After a careful look, Jin FengChen was shocked to be speechless by the lump of paint, but his face didn't show anything.

In order not to beat the enthusiasm of children, he only joked and praised: "sweet is really powerful, try hard again, in the future it's not good to be a little painter."

Praised by Jin FengChen, Tian Tian jumps to Lao Gao.

She likes daddy praising her very much.

In the evening, Jiang suser called in a video call, and Tian Tian proudly said, "Mommy, today daddy said that I paint very well and can be a painter in the future."

Looking at her daughter's sweet smile, jansser asked with interest, "really? Let mommy have a look. "

Smell speech, sweetheart donates treasure general the thing that she draws in the afternoon lifts to see to Jiang Thur.

Seeing this, jansser couldn't help but hold her forehead. Forgive her for her poor eyesight, but she didn't see where the painting looked good.

Jin FengChen sits down beside Tiantian, only the smooth jaw is shown in the video.

Jansser's mood is complex. Even if he is handsome, lying is not good.

Tiantian drew that thing It's hard to say, thanks to his ability to boast.

Sitting in Jin FengChen's arms, Tian Tian danced and said, "Daddy, tell mommy that Tian Tian has talent."

After that, Jin FengChen smiled and rubbed the sweet hair top. He doted on it and said, "we sweet are the most powerful. We must be an excellent painter in the future."

On the other side of the river, he couldn't bear to listen to Jin FengChen's nonsense, so he had to answer with embarrassment, "are the abstractionists?"

Tiantian doesn't know the meaning of jesting in jiangsuser's words, only when she says she has talent.

At the end of the video, Tian Tian is a bit confused.

Jin FengChen held her in his arms and coaxed her gently.

Clearly is a very cold and hard man, coax sweet sleep, but extra patience.

Tiantian is also very dependent on him. She reaches for his white shirt and forcibly pulls Gaoding shirt into a mop.

Jansser could not bear to look at it, but he did not blink.

Send Tiantian to bed and go to bed. When Jin FengChen comes back, he listens to Jiang suser and says, "Tiantian has caused you trouble."

Jin FengChen arranged his wrinkled shirt and said softly, "no, she's very good and has no trouble. As long as it's related to you, I won't think it's trouble."

Jansser coughed softly to cover up his bewilderment.

Although Jin FengChen said so, she still couldn't believe it.

Even as a mother, she sometimes thinks that the little girl is very noisy.

For example, sleep must coax this point, how can not ignore.

When Fu Jingyun came in with milk, he saw two people in the video.

A feeling of Indescribability sprang up in my heart.

I can't help clenching my fist.

The idea of trying to defeat Jin FengChen also increased a lot.

He put the milk quietly at the door of the room and went out.

The two people in the room said the conversation again before hanging up the video.

Looking at the time, Jiang suser found that it was still early. He planned to tell Fu Jingyun that she would see Jin FengChen tomorrow.

But when she came to the door, she saw the milk under the ground and knew that Fu Jingyun had come.

Then he should have seen the video of himself and Jin FengChen.

But since he didn't speak, he didn't have to explain anything.

The next day, Jiang went to Jin group.

She thought that Jin FengChen would send a representative to talk with her, but he came out in person, which made Jiang suser feel pressure instantly.

Seeing her face, Jin explained, "we attach great importance to this cooperation project, so I will connect with you personally."

thought about the smell of words, and couldn't help but tell her in the bottom of my heart: Jin's many industries, where a project can let the boss personally launch, and he wants to make complaints about his wife's words, and it's still a big bend.

However, he must not say this, or he will soon get rid of Jin group.

Jiang shuse coughed and pushed his plan to the past. "This is a plan that I changed according to our current cooperation mode. Let's have a look first."

When Jin FengChen heard about the plan, he took it seriously.

After a while, Jin FengChen said two words, "very good."

Words fall, Jiang shuse is a little confused.

This plan is entirely from the Fu Group, although not too much, but certainly towards the Fu group.

He promised so quickly, didn't he have anything to add?

"President Jin, this You have nothing to add? "

Jansser couldn't believe looking at Jin FengChen.

Didn't it say that it was to be discussed? How did it become very good?

But Jin didn't answer Jiang's words. Instead, he looked at his wristwatch and said, "we are going to have lunch soon. Let's talk about it after dinner."

……Jansser was a little speechless.

She left at nine o'clock. It's not eleven o'clock yet. Are you sure she'll have lunch so early?

"Mr. Jin, let's talk about the problem first. We can postpone the dinner."

Jansser tried to be polite.

Jin FengChen didn't say anything, but the thought on one side suddenly said: "today boss didn't have breakfast, otherwise, I'll set a place in the restaurant downstairs, and you can talk while eating, OK?"

Wen Yan, Jin FengChen agreed unquestionably: "that's it."

See can't refuse, Jiang suser had to grudgingly agree to come down.

The location has been fixed for a long time. I just made a phone call and smiled, "president Jin, Miss Jiang, now I can go downstairs."

With that, Jin FengChen went downstairs.

For a while, jansser was confused. Isn't the cooperation between the two companies very serious.

Why do I feel like a family member when I come here.


Jin FengChen pulled out the chair for her.

The design of the restaurant is very simple, the environment is quiet, and the dishes have been ordered on the table.

Jansser didn't want to eat so much, but he came in and found that he was really hungry.

"This scallop with minced garlic is delicious. You can try it."

Jin FengChen said and put a scallop on Jiang's plate.

During the meal, Jiang suser tried to bring up the plan again, but Jin FengChen said: "eat first, then have a good talk."

I didn't mean to talk about it at the dinner table. How could it turn into talking after dinner?

Wen Yan, Jiang suser put down his chopsticks and said seriously, "Mr. Jin, our company attaches great importance to this project, and I hope you will also attach importance to it."

She has always been public and private in her work, so she expects the same respect from her partner.

"You can rest assured that Jin attached great importance to this project. After all, this is a big project for us this year. Otherwise, I will not go out in person. "

Then Jiang shuse nodded and decided to put the topic on the right track.

"Then you can talk about what needs to be added to this plan and what the conditions are, so it can be more fair." , the fastest update of the webnovel!