Seeing that the heroic spirits were all ready, Qin Ming summoned them out.

There are a lot of 10,000 Heroic Spirits, and this place is packed to the brim.

Although it looks messy, it is because of the narrow corridors of the maze.

In fact, they were all lined up very neatly, and they all stared at Qin Ming intently.

"A lot of heroic spirits!" Qin Xixuan's face was full of smiles.

They really have ten thousand heroic spirits, and they are all heroic spirits in the realm of beasts.

With the help of so many heroic spirits, it is no longer a lonely battle to deal with the poisonous demon.

"We have the ability to take revenge!" Qin Xixuan said happily.

"Not bad!" Qin Ming nodded, "I've been waiting for this day for a long time, and now I finally have the strength to take revenge."

The heroic spirits were in high spirits, with fighting intent in their eyes.

They all know that Qin Ming is now fighting the Poison Demon Clan.

And Qin Ming was at a disadvantage.

"Let's go!" Without saying any words of encouragement, Qin Ming led the heroic spirits and headed forward.

The heroic spirits don't need to be encouraged, their morale is very high.

This time attacking the poisonous demons, Qin Ming didn't intend to disperse them, and attacked the poisonous demons in groups of two.

Because there are many poisonous demons patrolling the periphery, if they divide into groups of two to attack the poisonous demons, they will be sent to death.

Although heroic spirits are not afraid of death, heroic spirits of the same realm can definitely defeat poisonous demons of the same realm.

But the poisonous demon will definitely not fight them fairly, but will do whatever they want.

There were not many poisonous demons in the outer sacred beast realm before, so a team of two could kill a large number of poisonous demons in the sacred beast realm.

But now there are too many Poison Demons in the Divine Beast Realm, once the heroic spirits attack, they will soon be entangled by the Poison Demons in the Divine Beast Realm.

Now that he is attacking with 10,000 heroic spirits in the realm of beasts, he will not have such worries.

Even if there are a large number of strong beasts and poisonous demons, in this narrow environment, they can't exert much strength.

As long as he doesn't meet Si Kou Dai, Qin Ming is not afraid of anything happening.


The poisonous demons in the holy beast realm and the poisonous demons in the sacred beast realm are working hard to patrol together.

They are still looking forward to the appearance of Qin Ming and Ying Ling.

As Qin Ming and Ying Ling did not show up for many days, their fears became much less.

Some poisonous demons even speculated, is Qin Ming afraid?

Qin Ming was afraid, so what did they have to be afraid of?

Time can heal many wounds, such as their fear of Qin Ming and Ying Ling.

Now the poisonous demons patrol less cautiously than before.

They even talked and laughed while patrolling.

The maze is so big, even if Qin Ming attacked them suddenly, the possibility of attacking them is very small.

"Why hasn't Qin Ming appeared yet? I've never seen Qin Ming and Heroic Spirit. I really hope to meet them!" said a Poison Demon in the Divine Beast Realm.

Not all poisonous monsters in the divine beast realm have seen Qin Ming.

On the contrary, there are too many Poison Demons in the Divine Beast Realm in Yuexuan World, and most of them have been summoned into the maze now. Most of the Poison Demons in the Divine Beast Realm have never seen Qin Ming.

Although they haven't seen him before, from the mouths of their companions, they also have some impressions of Qin Ming.

Most of the impressions are that Qin Ming is very strong and very tenacious, an existence that cannot be killed.

Even if there were hundreds of thousands of poisonous monsters in the realm of gods and beasts, who trapped Qin Ming in the warehouse, he was still killed by him.

The rumored Qin Ming is very frightening.

But also curious.

In the hearts of the poisonous demons, human warriors are weak and weak.

They usually kill human warriors a lot, and they haven't seen how powerful human warriors are.