No one would deny Qin Ming's talent in martial arts.

Even though Qin Ming was surrounded by many strong people in the holy beast realm, even in the case of death, he did not have the slightest timidity, but dared to resist. This courage made the warriors terrified.

Coupled with the besieging and killing of Qin Ming, and the besieging and killing of a monstrous martial arts genius, the news of this kind of thing will have a very big impact on Haoyuan City.

Now many warriors have opinions on Geng Jingsheng.

With Qin Ming's personality, when he comes back for revenge, he should only find Geng Jingsheng and Huantian.

But don't be afraid of ten million, just in case.

They live in Haoyuan City, and they are inextricably linked with Geng Jingsheng. If it wasn't for Geng Jingsheng and Haoyuan City, they wouldn't be able to live here safely.

Especially those who are strong in the holy beast realm, they directly attacked Qin Ming.

If it wasn't for those strong people in the holy beast realm to stop him, perhaps Qin Ming would have escaped long ago.

Since Qin Ming left, Haoyuan City was in turmoil, and people's hearts were unstable.

On the other side, Qin Ming was on the Queen of Yulong Feihuang.

I saw the people who saved him, President Yin Hensong and Master of Alchemy Liang Er!

There was another person who surprised him very much, and it turned out to be Chen Lumeng.

"Thank you!" Qin Ming panted heavily, and thanked the three of them.

In addition to Chen Lumeng, President Yin Hensong, and Liang Er, there are many Chen family members and warriors from Xuandan Pavilion here.

Qin Ming was about to express his thanks, but at this moment, his eyes went dark and he passed out.


When Qin Ming woke up again, standing in front of him was Qi Qi.

"Qin Ming, you're awake!" Seeing Qin Ming wake up, Qi Qi was very happy and quickly poured water for him.

After waking up, Qin Ming felt his mouth was dry and he had many doubts in his heart. He immediately took the tea that Qi Qi had poured, and drank it all in one gulp.

After resting for a while and drinking a few cups of tea, Qin Ming just felt much better.

"Qi Qi, where am I? Why are you here?" Qin Ming still remembered that he was surrounded by the gate of Haoyuan City after being plotted by the sky.

If it wasn't for the rescue of a white Yulong Feihuang, he would have died in Haoyuan City.

After entering Yulong Feihuang, he passed out because of the overloaded transformation of the body and the heavy injuries in the previous battle.

Qin Ming checked his body just now, the sword wound on his chest has scabbed over, and some of the densely packed wounds are no longer visible.

It seems that a long time has passed, and Qin Ming has many doubts in his mind.

Qi Qi laughed and said, "We are currently flying to Emperor Yulong and flying to Qingyang City. The reason why I am here is because of the help of President Yin Hensong."

"President Yin Hensong controlled Yulong Feihuang and picked up all the fighters from our entire Yuncheng Alliance. He is now rushing to Qingyang City, but..."

If the Lord of Haoyuan City attacked Qin Ming, it was obvious that they would not be able to return to Haoyuan City.

Before Qin Ming left, he asked them to go to Qingyang City, so he told Yin Hensong and Liang Er about this.

Liang Er very much welcomed them to Qingyang City, dancing with excitement.

Of course, whether they let the Yuncheng Alliance settle in Qingyang City or not, Qin Ming had to nod.

It's just that Qin Ming was unconscious, it was impossible for them to let Yulong Feihuang stop there and control Yulong Feihuang to fly towards Qingyang City.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Qin Ming asked suspiciously.

"It's been a month!" Qi Qi replied, "We'll be in Qingyang City in one month."

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