And it's not ordinary supreme blood, if it's impure supreme blood, it shouldn't have such power.

This is really the pure blood of the supreme family as the patriarch of the supreme family.

Even Geng Huahao could feel that the purity of this bloodline surpassed that of the patriarch of the supreme family.

Of course, he has never seen the blood of the head of the supreme family, but he just has such a feeling in his heart.

"Who the hell are you?" Geng Huahao was more dignified than ever, and he was no longer as casual as before.

This bloodline is not simple, and he saw with his own eyes that this bloodline was taken from the warrior in front of him, that is to say, the mysterious young man in front of him really has the same bloodline as the patriarch of the supreme family.

This is amazing.

The opponent has such a powerful bloodline, and his future achievements will be at the lowest level of a beast.

The supreme bloodline is very strong, the purer the supreme bloodline, the stronger it is.

With such a powerful supreme bloodline, the mysterious warrior in front of him has no bottleneck at all in breaking through the realm of martial arts.

His martial arts talent is not strong, so when breaking through the holy beast realm, he needs a lot of pills to assist him, and there is even a certain possibility of failure.

In order to break through to the realm of the holy beast, he not only needs to break through his state of mind first, but also prepares various treasures, and also fears that if the breakthrough fails, he will die without a place to die.

And with such a powerful supreme bloodline, the mysterious warrior in front of him may even be able to easily break through to the realm of the holy beast without any external force.

A powerful bloodline is definitely much stronger than any external assistance.

Geng Huahao didn't know why the other party was looking for him, but he was already envious of the other party in his heart.

Having such a bloodline was something he had always dreamed of.

"My name is Huantian. As for the origin..." The mysterious young man looked at Geng Huahao and said disdainfully, "You are not qualified to know."

Geng Huahao didn't have any dissatisfaction when he was belittled by Huantian face to face, "I don't know what your lord wants me to do. If I can do it, I will definitely do my best!"

After confirming that the mysterious young man in front of him possessed the pure supreme blood, he no longer took what he said before as a joke.

It is very possible that with the help of Huantian, he can really break through to the realm of beasts.

This is what he has always dreamed of.

"It's not convenient to talk here." Huan Tian said lightly, and glanced around.

It was very empty here, and although the others were dismissed by Geng Huahao, someone might come over at any time.

"My lord, please follow me." Geng Huahao bent over and led the way for Huantian.

In Geng Huahao's heart, he already regarded Huan Tian as a remarkable existence.

With such a pure supreme bloodline, no one doubts that he is the envoy of the supreme family.

Entering the room, there was no one around, Geng Huahao asked the lord to serve him tea respectfully, he hesitated for a while and asked, "I don't know which supreme family my lord is..."

"You should have tasted it just now, right?" Huan Tian looked at Geng Huahao with a playful smile.

Geng Huahao was shocked, of course he tasted it, it was definitely the blood of the Poison Demon Supreme.

As for the Poison Demon Supreme, no one dared to mention it in the Supreme World.

If it wasn't for his high status, he wouldn't even be qualified to know everything about Poison Demon Supreme.

The Poison Demon Supreme is a taboo, and the Poison Demon is also a taboo.

Of course, ordinary warriors don't know much about poisonous demons, so although those who are qualified to know poisonous demons know that poisonous demons are screaming and beating, they are not really determined to deal with poisonous demons.