"The front is the Shenzhen market. Li, do you have one..." David scratched his hair annoyed, "How do you say the old Chinese saying, the closer you are to your hometown, the more joy and excitement! What a beautiful emotion what!"

Li Zheng glanced at him amusedly, "It means being close to hometown. It means that the closer you are to your hometown, the more timid you will be, and you will lack courage, lest something unfortunate happens in your hometown."

"Oh, that person who said this must be a pessimist." David frowned dissatisfied.

Liang Zhe, who had just got out of the boat, happened to see the scene of the two "talking about each other very happily". The air pressure around his body suddenly dropped, and his face showed a struggling look.

Liang Zhe didn't like water. When his parents had an accident when he was young, the search and rescue personnel pointed to the vast sea and told him that his parents had fallen into this place and could not be found.

More than ten years later, he himself almost lost his life in the sea. Therefore, Liang Zhe has both physical and psychological aversion to the sparkling water.

Seeing David stretch his hand on Li Zheng's shoulder, Liang Zhe's lips were tightly pressed into a straight line, and he walked quickly to the deck under the horrified eyes of his subordinates.

David was talking vigorously, only to feel that his body was moved aside by someone, and he turned his head back with an expression of dissatisfaction. I saw Mr. Liang squeeze in between him and Li Zheng abruptly, looking at him coldly.

David touched the back of his neck subconsciously, and then showed a puzzled expression, "Dear Mr. Liang, what can I do for you?"

For the local snake of Xiangjiang, David, as the executive vice president of Roche Asia, holds a respectful and polite attitude. Liang's position in Xiangjiang is like that of Spencer and Howard in the United Kingdom. For this kind of well-founded old family, their wage earners must not offend them.

Liang Zhe let out a cold snort in his nose, glanced at David with disdain, and then slowly turned away.

When his eyes fell on the sea outside the railing, his face paled for a moment.

Father David couldn't figure it out. When did he offend this noble gentleman? The little gentleman looked at his gaze as if...like a bird of prey in a zoo competing for a mate. That's right, that's how it feels!

spouse? He couldn't help but shifted his gaze to Li Zheng.

David was taken aback by his own whimsical imagination, and shook his golden head vigorously. It must be that he has been working so hard to deal with documents these few days to have such an absurd illusion.

Li Zheng keenly felt the nervousness on Liang Zhe's body. He glanced over Liang Zhe's left hand holding the railing and the green veins exposed, and his slightly pale complexion. He straightened slightly and raised his right hand to block it. Before Liang Zhe's eyes.

"Don't look." He said softly.

Liang Zhe felt the warm touch from the contact between his eyes and Li Zheng's palm, and his tight lips relaxed for a moment. He put his hand on Li Zheng's hand, and did not move for a long time.

Li Zheng was surprised at Liang Zhe's movements, his mouth grew slightly. No matter how slow his reaction was, and no matter how low his EQ was, he felt something was wrong. He moved his palm anxiously, but the hand covering his back became tighter.

And Liang Zhe, whose vision was covered by his palm, couldn't see Li Zheng's current expression. He just subconsciously didn't want to move, so he did so with this thought in his heart.

As time passed, Li Zheng's expression changed from surprise to embarrassment, and then slowly, his cheeks began to turn red, and then his neck.

Li Zheng only felt that the blood all over his body rushed to his head, and his always clear head suddenly became confused, as if a machine with overuse of the motor was so hot that it would break at any time.

He took a deep breath, and the cold sea breeze ran straight into his brain along his nose. He pulled down his palm forcefully, and then turned around to face the sea calmly, and said, "It's just a short while In a few months, the Shenzhen market has changed really greatly."

David blinked his blue eyes, looked at Mr. Liang who was disappointed with a grieved expression, and looked at Li Zheng who looked into the distance as if he was seriously pointing the country.

He always feels that something is wrong?

But obviously, David's IQ and EQ were not enough for him to understand what happened between his good friend Li Zheng and the distinguished Mr. Liang in these short minutes.

He covered the dazzling sunlight with his hand and looked out in the direction Li Zheng pointed out.

"A big change? Lee, why didn't I notice it?"

Li Zheng stagnated, and then light swept past the puzzled David and Liang Zhe who was staring at him, and coughed, "Look at the sky over there."

"That is the direction of Shenzhen City. I remember that when I walked, Shenzhen City did not have so many long chimneys with black smoke." This is the truth. When Li Zheng left, there were obviously not so many long chimneys. .

David couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yes, it's a nostalgic sight. The first industrial revolution! The great transformation of Britain from a European power to a world-class sunless empire. I have seen London at that time in textbooks. Huge. The factory, the long chimney, and the black fog in London. Oh! This is what the Shenzhen market looks like now!"

David said with excitement.

"Li, I am very excited. Do you know? I have a hunch that I seem to be witnessing a great history! China is waking up, and this great country in ancient history is slowly waking up! Oh, I am so excited. I have to write it down, I'm going to get the camera!"

David clutched his chest and danced incoherently. He trot to the center of the ship in the shocked eyes of the passengers next to him, thinking about going back to the room to get the camera.

Li Zheng was also taken aback by David's reaction. It was what he said casually, but he didn't want to cause David to express such emotion. Thinking of what David said just now, Li Zheng's expression could not help but become solemn. .

He glanced at Liang Zhe, who was still looking at him secretly, and his mood suddenly became very good.

Li Zheng said: "David is right, I'm very lucky."

"What?" Liang Zhe looked at him.

Li Zheng’s eyes smiled gently. He patted Liang Zhe’s arm, “Don’t look down, look forward. That land is my motherland. It’s undergoing a tremendous transformation. I’m very lucky and honored. Can see and experience this glorious history."

The sun shining on Li Zheng's body made him seem to have a dazzling halo around him, and even his hair would glow.

Liang Zhe was silent for a long time, he looked at the huge piece of land not far away.

It is much larger than Xiangjiang. Standing on the deck, Liang Zhe could see the chimneys rising straight into the clouds, emitting annoying black smoke. This is not a scene that makes people happy.

But for some reason, Liang Zhe had an indescribable feeling for this land he had never set foot in.

Warm and heavy.

"Well, I am also very lucky." He said suddenly.

Li Zheng looked up at him in surprise, a pair of smiling eyes came into view.

It turned out... Liang Zhe's eyes would also laugh.

"Oh, here, here, here I am! Fortunately, when I went back to Japan last time, I bought the latest camera. What a wise decision." David ran over with a huge camera.

"Li, help me support the camera stand!"

Li Zheng...

During the day, the steamer sailed very fast. About half an hour later, Li Zheng and others had already seen the port of China.

Different from the scene of later generations where the hustle and bustle of tourists to Hong Kong flooded the port, the Shenzhen Port in 1983 seemed a bit deserted because of the unclear status of Hong Kong and the mainland.

When the ship was about to dock, it made a heavy croak. At the port, a soldier-like man trot over, holding a red flag to direct the time and direction of the ship's landing.

Qiu Zhengye, the vice governor of Haidong Province, and the leaders of the Shennan region have been sitting in the port office for a long time. Hearing the sound of the ship’s aura, Qiu Zhengye drank the tea, and placed the tea bowl heavily. On the table.

"Is it this ship?" he asked calmly.

The port official looked at the watch on his wrist and nodded repeatedly, "It should be correct. There are only a few flights between Xiangjiang and Shennan, and this one is half an hour early!"

Qiu Zhengye stood up abruptly when he heard the words, and all the other provincial and regional officials in the room also stood up. The scene of more than 20 people standing up at the same time was not a bit of aura.

"Well, let's go out." As he said, he took the lead and walked to the door.

The leader of the Shennan region walked behind. When he passed by the port official, he turned his head slightly and instructed the port official: “Let the people below be gentle and diligent. Let foreign friends feel the warmth of spring. !"

Upon hearing the words, the port official immediately stood up straight, "Resolutely implement the leadership's instructions!"

The ship approached the shore slowly under the command of the soldiers, the chains were slowly lowered, and the huge iron plate landed heavily on the shore.

The two and three passengers on the boat walked along the iron plate to the shore. In 1983, those who were able to travel between Xiangjiang and the Mainland were not simple figures.

They dress very carefully and look arrogant. When they saw a group of people headed by Qiu Zhengye, some passengers could not help but be stunned. They obviously recognized Qiu Zhengye and others.

"Governor Qiu?" A middle-aged man with a big belly smiled in Cantonese with a Xiangjiang accent and walked to Qiu Zhengye's side.

He glanced over the familiar faces behind Qiu Zhengye, "Xu Shuji is there, are you?"

Before becoming the deputy governor of Haidong Province in charge of health, Qiu Zhengye had been in charge of investment promotion in the Shennan region. This middle-aged man with a big belly was exactly what he knew at that time.

A Hong Kong businessman with bad morals.