Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The currency in circulation was usually copper coins and silver coins.

The exchange between these two coins was done in decimals, but the price of gold fluctuated. Sometimes, it could be exchanged for 15 silver coins, and sometimes, it could only be exchanged for 8 silver coins.

Lin Suo exchanged 50 gold coins for 524 silver coins.

He purchased a large amount of jerky to prepare for his breathing technique.

Afterward, he went to the pharmacy and bought a lot of medicinal herbs, which were mainly used to nourish the blood and organs and refresh one’s mind.

It was a medieval Western-style pharmacy.

However, it was simply not a place for a human to stay for long.

Most of them used external medicine, knives, hand axes, and other bloodletting and amputation tools.

The shelves in the room were filled with bottles and jars.

Each bottle either contains ground herbs or prepared medicine. It was a one-stop service for buying medicine and seeing a doctor.

Lin Suo went to a few shops before he managed to find a few herbs that he recognized.

The main thing was that he found mint.

This thing was refreshing and suitable for those who were planning to stay up late. The effects it could bring would help him break through the Knight realm as soon as possible and strengthen his physical strength in order to protect himself.

According to the principle of [Overlapping Compound], the super-concentrated mint liquid was even more stimulating than essential balm when applied to a person’s chin (human).

As such, Lin Suo had to endure for three days and two nights.

He did not eat for more than three minutes and did not take more than one minute to poop.

He solved his personal problems at the speed of light and overloaded his body with training.

This kind of training method would definitely be wasted by ordinary people, but Lin Suo was different.

The synthesized tonic had made him full of energy and nutrients, and he needed to digest them. In addition, with every practice, there would be progress. It made his body seem to have no upper limit, and he absorbed the excessive nutrients like a hungry man.

In such a short period of time.

He had made a significant change in his stats.

[Lin Suo]

[Age: 19 (72)]

[Talent: Myriad Synthesis]

[Level: Intermediate Knight (1/100)]

[Transcendence: Moon Plate Breathing Technique +4 (3/100)]

[Skill: None]

[Art: Padoron Common Language +3 (5/100)]

[Status: Healthy]

The strength of an Intermediate Knight was already extraordinary. Lin Suo could easily break through the wall and jump nearly two feet high with all his strength.

His muscles were firm and smooth.

His height had also increased, reaching an average of 1.8 meters. He finally did not have to look up and stare at others.

His exquisite features became a little rougher and more masculine.

It was very much to his liking.

He had only spent 10 Gold Coins and put in a lot of effort to make the changes in the past few days, and the results were gratifying.

It was the Moon Plate Breathing Technique, and it was now the fourth time it had been strengthened.

The technique was already at the golden level. If it was to turn red again, it would reach its limit. Without the advantage of a high-level cultivation technique, the speed of cultivation would be much slower.

Now, he was no longer in a hurry.

After a good day of rest, he began to think about getting a “new” identification from Karl.

The ‘old’ one was lost on the battlefield, and he wanted to make up a perfect story.

He still had to eat books.

Two days later.

Chardin Private Bookstore.

He had already sold the blue and white striped leather windbreaker.

Wearing that outfit had always made him feel an inexplicable sense of shame when others looked at him.

He was wearing a different style of tight-fitting clothes with a black robe on the outside. He did not look bloated, but rather a little thinner…

There weren’t many Chardin Books.

It did not involve any supernatural powers and was mainly based on stories, biographies, and travel notes.

Of course, there were also some functional books on pharmacy and identification.

Lin Suo had visited almost all the bookstores, but he did not gain much.

According to the classification.

The storybooks written in the common language of Padoron were stacked together by him. There was actually a small bug in his ability to consume the language books. As long as it was something that he had never seen before, eating it would increase his proficiency.

Unlike the Moon Plate Breathing Technique, even if he copied it again and combined it with other books, he would still be able to use it.

It didn’t give any feedback on his proficiency.

There were a total of 30 books in the first base, and Lin Suo estimated that he could break through to the maximum level in the Padoron Common Language and fill the progress bar.

There were a total of eight books in the second base, all of which were on pharmacy, medicine identification, pharmacology, and some prescriptions. They were considered medical books, but they were not rigorous enough. Bloodletting therapy was almost regarded as a divine technique by them.

The degree of truth becomes confusion, the truth is mixed with falsehood, and the falsehood is mixed with truth.

There were only two books in the third base. The difference was that they were written in elvish.


When he thought of that word, the image of a long-legged lady with blonde hair and pointy ears naturally appeared in Lin Suo’s mind.

It was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

The Elves generally did not live together with humans.

However, in the Magus World, it was a different situation. Elven Magi were proficient in nature sorcery and controlled plants and the power of life. They were very powerful.

Moreover, elves were long-lived species. Over time, there would always be some old monsters left in the race. Almost no one wanted to bear the risk of becoming enemies with them.

These two books recorded the difficult adventures of a half-elf ranger.

After all of them were synthesized and condensed into three books.

Lin Suo ate them one by one, and a large amount of knowledge immediately appeared in his mind. He sorted them out one by one, and when he woke up, it was already the next day.


[Lin Suo]

[Age: 19 (72)]]

[Talent: Myriad Synthesis]

[Level: Intermediate Knight (3/100)]

[Transcendence: Moon Plate Breathing Technique +4 (7/100)]

[Skill: None]

[Art: Padoron Common Language (red/extreme), Elven Language (50/100), Medicine +1 (34/100)]

[Status: Healthy]

The situation was very good.

After rubbing his slightly aching head for a while, Lin Suo ate a meal of nutritious jerky and went out again.

Karl had been thoroughly investigated.

He was lustful, greedy, arrogant, and despotic, but he did not bully the commoners much. The ones he bullied were the small nobles.

Moreover, he especially liked beautiful women.

As for why he didn’t oppress the commoners, it was naturally because there was no profit to be gained. The act of snatching the wives of commoners was extremely rare in this world.

It was not as common as in novels.

Because the commoners did not have much money to spare, the first choice for a wife was not her appearance, but her physique.

For those who were good-looking, their fathers would usually send them to noble families to work as maids and earn a commission.

He had already made some kind of preparations.

If the family was a little worse off, there would be quite a lot of prostitutes who would be taken away from their families. These were mostly mercenaries from other places. If they were taken back to their hometown, there would not be a strange situation where the neighbors would have deep interactions with their wives.

Prostitutes from this kind of family background were quite beautiful and appealing.

However, the nobles still rarely took a fancy to them.

Lin Suo contacted a brothel keeper today and asked her to find two good-looking foreign prostitutes.

He was going to bring it to the hotel so that Karl could have some fun and get rid of his suspicions.

After all, the proof of identity could only be verified with his help.

Leaving with no other choice, Lin Suo pinched his nose and spent the money.

At night, Karl had only been in the house for five minutes. Lin Suo had just made himself a cup of tea and had not had the time to sit down.

Karl walked out happily.

Karl, the quick gun, really lived up to his reputation.

“Brother Karl.”

“Brother Rhine.”

Lin Suo took out the money pouch that he had prepared beforehand and stuffed it into his arms without batting an eyelid.

“Brother Karl, I’ve been away from home for almost a year. I want to go back as soon as possible. Would you like to help me?”


Karl rolled his eyes and weighed the money bag.