C223 First Task


Zhu Xingxing was swallowed by the ice-cold water, and the suffocating feeling caused him to suddenly open his eyes.

It was pitch black in front of his eyes. Icy cold water gushed in from all directions!

Zhu Xingxing subconsciously shook his arm, his body shot out like an arrow out of the bow, quickly rushing out of the water.


He spat out a mouthful of water and looked around him. This was a river, and the southern bank was a wilderness. The northern bank was a forest, and on both sides of the forest were villages.

What is this place?

Zhu Xingxing's head was in extreme pain, and the messy memory fragments continued to roll about in his mind, and only after a long time did they finally settle down.

The first mission: In Linjiaohe, you will earn one million.


What do you mean?

Zhu Xingxing quickly swam to the side of the trees on the north shore and sat on a big rock, shivering. He finally understood, he had to complete this mission, otherwise his family would be in danger.

All he could think of was this, and if he continued to think about it, he would get a headache!

Zhu Xingxing sighed, his body was too cold, he looked at the village behind the forest, it was Linjiaohe.

Three days ago, he went to Linjiaohe and stayed in his home at the western end of the village. He was Lame Liu's distant nephew.

When he fell into the water earlier, it was because Lame Liu's house did not have much to eat, so he came here to fish out food due to his hunger. Who knew who he kicked?

Then, after recovering his memories, he recalled the first mission!

There was a second mission after the first mission. What exactly did he do to implicate his family and cause them to complete the mission nonstop?

Who was it that allowed him to complete these missions?

When Zhu Xingxing thought of all these, it was as if he had touched something that he should not have touched.

Forget it, I will stop thinking about it. When the time comes, I will naturally understand.

Zhu Xingxing immediately jumped into the water, after a while, he carried the two big fish that were more than 10 jin on the shore, and returned to the village.

There were more than two hundred families in Linjiaohe. Amongst the more than two hundred families, the poorest were the Lame Liu families.

Lame Liu remembered that back then, she was also a famous person. She had walked south and gone north, the little widow had drank water, she had run east and west, and had even eaten fish at a girl's house.

When he was at his best, he had several wives, and the number of wives in the village that he had never slept with could be counted on one hand.

However, in the end, he started being ungrateful, turning the whole world upside down, losing a leg and disfigured his face, and from the famous Boss Liu into a Lame Liu!

Even though Boss Liu had become a Lame Liu and his face was also ruined, not many people in the village dared to laugh at him because he was someone who would fight to the death.

The main reason for Lame Liu's current livelihood was due to the low protection of less than ten thousand yuan per year, as well as the more than twenty thousand yuan of two hectares of land that she had contracted out every year.

In the past, when he was rich, the gifts he received were already worth hundreds of thousands. He did not owe anyone anything, and no one thought that just because he was uncourteous did he not understand the ways of the world!

Lame Liu was a strange person, a person with a story, and even more so a lazy person.

Ever since he had become a Lame Liu, he would lie down and never sit down. He would not stand when he was able to sit, and he would definitely not stroll when he was able to stand occasionally.

With an income of over 30,000 yuan per year, in a remote place like Linjiaohe, he would definitely not be considered a poor middle class farmer.

Zhu Xingxing's mind went through the information of the cheap Lame Liu uncle and he returned back to the Lame Liu's courtyard.

The yard was dark and the house was dark.

Lame Liu did not sleep. She was lying on the brick bed in the east room listening to the radio.

What he heard was the version of Old Master Tian and it was also the most classic version. It was even more classic than the version of Old Master Yuan and Solo.

At least, that was what Zhu Xingxing thought.

He still had memories of this aspect. It seemed that someone had tampered with his memories. The method was very ingenious, allowing him to lose his memories.

Zhu Xingxing entered the house and turned on the door light. He found a basin and scissors and sat under the door light to cut open the stomach of the big fish, preparing to eat the stewed fish.

At home, there was all sorts of salt and rice, but there were no dishes.

Now that the food was here, he could make a sumptuous dinner to eat.

Ten or so minutes later, Zhu Xingxing cleaned up the two big fish and placed them on the pot stand. After preparing all the things that he needed, he went to the west side of the house and brought back a bunch of dried old wood pieces, then used the kitchen's branches to light the fire. He put in the wood pieces, washed the pot with oil and poured the oil into the pot.

The room was filled with a rich fragrance.

Zhu Xingxing used an electric cooker to fill up the rice. He then started to put the other big fish onto some of the ingredients and used the remaining cooked oil to soak it in.

There was no refrigerator at home, so he could only use this more primitive method to keep the food fresh.

If he wanted to earn money, he had to first ensure that he did not starve. If he did not have a good body, how would he be able to earn a million in a place like Linjiaohe?

After Lame Liu finished listening to the evaluation paper, she got up to go to the toilet. Seeing Zhu Xingxing sitting by the stove pit in a daze, he asked, "Why are you so wet?"

"I'm out of fish, I'm too lazy to take off my clothes." When Zhu Xingxing gave him a reminder, he realized that he had forgotten to change his clothes.

He got up and went downstairs to take a shower before going back to the west room to open his luggage. There was a very nice faint fragrance in the trunk, and his heart suddenly tightened. An exceptionally beautiful face appeared before his eyes.

But the face blurred for a moment, and then, thinking, his head began to hurt again.

Zhu Xingxing frowned and changed into a set of clothes, then rummaged through the room's only luggage, which was filled with clothes, without anything else.

No, there was also a bank card and a slip of paper. It read: If you have enough money, someone will come and find you. If you cannot leave the Linjiaohe, if you leave once, you will have one less person in your family, and you will have to bear the consequences!

Zhu Xingxing looked at the note for a long time before placing both his bank card and the note back into the bottom layer of the box.

Closing the box, Zhu Xingxing opened the outer room door and let out some heat. He lifted the lid of the pot to see that the big fish had already been stewed and added the onion and green chilli powder.

When the meal was ready, the electric cooker was brought to the east room. He placed the liquor and wine cups on the table and began to eat.

The big fish was very fresh, and the taste of the wild was very good. He ate two bites, then said, "From now on, when you come to cook, tell the Widow Chang in the small shop what you need, you don't need to pay. We will settle this later."

"Do you two have something to settle with each other?"

Zhu Xingxing brought a cup of wine for himself, poured a cup of wine and clinked it with Lame Liu's, drank it all in one gulp.

The father and son duo drank half a pail of white wine. Lame Liu drank too much and started to sing a song.

Zhu Xingxing did not drink too much, but he could not take it anymore. As he cleaned up the table, his tears started dripping down his face. He did not know why he wanted to cry, but he could not help it!

After cleaning up, he turned off the lights in the east room and went to sleep.

Zhu Xingxing did not go over. Instead, he returned to the west room and laid down on the hot brick bed. He let his thoughts run wild for a while and quickly fell asleep.

He dreamt of many people and things.

Suddenly waking up, Zhu Xingxing touched his face, it was wet, he did not know if it was sweat or tears.

Zhu Xingxing stared blankly at the newspaper paste on the roof for a while before his eyes started to focus.

He looked at the quartz clock on the wall. It was already 8 in the morning. It was time to wake up!

After washing his face and rinsing his mouth, Zhu Xingxing did not enter the east room. The evaluation that had already sounded out clearly stated one thing: Lame Liu had already woken up, but he was too lazy to get up.

It was summer now, and dawn came very early. It was already around 8 AM, and the temperature had already reached a very high level.

However, Linjiaohe was leaning against three rivers. The flowing river carried away a lot of steam and brought about a cool breeze, making the village pretty cool.

After getting rid of a big fish last night, Zhu Xingxing didn't like to eat things that were too oily in the morning. Furthermore, his mind wasn't on things to eat, but about how he could earn a million just by leaving the village!

Zhu Xingxing walked out of the courtyard as a motorcycle roared past. It had been raining the night before, and the road was filled with puddles of water. The motorcycle had lifted all the water out of the puddles and splashed all over him.

Casually picking up a brick, Zhu Xingxing threw it fiercely towards it.


The man on the motorbike had his arm broken and his hand was shaking. He plunged the bike into the rain-filled ditch at the side of the road and sank to the ground.

Zhu Xingxing gave an indifferent glance and returned to his room to change. He washed and dried his clothes, then once again left the courtyard.

His memories told Zhu Xingxing that these kids riding motorcycles were all brats from the Chen Family in the west. As for the wealthier ones over there, they all bought broken motorcycles and continued to brag about themselves in the surrounding villages and towns.

The brat whom he had just smashed a brick with was one of their accomplices. He had already been scooped up and drowned to death by the side of the road.

No one would know who did it. When Zhu Xingxing took action, he paid attention to his surroundings.

The Linjiaohe did not have any surveillance system like Waving Slowly, even their cellphones did not exist … …

It wasn't much, let alone a surveillance camera. It was simply bullsh * t!

The nearby villagers also saw the commotion, and quickly surrounded them. A few brats did not dare to blow their feathers with the villagers, Linjiaohe used to be a famous bandit's nest, but now, there were no longer bandits, and it was not so easy to provoke.

Normally, when they passed by here, they wouldn't be as cocky as they were in other villages and towns. They were afraid of getting beaten up!