"What news?" Everyone's attention was completely attracted by the long-clothed warrior.

"The Demon Ancestor said that as long as Qin Ming fights, no matter whether he wins or loses, the poisonous demon forces will withdraw from Yunzhou unconditionally." After finishing speaking, the long-clothed warrior picked up his wine and began to drink again.

"As long as you fight the battle, you will unconditionally withdraw from Yunzhou? Is there such a good thing?" The warriors couldn't believe it.

There are thousands of cities in Yunzhou, which is more prosperous than Lanzhou, so there are more warriors and stronger warriors.

But no matter how strong a warrior is, he cannot be an opponent of the poisonous demon forces.

There are more than 27,000 dragon-level poisonous demons, and no one has the strength to stop the poisonous demons from attacking.

"If the power of the poisonous demon retreats, wouldn't the warriors hiding in Yunzhou break through to the peak of the dragon realm all be able to break through smoothly?" A warrior suddenly said softly.

As soon as these words came out, all the warriors were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly, the whole tavern became lively.

Yes, if the poisonous demon forces really give up attacking Yunzhou, in just over a month, there will be a large number of new dragon-level warriors appearing.

Where is Yunzhou? Yunzhou has the Yuncheng Alliance.

The Perfect Nirvana Pill was brought out by the Yuncheng Alliance. Although it was distributed to the entire Tianlong World, the near-water tower got the moon first, and Yunzhou got the most Perfect Nirvana Pill.

Almost all the peak fighters in Yunzhou got a perfect Nirvana pill.

Although many warriors in Lanzhou have also obtained it, it is far behind Yunzhou.

They have long heard that when the poisonous demon forces attacked Lanzhou, those warriors who had not had time to break through the dragon realm were brutally killed by the poisonous demon forces.

If the poisonous demon forces continue to attack Yunzhou, it is estimated that Yunzhou will end up the same as Lanzhou, and those warriors at the peak of the flood state who are retreating will also be killed.

"Why did the Demon Ancestor make this gauntlet? Doesn't he know the danger?" The warriors discussed and suspected.

They can all think of it, with the wisdom of the Demon Ancestor, it is impossible not to think of it.

The goal of the poisonous demon force is to capture the entire Tianlong world. If Yunzhou is left alone and does not attack, it may not be so easy for Yunzhou to be captured when those warriors at the peak of the Dragon Realm break through to the Dragon Realm.

Maybe there is a possibility of being counterattacked back.

So, just to fight Qin Ming, is Mozu really willing to pay such a high price?

Obviously impossible, this is probably a hoax.

But why did the Demon Ancestor use such a trick that can be easily dismantled at first glance? Isn't this arousing people's ridicule for no reason?

"The news is true. The Demon Ancestor has sworn in the name of the Supreme Demon God. As long as Qin Ming fights him fairly, he will withdraw from Yunzhou." The long-clothed warrior shook his head and said, "The reason why the Demon Ancestor is like this is probably It’s because heroes cherish heroes.”

"I swear in the name of the Supreme Demon God?" These words made many warriors look radiant.

They thought that the Demon God was cheating before, but they swore in the name of the Supreme Demon God that the Demon Ancestor would never go back on his word.

You must know that the Supreme Demon God is the belief of the Poison Demons. It is rumored that the Supreme Demon God created them. Every Poison Demon believes in the Supreme Demon God since they were young, and has already carved an indelible mark deep in their souls.

As the war between the poisonous demon forces and the Tianlong world intensified, they also inquired more and more information about the poisonous demon forces.

The ancient books describing the poisonous demon forces thousands of years ago have also been spread, so ordinary warriors are also very familiar with the poisonous demons.