Episode 012 How to Effortlessly Increase Proficiency

"Hmm!! I've awakened more refreshed than yesterday!!"

April 5th, the next day. When I woke up in the morning, I felt even better than yesterday.

[ The skill level of 'New Pulse' has reached its limit. 'New Pulse' has evolved into 'True Pulse'. ]

[ The skill level of 'New Metabolism' has reached its limit. 'New Metabolism' has evolved into 'True Metabolism'. ]

Immediately after waking up in the morning, I heard Anna's voice. Pule and Metabolism are evolving. Maybe this is the reason why I'm feeling so great, but I can't find out because I don't understand the contents.

I can't find any information on the internet.


■ Name

Satou Fuhito

■ Skill level

・ True Pulse (2/99999)

・ True Metabolism (2/99999)

・ New Thinking (6354/99999)

・ Breathing (61974/99999)

・ Five Senses (36794/99999)

・ Intuition (36794/99999)

・ Hitting (403/9999)

・ Kicking (396/9999)

・ Defense (141/9999)


I was able to complete the F-rank dungeon for the time being, but I feel that my defense is not good enough to go to the E-rank dungeon, so today I would like to improve my defense skill in the F-rank dungeon all day long.


The pedal broke when I tried to ride my bicycle.

I just put a little effort into it, but isn't it really hard to adjust to this?

It couldn't be helped, so I decided to run.


I should have started running lightly, but the speed is strange. I'm about to get sick. And when I tried to keep my balance and put my legs forwards, I jumped high into the sky.

What is this??

Oh, but it was written when I looked it up online. When you become an explorer, you suddenly become stronger and destroy various things, or you can't keep up with your physical abilities and fall down.

Relieved to have the same issues as other explorers, I managed to regain my balance and landed on the ground.

"It's really dangerous."

I looked around and headed to the dungeon, relieved that no one had seen it. As soon as I dive into the dungeon, I will seek out a Gummic and try to be attacked for the time being.


I've been hit by Gummics for a while, but the day before yesterday I felt a terrible shock, but now I feel almost nothing. I haven't improved my level, but I think it's probably due to one of the increased proficiency levels.

I just collect Gummics and have them flock around me to try a certain proficiency increasing method.

"OK, should I try it?"

I talk to myself and lay down on the spot.

Then all the Gummics started ramming my body. About 20 of them. None of them have done any damage to me.


■ Skill level

・ Defense (241/9999)


In just a few minutes, my skill level improved by about 100. This is really easy.

If I continue this for the whole day, I will reach the limit in no time.

When I was thinking such, I realized that I had fallen asleep.

"Hmm ... Hmm ..."

I wake up. When I looked around, the Gummics were still ramming me. Looking at the time, it seems that I slept for about two hours.

The Gummics really only hit me.


■ Skill level

・ Defense (4650/9999)


When I checked my status, my defense skill level was greatly improved.


■ Skill level

・ True Pulse (41826/99999)

・ True Metabolism (41826/99999)

・ New Thinking (41654/99999)

・ Breathing (74378/99999)

・ Five Senses (48367/99999)

・ Intuition (48367/99999)

・ Hitting (413/9999)

・ Kicking (406/9999)

・ True Defense (3/9999)


[ The skill level of 'Defense' has reached its limit. 'Defense' has evolved into 'New Defense'. ]

[ The skill level of 'New Defense' has reached its limit. 'New Defense' has evolved into 'True Defense'. ]

On that day, I continued to suffer the penance of continuously being rammed by Gummics, and succeeded in evolving my Defense by two stages.

It is unavoidable that the salary earning was almost zero.

"Zako ♡, Zako ♡"

It's a secret that my sister was blaming me for that and I was about to wake up to something.