therefore, our country must start the human gene project belonging to our Chinese people!"

There was a round of applause in the classroom, and the boy who had just returned from the gym couldn't help turning his head to look at Li Zheng.

"Professor Li, is the human genome project of our Chinese people about to begin." The Chinese genome project has just been approved, and the Chinese media has not reported it, but Huaqing Yan University is the highest institution in China, the Department of Biology The students seemed to have heard the wind.