More and more ordinary warriors rushed over after hearing the news, and they were extremely dissatisfied after learning the truth of the matter.

It was obvious that Que Yang didn't take the lives of ordinary warriors seriously, and this was too contemptuous of them.

If a gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, the Queyang tribe is not safe. It is very likely that the four tribes will unite together. In this grand meeting, ordinary warriors will be entrapped wantonly.

The black stones in their hands were hard-won, and they didn't want their black stones to be forcibly robbed by these four tribes.

In the past, they felt that these four tribes were backed by four major families, and with such a large force, they would not do such a thing of killing chickens and taking eggs.

But now it seems that the possibility of such a thing happening is very high.

Because of Haoyuan City President Yin Hensong's acceptance of disciples, there are quite a few warriors who come here to trade this time, and many of them have a lot of property in their hands.

If all the black stones in the hands of ordinary warriors are taken away, it is estimated that they will earn more than these four tribes in two hundred years.

Ordinary warriors are well aware of the madness of these forces. They dare to even sacrifice their own lives for the sake of their own interests, and there is nothing they can't do.

Seeing that Queyang has no taboos, a large number of warriors want to leave here.

Especially the warriors who knew the whole story of this matter, they had already given up on the four tribes.

Although the four tribes are united, the surrounding resources are relatively rich, and it is a relatively good place for ordinary warriors.

But the Supreme World is so big, and there are places that are better than the four tribes.

Why do you want to die here?

Most of the ordinary warriors have not settled in these four tribes, where is not survival?

"Back the Black Stone! Compensate our Black Stone!" Who knows who yelled, and immediately many warriors followed suit.

Many warriors are full of resentment towards these four tribes in their hearts. Under the impetus of people with ulterior motives, they naturally want to make trouble.

Anyway, there were so many of them, even if something happened, the four tribes could only choose to appease them.

Otherwise, if a large-scale conflict breaks out, the four tribes will not be able to stop it.

Even if there are four major families behind the four tribes, it is impossible for the four major families to be lawless enough to kill all the troublemakers.

Knowing that they have no worries, of course they dare to make trouble.

"Why did several tribal leaders enter Yunqingya? Is it because they want to protect Yunqingya? Impossible! They want to kill Qin Ming."

"Because Qin Ming made them lose face, because Qin Ming is a genius among ordinary warriors, and because Qin Ming harmed their interests, they tried their best to kill Qin Ming. The four tribal leaders are shameless!" a warrior shouted shouted.

A few tribal leaders entered Yunqing Cliff earlier, and many warriors saw it.

They knew in their hearts that most of these tribal leaders wanted to kill Qin Ming.

But due to their power, even if ordinary warriors found out, they didn't expose it, they just discussed it in a low voice.

Now that the scene is in chaos, they naturally dare to speak out their dissatisfaction and the nasty things done by the tribal leaders.

With so many warriors and the scene being so noisy, no one would know who made these remarks.

Without having to take responsibility, the warriors naturally vented their dissatisfaction without any worries.

As more and more people vented their dissatisfaction, the scene became more and more chaotic. With the impetus of people with good intentions, a riot was about to break out.