However, when Lu Shan was preparing to cast his magic, he turned to look at them and said, "everything you see tonight must rot in your stomach, otherwise you will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble. Remember!"

They were also surprised. Boss Li didn't have anything to do, because he was responsible for this.

But at present, the beautiful woman was so scared that she took a step back. Now, he has finally figured out what his cheap boss wants to do.

It turns out that his boss is not only the boss of the big stalls, but also a Taoist who cheats and cheats. Why is it called cheats and cheats.

Because she did not see the power of Lushan, nor did she see it with her own eyes. In a word, even if she saw it with her own eyes, in her impression, this kind of thing in this scene basically belongs to deception.

Or in her philosophy of life, it belongs to an atheist at all, but the heart of a girl is still relatively small. Even if the atheist and horror movie watch a lot, it will also make her sleepless at night.

However, seeing that Lu Shan is doing this kind of work at this time, still let his heart beat the drum. Does it mean that there is such a thing in the world? Or it's because of the strong curiosity, I stare at every move of Lushan without blinking.

Lushan didn't say anything more. He raised the Eight Diagrams compass in his hand and murmured a mantra to the rune paper.

Just after his voice fell, a milky light suddenly came out of the Eight Diagrams compass, and the corresponding light shone on the rune paper.

At that moment, a strange scene happened. Both of them were wide eyed. They saw an incredible scene. The Yellow Rune paper that was lying on the table was floating out of nowhere.

Slowly rising to about five or six meters above the ground, Lu Shan put the compass away. He said several incantations in his mouth, then pointed to the paper with his right hand, and a milky light visible to the naked eye shot at the paper in an instant.

It was only for a moment that this piece of paper was burning out of nothing. The burning picture can be said to be very shocking, because it was not a red flame, but a light blue flame.

This reminds them of some pictures they saw in some horror films before, but at this time, the rune paper fell gently to the ground, as if it was looking for the direction to fall. After a circle of turning on the ground, it finally fell on the ground in a more prominent position.

When they were puzzled and frightened, suddenly there was a cool wind around them, which made the two of them step back involuntarily. At this time, Lushan suddenly roared, "if you don't come out at this time, when are you going to stay?"

Then, holding the eight trigrams compass mirror, he aimed at the bulge. The cold wind disappeared in an instant, but a shadow appeared instead. It was a vague shadow, unable to see the outline clearly, but it could be concluded that it was a young man.

However, when this strange scene happened, they couldn't see it at all. Except when Lushan opened tianyantong, they could see it clearly and others couldn't feel it at all. Of course, if they could see the scene in front of them inadvertently, it would mean that this person's body was very weak and there was nothing at all Resistance.

Lu Shan looked at the boss Li standing by and said, "come to my side and kneel here. Repent what you have done! If you can be forgiven, the light in front of you will be on naturally. If you can't be forgiven, then the light can't be on! How to do it should be clear in your mind! "

Boss Li nodded, because Lushan had told him about how to do it before. Now he came to the side of Lushan and knelt there directly. The direction he faced was the position of the raised earth bag.

Although he couldn't see what was in front of him, there was something staring at him vaguely. He was also very nervous. After all, this was the first experience.

According to Lu Shan's request, boss Li knelt there and began to repent bitterly, mainly telling about what he had done that he should not have done, or sorry for the young man in front of him.

For more than half an hour, Lushan stood still, and the girl sat on a piece of wood without saying a word.

At this time, the light, which had not been moving, suddenly lit up. Lu Shan was relieved to see this scene. At least it can be said that the young man had forgiven boss Li at this time. In this way, he would not be in trouble in the future.

Then he asked boss Li to burn all the prepared paper money and other things. The whole thing came to an end. Lu Shan looked at the empty shadow in front of him and said lightly: "some things have already happened, so let them go and stay here with resentment. It's not good for you at all. This is the only chance to go back to where you should go "!"

Xu Ying saluted Lu Shan respectfully and said, "thank you for your success! Now I have no concern, naturally will not stay here, but I have a final request! Can you let him send me to the original place? I don't want to stay here

Of course, I didn't want to leave before, but now I just want to leave! I hope you can make it

Lu Shan can understand this, and the young man in front of him is really pitiful. Lu Shan nodded, and then said, "I will help you choose a good day, and then let him personally send you back to your hometown! But that's the end of the matter. You should also remember what you said. You can't come out again and hurt people. Otherwise, you'll end up in a desperate situation! "

"Naturally, I know that this is just my last request. I will not hurt anyone any more. I know that I am wrong about what I have done before. But at that time, I was full of resentment and everything was not caused by my will! I believe that the master should be able to understand it. "

The young man once again made a salute to Lu Shan, said to Lu Shan that he had promised, and said what he had to do.

"Yin and yang are separated. No matter what kind of reasons or results, there will be a causal cycle. This is the truth in the world. There will also be such a truth in the underworld. As long as you sincerely repent, you will be forgiven!"

After saying this, Lu Shan touched the jade plate on his waist, that is, the live card, and the little boy immediately jumped out of it.