In his heart, Huantian believes that he is the chosen one.

Otherwise, why is he so lucky in this life, whether it is the path of martial arts or the timing of his birth, it is just right?

He has been waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack the Yuncheng Alliance, and wants to step on the Cloud City Alliance and rush to the commanding heights of Tianlong World.

But he didn't expect this opportunity to come so soon. Because of his transformation, Qin Ming lay down on the bed.

Because of Qin Ming's reason, the poisonous demon's holy blood was destroyed. Now it is impossible for the poisonous demon's force to quickly cultivate the dragon-level poisonous demon.

If he wants to become the supreme in Tianlong World now, he only needs to do two things, one is to defeat the Yuncheng Alliance and kill Qin Ming.

The second is to delay the time and destroy the poisonous demon forces.

But now, the poisonous demon forces still regard the Yuncheng Alliance as a thorn in their side, wishing to drink Qin Ming's blood and eat Qin Ming's flesh.

The Demon Ancestor must have regarded Qin Ming as a serious problem, and even if Qin Ming lost all his combat power now, he would definitely not feel at ease.

In this way, Huan Shizong can take the opportunity to develop and grow stronger.

The Yuncheng Alliance chose not to accept warriors. It was the Yuncheng Alliance who was stupid.

Of course he knew that joining Huan Shizong would not increase Huan Shizong's strength too much.

Most of those Dragon Realm warriors are greedy for life and afraid of death. They are about to fight and run the fastest. Joining Huan Shizong can only get some resources and build momentum.

But he only needs those dragon realm warriors to be strong and powerful.

If there are 10,000 dragon-level fighters, in the eyes of outsiders, Huan Shizong is invincible, and his strength completely surpasses the Yuncheng Alliance.

In this way, there will be fewer obstacles for him to unify the Tianlong world.

And the more unified places, the more resources you get.

Then use these resources to recruit more warriors, forming a virtuous circle.

Huan Tian has already made a plan in his mind, as long as he proceeds step by step, he will eventually be able to unify the world of Tianlong and completely wipe out the forces of poisonous demons.

"I heard that the Yuncheng Alliance has created a seal that surpasses ordinary dragon-level magic-seeking seals. As long as you get this seal, you can know the location of the poisonous demon within a certain range."

"That is to say, as long as the forces of the poisonous demon are defeated, no matter where the poisonous demon hides, they will not be able to escape the pursuit of the dragon-level magic-seeking seal."

"In this way, the poisonous demon can be completely wiped out, and the entire Tianlong world will be enslaved by me for generations."

In the bottom of my heart, everything Huan Tian did was not for Tianlong World, but for himself.

As long as he defeats the Yuncheng Alliance and completely wipes out the forces of poisonous demons, then he will be the strongest in the Tianlong world.

Regardless of power, strength and prestige, they will all reach the peak of the Tianlong world.

At that time, he will not share most of the benefits, but enjoy it alone.

No matter Huan Shizong's disciples or other warriors, they will all become his servants.

Of course, the Tianlong world has not yet been unified, and his reputation is not enough, and these ambitions cannot be revealed in the slightest.

Not only that, but also to instill in his subordinates from time to time, after unifying the Tianlong world, give them the ultimate glory and wealth.

It's just a promise, and it's fine to go back on it when the time comes.

"The world of Tianlong is mine. No one can grab it from me. The poisonous demon forces are not good, nor is the Cloud City Alliance. You are only worthy of carrying my shoes." Huan Tian looked at the warriors below, their eyes gleaming with greed , but no one saw that there was bloodthirsty cruelty in Huan Tian's eyes.