The straight-line distance from Huaxia to Jerusalem is about 7,000 kilometers. This distance is like a moat to the vast majority of powerhouses and forces in the last days, and it is difficult to cross. To Huang Chang, who lacked the power of space, it was nothing.

I saw that under the cover of the Rainbow Bridge, Huang Chang had already cut through the long space of 7,000 kilometers in a short time, and came to Jerusalem, the world-famous holy city.

More precisely, it came near Jerusalem!

Because at this moment, Huang Chang could also clearly feel that in this ancient holy city, there was an extremely huge terrifying force that was not inferior to the Vatican, which is also a holy city, and even more powerful!

However, it is not difficult to understand that the history of Jerusalem as a holy place of the Holy See is even longer than that of the Vatican, and more importantly, Jerusalem is also a holy place recognized by several other sects. Every year, countless devout believers go to Jerusalem to worship, and the gathered faith The power is naturally above the Vatican.

The only difference is that perhaps because Jerusalem is recognized as a holy place by several sects, although the power gathered in Jerusalem is now larger than the Vatican, it can be called the most holy place in the world, but at the same time, the power gathered is also extremely heterogeneous, even It is mutual exclusion and conflict, which has also led to Jerusalem being completely shrouded by chaotic forces. In this case, Huang Shang can of course use the Rainbow Bridge to tear the space directly into Jerusalem, but the power of the Rainbow Bridge is entering Jerusalem. At the same time, it is also very likely to break the balance of the chaotic forces in Jerusalem, which will cause some changes and the attention of many people. It will definitely not be a good thing for Huang Shang, who is extremely sensitive to his identity.

That's why Huang Chang landed near Jerusalem, and then chose to sneak into Jerusalem, and inquire about the situation in the city by the way, looking for Bi Xia's location.

It's just strange that this Jerusalem is different from other holy cities and holy places, because this holy city looks almost completely closed now, the whole city is blocked by chaotic and powerful energy, and no one can be seen access.

Under such circumstances, if Huang Chang wanted to sneak into Jerusalem, it would be really troublesome.


But just when Huang Shang was lurking around Jerusalem, looking for an opportunity to sneak into Jerusalem to find Bixia's trace, a burst of extremely violent roar suddenly sounded from Jerusalem.

Afterwards, a blazing platinum holy light rose into the sky from somewhere in Jerusalem, exuding a holy and huge aura!

But the next moment, this holy breath seemed to be polluted by some kind of power, and a black mist filled the platinum beam of light in an instant, and finally completely dyed the platinum beam of light black. A huge and ferocious phantom was condensed, exuding an extremely evil and terrifying aura!

Feeling this terrifying breath and the sense of oppression brought by it, Huang Chang's pupils shrank suddenly!

This is the breath of the devil!

He will never admit his mistake, after all, he has dealt with Satan clones before, not to mention that Zhao Ren is also a pure demon blood, he is very familiar with this kind of aura!

And what shocked him even more was that this demonic aura was so powerful that it could make him feel pressured. The opponent was undoubtedly a strong man in the epic realm!

It's just that no matter what, he couldn't figure out why there was such a powerful demonic aura in the holy city of Jerusalem!

Buzz buzz!

And just when Huang Chang was shocked by the sudden appearance of the devil's breath, bright holy lights shot out from all over Jerusalem, and then enveloped the black beam of light and the devil like a big net. Xu Ying's body then faintly suppressed this aura.

Boom boom boom!

But at this moment, three terrifying demonic auras shot up into the sky, and at the same time, three black beams of light erupted from all over Jerusalem, resisting the suppression of those holy lights together with the first beam of light. At the same time, those few black beams of light also condensed different appearances, but the aura was equally terrifying, a phantom of an epic demon!

"Four epic realm demons? When did Jerusalem become the base camp of demons?"

Seeing this scene, Huang Chang became more and more puzzled.

When he was still in the Vatican, he had looked up information about Jerusalem, but there was no such record in those materials, which meant that either the Holy See had concealed the real information about Jerusalem, or it was because Jerusalem was the closest The mutation just happened.

And being in the middle of such a change, I don't know if Bi Xia has anything to do with this matter, and whether he is in any danger!

"Om Mani Padme Hum!"

However, Cao Cao Cao Cao was coming, just when Huang Chang was confused because of the changes in Jerusalem, and was thinking about whether to sneak into Jerusalem while taking advantage of the chaos, he said that he was very familiar, neutral and peaceful, full of compassion, majesty and a sense of strength The Buddhist mantra suddenly sounded from Jerusalem, and quickly spread throughout the whole world.

The next moment, a pure Buddhist golden light soared into the sky in Jerusalem. A golden Buddha with three heads and six arms appeared in the golden light. Suppress those demon breaths!


Looking at the familiar golden body, Huang Chang was completely stunned.

He knew that Bixia was in Jerusalem, but he didn't expect to see Bixia so soon!

But what shocked him even more was the terrifying and pure aura emanating from Bi Xia now!

This is the atmosphere of the epic realm!

This also means that Bi Xia has also broken through the epic realm?

What exactly did Bi Xia experience during the half month they were apart?

And why did Bi Xia join forces with the power of the Holy Light in Jerusalem to suppress the power of those demons?

What is going on here?

Thinking of this, Huang Chang no longer hesitated, his eyes were fixed, and he jumped up directly. Taking advantage of the eruption of various auras in the city and falling into chaos, he forcibly broke through the chaotic power that enveloped Jerusalem, and entered the holy city. middle.

After entering the holy city, Huang Chang also tried his best to hide his figure, restrain his breath, and speed up to shoot towards the place where Bixia's golden body was.

No matter what happened, he must first ensure Bi Xia's safety!

PS: The outline about Jerusalem has been changed no less than ten times, because I am afraid of being hit by thunder, so the update will be slow, please forgive me, continue to code, and then go to sleep after writing.

PS2: About these demons in the epic realm and the reason why Bixia broke through the epic realm will be explained later, and everyone will understand by then that the situation in Jerusalem is just a special case before the epic realm is full. .