At most, the etiquette was not done enough, and they were not notified.

I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it...

The cooperation between the Jiang family and the Ran family has always been smooth, and the Ran family spent a lot of effort on this project with great confidence, but they stumbled here.

If it were to cooperate with any other family, the Ran family would not be so careless and suffer heavy losses.

"Alas..." Old Master Ran walked slowly to the table and sat down, patted his thigh, "The world is unpredictable."

Ran Yuxin sat on the other side of the table and pursed her lips in silence.

Didn't find out sooner, didn't find out later, why did it happen at this time?

Chengyu has always been rigorous in his work, so how could it be such a coincidence that there was no notice this time?

There are too many coincidences, together, it is not a coincidence.

Ran Yuxin pressed her temples, with a bad premonition floating in her heart.

Teahouse boxes.

"City S is really much more exciting than I imagined."

Ji Hang thoughtfully poured water on the person on the opposite side: "I thought the Jiang family and the Ran family were inseparable partners, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

After a pause, he said: "It seems that businessmen always put their interests first."

Yu Jiaojiao was curious.

She didn't know about this at first, but Ji Hang told her about it. Early this morning, the news that the Jiang family unilaterally canceled the project spread throughout their circle.

In fact, the Jiang family also canceled several cooperation projects during the same period, but because the friendly relationship between the Ran family and the Jiang family is extraordinary, it is particularly eye-catching.

Since the real reason could not be revealed, everyone was discussing and waiting to see if the Jiang family was about to break up with the Ran family.

"In a short time, the life of Ran's family may not be easy."

Ji Hang withdrew his hand and took a sip of tea: "If the news before I came to S City is accurate, the members of the Ran family have left S City for a long time, and they just came back a while ago. There is care."

In other words, the Ran family has been under the shadow of the Jiang family for so many years.

If they lost the backing of the Jiang family, or even turned against each other, then everyone who had maintained a friendly relationship with the Ran family might also retreat.

It's so hot!

Her good sister is also a member of the Jiang family, and this is the first time for her to be so close to these gossip centers!

When you look back, you must ask Chu Xiao if this is the case.

Ji Hang took a sip of his tea, and the storyteller was as eloquent as a storyteller, and it was very interesting. When Yu Jiaojiao listened to the wealthy Xinmi with great enthusiasm, she also had doubts.

"That, Mr. Ji."


Yu Jiaojiao thought for a while, and decided to express her doubts: "You called me here to understand the structure of City S, but..."

This person clearly speaks clearly and logically!

Besides, Ji Hang knew so clearly what she didn't know, so what was she doing here, just to drink tea?

"Well... About this."

Ji Hang put down his teacup, with an embarrassed smile on his face.

Yu Jiaojiao had a bad feeling in her heart.

This person, could it be...

"Sorry, I lied to you. In fact, I didn't ask you to come here to learn about those. I just wanted to..."


Yu Jiaojiao's heart was thumping: No way, it wouldn't be what she thought!

"I just wanted to ask you to do me a favor."

After thinking about it for a while, Ji Hang looked serious: "My current CEO is actually not as comfortable as I seem to be. Would you...would you like to help me?"


Yu Jiaojiao blinked her eyes twice, feeling a sense of embarrassment welling up in her heart.

Just now, countless strange episodes of idol dramas flashed through her mind.

It turns out that in the final analysis, she still needs to help, she thought...

Cough cough, originally she wouldn't be so self-indulgent, it's all Er Shao's fault!

"Well, can you tell me what's going on first?"

Seeing that she was neither angry nor directly rejected, Ji Hang showed a reassuring smile and started talking.

The Junxin company was left by Ji Hang's father.

Originally, it was reasonable for a son to inherit his father's business, but the problem was that his father was not the only child.

"My father was out there, raised a woman, and they had a boy, much younger than me."

When it comes to family ugliness, Ji Hang is a little embarrassed.

Ji Hang's father and mother are in a business marriage, and they have no relationship, but the women outside the family are Ji's father's heart and soul.

Aiwujiwu, because of his love for his biological mother, Ji's father dotes on that illegitimate son very much, almost giving him whatever he wants, even if he doesn't ask for it, he will pass things over, instead he is perfunctory to Ji Hang.

It's not uncommon for a man in a big family to raise a few wild things from outside. Mrs. Ji maintains a dignified demeanor. At the beginning, she didn't take it seriously at all.

Father's love is not important at all, as long as the final property belongs to the child.

But the problem lies in the property.

A few years ago, Ji's father passed away due to illness, and Madam Ji found out that this guy made a will and actually gave more than half of his property to the illegitimate son, including Junxin Group, the main source of income!

And the pair of illegitimate mothers and sons used those things to show off in front of them.

Yu Jiaojiao was really shocked when she heard this, it's too miserable!

Originally, the focus of a business marriage is on a business, and everything about love is left behind, but Mrs. Ji has no love, and in the end she doesn't even have property!

This kind of selfish and irresponsible father...

Thinking of herself and others, Yu Jiaojiao felt more empathy for Ji Hang when she thought of her own experience.


Yu Jiaojiao frowned: The current Junxin, the CEO is Ji Hang!

"Then, the current company..."

Ji Hang smiled meaningfully, and there was a cold light in his eyes: "I got it back."

This... How did you get it back? Where are the illegitimate mother and child now, and what will happen to them?

Yu Jiaojiao was a little curious, but seeing Ji Hang's expression, she chose not to ask.

"Well, congratulations." She said, "Your mother will be very pleased that you are so capable."

As soon as she finished speaking, Yu Jiaojiao saw that Ji Hang's gaze had dimmed. She felt bad, and sure enough, she heard Ji Hang say in the next second, "Well, it's a pity that she can't see."

Yu Jiaojiao wanted to slap her two big mouths, and said quickly: "My condolences."

Oh my god, why would you mention someone's mother? It's a sad thing!

"It's okay, it's been many years."

He smiled wryly and shrugged his shoulders, and got back to the point: "Junxin is the property prepared for that person, and the people inside, especially the high-level people, are very loyal to him."

Ji Hang felt a little helpless: "Although I got the company, there is no one who can use me in the company."

"So, you want me to be on your side?"

"Well, as a secretary." Ji Hang nodded, "I don't have enough manpower now. The people I brought in originally are very tired just to deal with those high-level people, and I can't tell the difference at all."

"The other newcomers have traces of those high-level people, only you." Ji Hang stared at Yu Jiaojiao with blazing eyes, "Only you were recruited by me because of an accident."

"And you used to work in RC, so you definitely don't have the ability to say it."