Chapter 3398: Unbroken maze

The two straight lines behind the door extend all the way upwards, and are a thin and long road.

The Wuyun of the Ziyun family seems to have no intention of finding the trouble of Luo Zheng. After he passed the door, he immediately rushed to the front.

Others on the other side of the land will continue to follow.

The trinity sent a total of three people into the immortal scroll, and only one person was a good result.

After most of the other creatures entered the door, Luo Zheng also waved his hands and feet and began to climb sideways.

The non-deaf and the sword were also the last to enter the door. They deliberately waited for Luo Zheng to go along with them, but the two tribes saw Luo Zheng’s walking movement and suddenly laughed.

"Luo Zhengxiong, in fact, we have a better way to move in this form," said the non-deaf.

In fact, when Luo Zheng entered the circular platform, he saw his strange way of walking.

"What is the solution?" Luo Zheng asked.

The trinoculars and the human races are similar in appearance. If they have a better way, Luo Zheng can also be used.

Suddenly, the hands were stretched out, and then they slammed down. The whole person took a distance from the top of the immortal scroll...

"Isn't that swimming?"

Luo Zheng’s eyebrows were slightly provoked.

"Yes, the way of swimming is the fastest way," he said. "You kind of..."

Luo Zheng also extended his hands and made a sharp stroke toward the sides. The whole person also rushed out a certain distance.

Going forward in this way, the speed is fast and saves...

"Yuan Shi Tianzun seniors..."

Luo Zheng did not believe that Yuan Shi Tianzun did not know this method.

"That I think you are used to walking like a crab, there is no reminder," Yuan Shitian respected and smiled.


Luo Zheng has always been like swimming, moving along the road planned by the two thin lines.

When the road progressed to a certain distance, the circular platform at the bottom disappeared, and something at the top was still invisible.

"This road is just two lines outlined. If it is across the sides of the line, what will happen?" Luo Zheng suddenly raised this problem.

It is not normal to know that Luo Zheng is the first to enter the immortal picture. It is normal to have such a view.

"This road is not as simple as two lines," said the non-deaf. "Without this road, this area is a vast abyss. Well, there will be places for you to observe in the middle of this road."

"Observed the abyss?" Luo Zheng suddenly came to interest.

"Well," he nodded.

I don't know how many distances I followed along this road, and the top suddenly became wider.

But this is not the end, but the middle of the road.

In the middle of this road, several small rings are drawn, and a hexagonal star array is also drawn in the ring.

Just when Luo Zheng was preparing to ask questions, he was replied: "Standing on the hexagonal star array, you can see the surrounding environment."

There are six hexagonal star arrays in this open area, but most of the other people may have seen it many times. They have no interest in it. They have no intention of staying in the open space and directly cross the past.

For the first time, Luo Zheng began to be curious about the immortal scrolls. He said that Luo Zheng had hurriedly stood on the six-pointed star array.

Rather than standing, it is better to say that it is crawling. After all, there is no concept of "height" in the immortal scroll. Luo Zheng is actually lying on the ground and crawling a little.

Just as Luo Zheng had just stood on the six-pointed star, everything around him changed.

Originally, he could only see one of his own planes, as well as the scene around the plane. At this moment, Luo Zheng seems to have restored his original form.

He found himself on a slender black bridge, and outside the bridge was a dark abyss!

"Do you understand now?" Yuan Shi Tianzun also laughed beside him.

"Through the two lines, that is to cross the bridge, it will fall into the abyss," Luo Zheng nodded.

Standing on the six-pointed star array, Luo Zheng gained a short period of freedom and naturally seized the opportunity to move his hands and feet.

"Accurately speaking, it is actually lost in the path of chaos and metaphysical world," Yuan Shi Tianzun corrected the words of Luo Zheng.

There is no such person in history, because curiosity has jumped out of the bridge.

Once in the abyss, it is equal to permanent loss.

Luo Zheng looked down at the bridge while moving his hands and feet. The lines outlined in the scrolls were very beautifully built here, while Luo Zheng on the bridge saw the non-squatting and the sword.

Now these two tribes are no longer composed of lines, but their own appearance is printed on the bridge.

After such observations, Luo Zheng is ready to withdraw from the hexagonal star array.

But at this moment, Luo Zheng suddenly felt a chill after the back, he turned his head, and saw a faint floating face in the distant darkness staring at himself.

"what is that?"

Luo Zhengmeng was shocked.

But the crying face only appeared for a moment, and it was hidden in the darkness.

When Yuan Shi Tian Zun stared at the past, the face had disappeared...

"What did you see?" Yuan Shi Tianzun was a bit strange.

"A face!" Luo Zheng is very sure.

After all, the bright lines that float in the dark are very clear.

"Is it wrong?" Yuan Shi Tian Zun said.

Although according to the judgment of Yuanshi Tianzun, there must be some kind of living in the immortal scroll, but it has never appeared since countless chaotic eras.

Can Luo Zheng just enter the immortal scroll, then the creatures appear?

"It should not be wrong..."

Luo Zheng itself is very positive, but I think that I have spent a lot of time in the immortal scroll, and it is inevitable that I will have the illusion when I restore this form.

His eyes swept in a circle and there was no abnormality. He could only shrug his shoulders and step out of the six-pointed star array.

When Luo Zheng left the hexagonal star array, the whole person fell to the ground.

Although there is no pain in the conversion of the two forms, it is still awkward...

"Luo Zhengxiu, but can you see the bridge clearly?" He smiled.

"Well, it is really dangerous."

The face of the matter, Luo Zheng did not mention with non-煜 and others.

The three fell on the tail and continued to move forward. After the remaining half of the journey, the lines in front suddenly became complicated.

It is a huge and complicated maze, and it is also a well-known labyrinth in the normal game.

When I saw this maze, Luo Zheng was speechless.

In general, the maze is misleading through complex high walls, which can get people inside out of it. The problem is that Luo Zheng’s perspectives on these people are actually looking down from the top of the immortal scroll. Although only a small range can be seen, the maze is a line for them, and the passages in the range can The points are clear, what is the meaning of setting this maze?