Qi Yan suddenly said seriously, "Then there is only one way... Divide up!"

Hearing this, everyone stopped talking.

They had already thought of this solution, but didn't want to bring it up.

Now the troops have been divided into two teams, each with 5,000 people.

In this way, even if they confront the Yuncheng Alliance head-on, they only need to entangle the members of the Yuncheng Alliance.

With 5,000 people, they don't want meritorious service, but they want to hold back the warriors of the Yuncheng Alliance. This won't hurt much.

That's why the elders dared to divide their troops, because they knew that even if they divided their troops, their numbers still had an absolute advantage, and their lives would not be in danger.

The warriors below are also confidently looking for the Yuncheng Alliance.

Obviously, dividing into two teams still can't trap the Yuncheng Alliance. This time, the division of troops that Qi Yan said meant a complete separation.

The more teams there are, the more they can block the Cloud City Alliance.

And if they want the Cloud City Alliance to have nowhere to escape, they must be divided into at least ten teams.

And even if they are divided into ten teams, if the Yuncheng Alliance can find them one step ahead, they may be escaped by the Yuncheng Alliance.

But once divided into ten teams, their numerical advantage will be gone.

If any single team accidentally ran into the hands of the Cloud City Alliance, if other teams did not rescue them in time, they might suffer serious losses.

They did not forget that there were 700 dragon-level warriors in Yuncheng, and the Yuncheng Alliance attacked and only a few of the 700 dragon-level warriors were able to escape. Countless dragon-level warriors died and more than 100 people were arrested.

The battle situation is really too miserable. Once any team faces the Yuncheng Alliance alone, the end may be the same as Yuncheng.

Perhaps many of the warriors below have a chance to escape, but the leader of the team will definitely be targeted by the Yuncheng Alliance and will undoubtedly die.

It is also a thousand dragon-level fighters, their individual combat effectiveness may not be worse than that of the Yuncheng Alliance, but when a thousand people gather together, the Yuncheng Alliance is much stronger than them.

This is because the Yuncheng Alliance trains together on weekdays and has gone through several wars. They cooperate with each other tacitly and trust each other extremely.

However, their anti-Yuncheng alliance was formed temporarily, not to mention tacit cooperation, and they were already very happy not to turn against each other and stab a knife in the back during the battle.

If you want to divide your troops, you must be mentally prepared for heavy losses, and the most important thing is that you must be prepared to die.

"Divide the troops!" Qi You sighed and said heavily, "Now we don't divide the troops, and there is no possibility of finding the Yuncheng Alliance."

"The longer it drags on, the worse it is for us."

"The Cloud City Alliance continues to hit the team's morale, and because of the Perfect Nirvana Pill, we all know that in two months, a large number of Dragon Realm fighters may join the Cloud City Alliance."

"With the efficacy of the Perfect Nirvana Pill, the longer it is delayed, the stronger the Cloud City Alliance will be."

"Two months later, not only have we failed to achieve results, but the strength of the Cloud City Alliance has doubled, and the warriors underneath will definitely collapse."

"At that time, no matter how hard we try, we may not be able to revive them, and they will definitely fall apart."

Once the hearts of the people below are fluctuating, as long as someone takes the lead in escaping, many people will follow. The consequence of this is that the entire Anti-Cloud City alliance will completely fall apart. This is the consequence they expected.