Xu Jun's face was white. He shivered and said, "it's impossible It's absolutely impossible What's wrong What's wrong with this... "

At this time, his mind was blank, and his heart was shocked to the extreme. He only used some of the most conventional attack methods. Even if he was found by the other side, it was no big deal.

Because it won't affect the school's server, even if it's criticized and educated at most, he hasn't encountered such things, but there is no big problem.

But today this kind of thing, completely exceeded his expectation, even was unprecedented by the counter attack, moreover own does not have any clue.

What means does the other party use? Not only did he carry out anti attack, but also made use of Internet technology to publicize all his ugly behaviors to the public.

"There's nothing impossible in the world. Weren't you interested in the prison just now? Maybe I can use this opportunity to feel it. When I remember coming out, I will express my feelings in it. I'm also curious! "

Lu Shan looked at each other and said sarcastically, young people like this have worked hard at home to earn some money and read for them, but they have done something illegal.

What makes Lu Shan unhappy is that his parents know what his son has done, but ignore it. That's why he called Yang Wenxi to deal with his father's company.

In fact, he can't see such a company at all, and there's no need to buy it. But for such arrogant people, if they don't give some profound lessons, I'm afraid that they won't realize their mistakes for the rest of their lives.

"You It's all you It's all made by you. Who are you? Where did I offend you? Why did I do this to me? Why! "

Xu Jun shouted at Lu Shan in hysterical voice, but apparently even he thought it was useless for him to do so. The school won't let him go. I'm afraid that his uncle and principal won't cover up for such a big thing.

Lu Shan shook his head gently and sighed again. Looking at each other, he seemed to be talking to himself and said: "I believe that when your teachers train you, they want you to learn some skills, and make some contributions to the country in the future, and at the same time, they can support your family!

But you are going the opposite way. I believe your teacher also told you about the consequences. You can't do anything illegal. If you do it, you have to bear the corresponding consequences!

Everyone has to pay for what they have done, not without reporting, just before the time! Don't hold a certain fluke mentality, think that others can't see, think that they will escape punishment, we need to know that people are doing it!

It's a good thing for you to go in and reflect while you are still young. "

When Lu Shan said this, everyone's eyes were staring at him. At this time, Lu Shan seemed to be a saint with a halo all over his body, guiding those confused people.

Professor Wang sighed in his heart that he was full of surprise and curiosity. What the young man did made him almost unable to respond, but it was absolutely a correct act and a noble moral character. I'm afraid that in their college, those young people who thought they were very excellent were not even equal to each other.

Huanhuan also stared at the scene in front of him. At first, he thought that Lu Shan's words were just a black joke. He even thought that joke was not funny at all.

But in just a few minutes, all his words became reality. Xu Jun and Li Dong, who she hated, have been punished as they should. And all this is because of the young man in front of her.

For this mysterious young man, his heart is also full of curiosity, as if there is a voice echoing in his heart, which makes him eager to understand the young man. Thinking of what he said before, he immediately has an idea in his heart.

The scene was silent for about a minute or two, and there was a siren from the outside of the cafe, accompanied by a long siren.

Li Dong's face is ugly. Just a short time ago, he also confirmed that his company had been completely acquired, and was still acquired at a very low price. To be nice, it's an acquisition. To be ugly, it's bankruptcy.

He is now so regretful that he has provoked this evil star. However, when he heard Lu Shan's words, he was even more upset. What he did in the past, how many troubles he brought to his family, is naturally clear in his own mind.

"I Professor Wang, I deeply apologize to you and say sorry to you. I know it's late But I hope you can forgive me.

In the future, I will be a stable student, and I will never do anything disorderly or bully some weak students again! "

After saying this, I bowed to Professor Wang deeply.

Lu Shan's punishment for Li Dong means that his family's source of funds has been completely cut off. If he wants to rise again in the East, it may not be easy. So everything needs to start again, including himself.

"Knowing your mistakes can change your mind. I hope you can be a useful person in the future!"

Professor Wang nodded and looked at Li Dong and said, "after all, it's a professor level figure. How could he have a problem with a student? Besides, his own cultivation quality is all there, not to mention the petty villain.".

Otherwise, Lu Shan would not have spent so much effort to come to Yanjing to recruit him and do so many things for him.

"Brother, although I don't know who you are, your words awaken the dreamer, and I also accept your punishment for me. Just like you said,

everyone should pay for their own mistakes. I used to hold a fluke mentality and think I'm right. Now I really understand that it's all because of the protection of the family. Otherwise, what would I do None of them.

I will remember your words and be a really useful person. I sincerely say sorry to you for making trouble without reason! "

After hearing Li Dong's words, Lu Shan also looked at each other in surprise. Maybe some young people were confused every day. They didn't even know what they had done.

In this regard, more teachers will call these as hyperactivity disorder, or some other causes and reasons, but they do not know the inner thoughts of young people at all.

Maybe there are some things that you will cherish when you really lose them. However, although there is no regret medicine in the world, as long as you sincerely repent, the lost things will surely return to you.

Lu Shan nodded softly and looked at each other and said, "for the sake that you realize your mistake, I can make your father's company not close down for the time being, or even continue to operate!"! But it all depends on your performance! "