The current situation in the Tianlong world, the warriors all know that this is the credit of the Yuncheng Alliance, and this is the best way Qin Ming chose with all his strength.

Although a small number of warriors were still dissatisfied with the fact that the Cloud City Alliance wanted to gather all the resources together, these dissatisfaction was gradually drowned out by the approval of most warriors.

But now the warriors are most worried about whether Qin Ming can establish a passage to the Tianlong World in the Supreme World in ten years.

You know, since Qin Ming has set a ten-year period, within ten years, it must be completed.

The warriors will naturally be dissatisfied with resources being controlled by the Yuncheng Alliance for a long time.

But knowing the situation of Tianlong World, even if it is dissatisfaction, it will be deeply suppressed.

After ten years, if Qin Ming cannot establish a channel, these dissatisfaction will definitely erupt.

Qin Ming reneged on his promise, and it would be a huge blow to the prestige of the Yuncheng Alliance, and there would definitely be turmoil in Tianlong World by then.

Therefore, the current peace is based on the fact that Qin Ming can build a channel.

The warriors lacked confidence in Qin Ming, so they were inexplicably worried.

Establishing a channel between the Supreme World and the Tianlong World sounds like a fantasy.

No one has ever done it before, can Qin Ming do it?

While the warriors were discussing, a middle-aged warrior with three jugs hanging from his waist walked into the tavern staggeringly with a blue folding fan.

Seeing the middle-aged warrior, the tavern immediately became quiet, and all eyes focused on the middle-aged warrior.

"Shan Xu, do you know what happened at the grand meeting in Yuncheng that day?" A young man, holding a jug of newly bought good wine, put it in front of the middle-aged warrior's table and asked flatteringly.

The other warriors in the tavern echoed, "Shan Xu, you are from the Demon Hunters Association. You must have the news in advance when such a big thing happened."

Since the Demon Hunters Association joined the Cloud City Alliance, the Demon Hunters Association has been responsible for the intelligence work of the Cloud City Alliance.

As for the Demon Hunters Association, some warriors are not involved in gathering information, but are only responsible for spreading various news to ordinary warriors in various cities.

And Shan Xu, who had three jugs of wine hanging on his waist, was the person in charge of this matter.

"Hmph... Who am I, Shan Xu? You underestimate me." The middle-aged man picked up the wine on the table and took a full sip. His mouth was instantly surrounded by the strong aroma of the wine, and the dissatisfaction on his face The color immediately eased, he glanced at the young man, smiled and said, "It's not bad, it's very good, today I will tell you what happened that day."

"Speak quickly, speak quickly." All the warriors in the tavern urged, and when they came out of the room, the owner of the tavern heard the movement outside, his fat body leaned on the pillar beside him, and looked at Shan Xu with a smile on his face.

Shan Xu came to his tavern today, and the warriors who heard the news would soon surround the tavern. Today is another day of prosperous business.

But compared to earning Origin Stones, what he cared most about was what happened at the grand event in Cloud City that day.

"Huh..." Shan Xu snorted coldly, and said lightly, "I was in Yuncheng that day, and I saw with my own eyes the leader of Qin's alchemy, and his wonderful alchemy strength..."

While talking, he poured the remaining fine wine in the jug into the jug he carried with him. After pouring it, he stopped talking, with a look of hesitation, and asked the warriors in the tavern who were waiting to hear the news Impatient.