There is actually no essential difference between the Supreme World and other worlds.

The strong are responsible for enjoying it, while ordinary warriors work hard to earn some resources.

It is ordinary warriors who are tired and have experienced hardships and dangers, but in the end these resources exchanged for their lives have entered the hands of the strong.

And in the supreme world, the strong are blatantly harvesting the wealth of ordinary warriors.

For example, no matter entering a tribe or entering a city, you need to pay a fee.

And it doesn't count after handing over the black stone. Every time, as long as you are still living in the city or tribe, you need to pay again.

And do the strong need to pay the fee?

Before he went to the Qian tribe, Qian Yun didn't let him hand over any black stones.

Do you not need to pay the black stone to enter the hidden tribe?

Obviously not, it's just because he is too strong, and the potential tribe belongs to the absolute strong, and the potential is not dared to accept that's all.

Not only did he dare not accept it, but he also tried every means to please him.

Similarly, as long as you have the strength, you don't need to pay fees to most cities.

It's just that if you don't want to pay the black stone in the city, you need a lot of strength, and it's impossible for ordinary warriors to achieve it.

The weaker the strength, the more resources are needed, but the weaker the strength, the harder it is to obtain resources.

Some warriors can't even maintain their own body's bloodline strength, and some warriors use resources to practice without much effect, and use resources to enjoy life.

The Supreme World is so unfair.

After hearing Qin Ming's words, Song Chaoyun fell silent.

She thought that the same was true of her own Song family.

Although he didn't exploit ordinary warriors by himself, the countless benefits he enjoyed living in the city were also brought by the city.

The reason why the city is prosperous is because of the large number of ordinary warriors.

"Okay, it's meaningless to say these things, we can't change the rules, even the supreme power can't change it." Seeing that Song Chaoyun was not in a good mood, Qin Ming comforted him with a smile, "Everyone is selfish and selfish. , as long as people are selfish, then naturally it will be so.”

"If you want not to be exploited, there is only one way to become strong."

"Actually, this may not be all bad. At least it can motivate warriors to work hard."

"It's good?" Song Chaoyun didn't understand, she thought it was Qin Ming comforting her and talking nonsense.

"Yes, there are benefits!" Qin Ming nodded, took a deep breath and said, "Although it is unbelievable, it does have huge benefits, and the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages."

"Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, if you want to survive and live well, you must improve your own strength."

"Because of the pressure of survival, warriors practiced desperately and worked hard, which made many ordinary warriors become strong."

"And those forces are also guarding against ordinary warriors. They don't want to be compared, so they can only work hard."

"Because of the pressure and the crisis of survival, we have created strong people one by one."

It was the first day for Song Chaoyun to hear such an astonishing statement, she had never thought about it before.

When the Song family was here, she only needed to practice with peace of mind and study hard to forge.

But the Song family was gone, her heart was full of hatred, she wanted revenge, and wanted to save her mother.

After hearing Qin Ming's words, Qi Qi and Qi Yi fell into deep thought, and these words had a great impact on them.

All along, they have lived in the supreme world, were born in the supreme world, and climbed the peak of martial arts little by little.