It is foreseeable that as long as the difference in strength is not too large, it is almost a sure win.

If Chen Xiuxian's martial arts strength is not strong, even if he comprehends the way that can be predicted, it will not be a big deal.

Being able to crush Chen Xiuxian directly, not to mention that Chen Xiuxian can predict it, even if he is told how to make a move and it is clearly placed in front of him, without him needing to predict it with Taoism, he will undoubtedly lose.

But Chen Xiuxian's martial arts talent has reached the monster level, so this is too scary. Among the powerhouses of the same level, who can crush Chen Xiuxian's martial arts strength?

And with Chen Xiuxian's talent in martial arts, who can practice faster than him?

It is really enviable that such a genius was acquired by the Chen family.

What is even more enviable is Chen Xiuxian's Taoism and talent. For a genius of this level, the Chen family must want to train him to be a strong beast.

"Could it be that the Chen family plans to give up their own blood and start cultivating foreign warriors to break through to the realm of beasts?" Some warriors exclaimed.

The bloodline of the Chen family has always been envied by other forces, and the inheritance of bloodlines is very precious, especially the bloodlines that can be passed down to the realm of beasts are even more extraordinary.

If not all the warriors in the Chen family's beast realm died and none remained, otherwise the Chen family's bloodline would not be in the current crisis.

Even if all the strong members of the Chen family were dead, the Chen family would not be comparable to ordinary forces.

"If the Chen family continues like this, if there is no miracle, it will definitely decline!" Mr. Chen said very seriously, "Perhaps you don't know that there is a hurdle in the bloodline of the beast realm. Generally, only the warriors of the beast realm appear in the bloodline inherited from the beast realm. His descendants may have the bloodline of the beast-level inheritance."

"You know, the stronger the warrior is, the more difficult it is to conceive offspring. And it is not so difficult for a strong man who inherits the bloodline to conceive offspring, and some very precious treasures of the beast level are needed!"

"And even if the treasure is obtained, it may not be able to conceive successfully. Even if it succeeds, the offspring may not necessarily have the bloodline of the beast level, and it is very likely that it is only the bloodline of the holy beast level."

As expected, Mr. Chen was well-informed, and he even knew the secrets of the beast-level inheritance family in great detail.

It is very difficult for warriors to break through to the realm of divine beasts. In the absence of the supreme being, a strong man in the realm of divine beasts is the existence at the pinnacle of the supreme world.

Many Tianjiao and monster-level martial arts aim at the realm of beasts, but how many of them can break through to the realm of beasts in the end?

The beast realm is so difficult, even if it is an inheritance family, how can it be possible to easily cultivate a strong beast realm?

It's normal to have restrictions, and it's strange to have no restrictions.

It's just that they didn't realize that Mr. Chen felt that the Chen family was very difficult. Listening to his words, it was almost a critical period. If there were no strong beasts, the Chen family would decline.

The Chen family is now in full swing. Although there are no strong beasts, how many top families can compare with the Chen family?

Why does Mr. Chen think that the Chen family is bound to decline? Why does Mr. Chen still judge like this when there is no sign of decline?

Mr. Chen is well-informed, mature and prudent, so he will definitely not speak casually.

The warriors looked at Old Chen, waiting for his explanation.

Mr. Chen avoided talking about it, "Don't say it, don't say it, those who know it will naturally know it, and those who don't know it, it's better not to know it."

"Compared to the Chen family, you should care more about Chen Xiuxian, maybe Chen Xiuxian will become a strong man in the realm of beasts!"

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