As long as he was in Yunzhou, he didn't believe it. He turned Yunzhou upside down and couldn't find it.

Of course, it is also possible that the Yuncheng Alliance left Yunzhou during their search.

It doesn't matter, letting the Yuncheng Alliance flee in a hurry is also in line with his wishes.

As long as the Cloud City Alliance escapes, its momentum will be weak, and the morale of the warriors of the Cloud City Alliance will definitely drop.

In the competition between two forces, the level of morale can often directly determine the final victory.

The poisonous demon forces have occupied the entire Lanzhou. Besides killing countless warriors, they have also robbed many resources that were unimaginable before.

If the Yuncheng Alliance leaves Yunzhou, then the entire Yunzhou, the Demon Ancestor can easily capture it.

The poisonous demon forces have captured Lanzhou, and all the poisonous demons have enough experience.

I believe that the attack on Yunzhou this time will be much faster than before.

"Kill!" The Demon Ancestor waved his hand violently, leading the dragon-level poisonous demons towards Yunzhou to kill.

While the Demon Ancestor attacked Yunzhou, a group of eyeliners hidden in the city began to spread rumors.

These eyeliners are ordinary warriors, and they were bought by the poisonous demon forces with huge profits.

When the benefits reach a certain level, even souls can be bought, coupled with threats, many warriors can only submit obediently and become lackeys of the poisonous demon forces.

Even though they knew that the poisonous demon forces would not let them go after occupying Tianlong World, but now if they don't obey orders, they will die immediately.

If you can live one day, you can live one more day. Ants can steal their lives, let alone humans.

Also because of the actions of these people, a rumor spread extremely fast in Yunzhou.

In a small tavern, many warriors gathered.

No one knows whether they can survive tomorrow, and the warriors took out the origin stones they had accumulated with great difficulty to buy wine that could paralyze themselves.

Since the attack by the poisonous demon forces, the price of wine has risen again and again.

However, the price of wine has risen, not only is it not unsalable, but it is selling better than before.

Today, the warriors heard the rumors and gathered here to discuss with their companions.

"I heard that the second state that the poisonous demon forces chose to attack is our Yunzhou. I don't know if the news is true."

"It's true. Now the price of the elixir in the elixir has doubled again, and it has not yet been sold. It is obvious that the elixir has been looted by the forces in the city. Those forces have the best information. If this news is If it’s fake, they will definitely sell the elixir.”

"Well, I also think it's true. Through various signs, I can be sure that the poisonous forces are attacking Yunzhou, but I don't know which city will suffer first."

"Fortunately, our city is in the center of Yunzhou, and there is no danger yet."


Knowing that the poisonous demon forces are attacking Yunzhou, some warriors showed despair on their faces, while some were relieved.

I didn't know the target of the poisonous demon forces all the time, and I was worried all day long. Now that I have confirmed the news, although I know that I may die soon, I am not as worried as before.

But at this moment, a bald warrior looked around and whispered an amazing news, "Have you heard that the Yuncheng Alliance did not dare to fight against the poisonous forces because they were afraid of the poisonous forces? It was because of Qin Ming's transformation that he defeated the Demon Ancestor. The victory was invincible. The Demon Ancestor has already spread the news that as long as Qin Ming fights him fairly, if he wins, the Demon Ancestor will immediately take all the poisonous demons out of the cloud. State, never again."